The Empress tidied up her mood, covered her eyes with surprise and revealed a faint look. "I heard that Lord Nalan was made by Lady Yu?"

How did Na Lanqing get involved in Lady Yu when she was one leng?
"Back to the Empress!"
"Ten years ago, Mrs. Jade was the first talented woman in Beijing, Yan Qing, and she was so proud that she didn’t expect her son to grow so big when she passed by for more than ten years …" The empress sighed softly as if remembering something.
She paused. "But Mrs. Yu, the adult of Nalan, doesn’t look more like Wu ‘an Hou!"
Na Lanqing’s eyes were dark and calm, and there was no temperature in them. Some of them were as calm as water. She smiled. "It’s normal to follow your father, your daughter and your mother instead of your mother!"
Empress took a cup of tea again and finally said faintly, "That’s the same thing!"
Then she stopped talking.
The two sides have been silent …
When the Prime Minister’s wife saw it, she revealed a bit of doubt. Shouldn’t she give this Nalanqing some color to see see?
Why doesn’t the empress say anything?
She couldn’t help it. "It’s time to make a decision when you get married, right? When will you marry Cher? "
"Father said that a month later is a good day. What should be done must be done and Miss Cher cannot be wronged!" Na Lanqing sat there and accepted the three people to examine her. It was natural that she was neither humble nor humble.
"This time, the Palace has also heard some grievances against Lord Nalan!" Empress slightly narrowed her eyes and then seemed to think of something. She suddenly laughed. "By the way, the harem can be regarded as a family staying at Kunning Palace for dinner today. Somebody ask Taitai to come to the palace for dinner at noon today!"
Not giving Nalanqing a chance to refuse, the queen forced her to stay.
Although the family is Nalanqing Thyme, what is going on in the eyes of outsiders? Everyone knows that one by one is doing blind things, but it is what Nalanqing is now holding.
The news came out from the imperial palace …
Na Lanqing has a chamber of commerce called April Chamber of Commerce.
If it’s an ordinary chamber of commerce, forget it. It’s just that this chamber of commerce is a deadly weapon.
And all sides want weapons …
Now everyone has never really seen this kind of weapon, but they are not as contemptuous as before.
After talking with the Empress for a while in Kunning Palace, Na Lanqing was allowed to stroll in the back garden when a emerald figure came over and she smiled gracefully. "Congratulations, my husband … not my brother-in-law!"
The newcomer is a hundred miles.
Seeing the former enemy, she looks very jealous. Today, she is very gentle and elegant, and she talks before laughing.
Na Lanqing raised his eyebrows with a faint blur in his eyes, and his eyes narrowed slightly. "So it was Miss Baili who had something to do?"
"The second husband will be so polite. After you marry my sister, you will be a family!" Thyme Flour walked to her side, very close to Nalanqing’s side, and her chest seemed to rub her arm lightly to seduce her, which meant a lot.
NaLanQing slightly take a step back to pull her distance.
A hundred miles closer to a point, suddenly her body tilted. "Oh …"
Directly poured NaLanQing arms thyme flocculant son with a disdain sneer at hum is just a man to seduce her heart without hook.
Priscilla wants a wife?
Hum, what about marrying a wife? Without a man’s heart, she deserves to be widowed.
Lai doesn’t walk in Nalanqing’s arms for a long time, twisting his eyebrows painfully. "Oh, it hurts … my foot seems to be twisted …"
Na Lanqing looked at her, holding her steady behind her with both hands, and then quickly stepped back. She solemnly said, "Men and women can’t give or receive clearly. Please respect yourself!"
Thyme flocculant son face fierce a stiff words made her like to also deliberately seduce … Although it is intentional.
But I can’t get through …
She bowed her head and wept with reddish eyes. "Flour, what did you do to make the two men unhappy?" I didn’t mean to twist my foot … I … "
"Na Lanqing, don’t go too far. It’s not enough to marry Priscilla. Now you’re trying to seduce Miss Xu?" At this time, a neutral voice roared, and anger could be heard from the sound.
Na Lanqing looked back at the person in front of her. She casually hooked her lips. "Who are you?"
"You …" The bearer is Qu Guanyang, the grandson of the old general who just went to talk to Na Lanqing.
"Do you know Lao Qu Guanyang now?" QuGuanYang a high roar, especially eyes look to one side thyme flocculant son red eyes he instantly distressed strode past "flocculant son miss are you ok? Is this dude bullying you? "
"Er Gong didn’t bully me … it’s my fault … I shouldn’t have made him angry …" Thyme Flocculant hurriedly shook his head and was afraid to look at NaLanQing very wronged.
Is it okay to see others like this?
Especially in love with Bai Li Xu Er Qu Guanyang.
This is simply a provocation.
"Do you want to face a man bullying a weak woman, Na Lanqing?"
Most of this human brain is sick!

Ma Guangmeng glanced at Zhou Xingfeng and said, "What do you think of Lao Zhou?"

Zhou Xingfeng said, "Although we are not afraid of him, we have brought a lot of archers this time. Do you want to draw them out?"
Ma Guang patted Zhou Xingfeng on the shoulder and laughed. "What is it? Is to do that. "
Zhou Xingfeng also laughed. "Then Beizhi took three soldiers to lead them out."
Ma Guangmeng nodded and rushed to Pan Mei and said, "Brother Pan, you should also go. After all, you are familiar with this area and your accent is close."
Pan Mei nodding since he followed Ma Guangmeng to return home, he has been looking forward to this day for a long time. After all, a fire here will naturally attract some loyalists and reduce the pressure on Dazhai.
Smoothing down the town, the 3 Nanping Army teams are lying in the bed of a big family in the town, hugging a woman I don’t know where to rob. The woman’s clothes are all except the eyes. Pear blossoms are crying. The team is smashing it. The mouth is unusually satisfied. The big hand is wandering around the woman’s plump body. Suddenly, it seems that the heart is bored. Suddenly, the woman’s buttocks say, "If you cry again, you will kill your grandmother. Old people will rush from Jiangling City to this bird-free place. Shouldn’t you be filial to the old?"
The woman trembled and stopped crying, but her heart was bitter, but she couldn’t hide that Zhang was about to get angry. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door in a panic and said, "A captain, it’s not good. The mountain of seven villages has come and has been killed in town."
Team Zhang is no longer ignoring the woman getting out of bed and dressing, and asks, "This group of bastards still dare to kill the door, and it is another credit to hurry up and order their brothers to kill."
Zhou Xingfeng is fighting at the mouth of the town, looking at the gathering trend of Nanping Army, giving Pan Meishi a color. Pan Mei shouted, "The point is too hard, and the brothers are screaming." Then he turned around and ran away, and more than three soldiers retired because of the border war.
A captain surnamed Zhang just arrived at the town entrance and saw that this group of bandits had retreated far away. He asked, "How many bandits are there?"
The sergeant next to him replied, "There are not many humanitarians, only twenty or thirty, but the hand is too cruel and has already hurt two of our brothers."
"Hey hey this group of people still want to run? Everyone chased and caught these people and forced them to ask where their camp was. This is a great contribution. "Said this captain, yelling and urging the foot soldiers to chase it."
Zhou Xingfeng is afraid that if you don’t catch up with them and say, "Brothers, get out of here and stop fighting," those Yuezhou soldiers who fought behind actually threw a sword and left their ass and ran.
Zhang, a captain, laughed when he saw this. His heart was really a group of people who had never seen the world before. Do you want to run? So he urged the soldiers to catch up even more
This escape and a chase slowly arrived in Bashan, and now it’s noon. These bandits turned several turns in the mountain and actually disappeared and lost the tracking object. This Bashan was quiet in an instant.
Zhang, a captain, felt a sudden jump in his heart and touched his forehead. He was just about to say hello to everyone when he launched it. He heard a sharp arrow coming head-on. Before he had any reaction, Zhang was right in the middle of his throat. Zhang was in his mouth. "Ho, ho," and the two soldiers fell to the ground. When they turned around, they saw Zhang’s limbs twitching, their eyes turned white and they vomited blood. At the end of the day, they were dead, and they didn’t know who was shaking their hands. A weapon fell to the ground with a loud bang.
Look at the casualties after the war. The Yuezhou soldiers were actually "dead". Several people were injured. Just look at the casualties. At Ma Guangmeng, Zhou Xingfeng, the Nanping army, looked at the eyes naturally and asked if he would handle these Nanping prisoners. "Kill no one alive."
Zhou Xingfeng said one leng, "I’m afraid the general will fight to the death with us if he is so young from Nanping."
Ma Guangmeng laughed and said, "We will demoralize the Nanping army and then slowly disintegrate them."
Pan Mei said aside, "It’s true that you don’t know that these people are scum. People in Wuzhai don’t know what they have ruined. Killing them is also to export gas to Nanping people."
Zhou Xingfeng nodded his head and didn’t say much. Ma Guangmeng saw that things were finished and said, "Let’s pack up our things and have a good rest in Smoothing Town today, but don’t harass the people who disobey orders."
Ma Guangmeng said to Pan Mei about the weapons left by Nanping Army, "After that, we will often fight with Nanping Army in this mountain and leave. We will never stay so many weapons. It is impossible for us to take them with us. If you want to take them in the cottage, you must prepare well, but you can’t follow our soldiers. You can only get them after we have fought a battle."
Pan Mei nodded and said, "Thank you so much, General, and I don’t know about training shanzhai."
Ma Guangmeng said to this Zhou Xingfeng, "Lao Zhou, you took the disabled and that a few report candidates went to Qizhai to train them. Hey, hey, we’re going to turn this three counties back to the state upside down."
Chapter 11 Yueyang Tower ()
"Yueyang Tower was built in the late Han Dynasty, when Lu Su of Soochow built the Yuejun Tower to train the water army. Before the Tang Dynasty, this building was destroyed by war several times. In the Tang Dynasty, Zhang said that it was rebuilt in the former site of Lu Su’s parade platform after being demoted to Yuezhou. Today, there are still drawings sent by Lu Ban."
Zhao Pu and Kan Kan talked about the story of the smell of Yueyang Tower. Zi Ying, Jing Niang and Qiao Niang were naturally interested in asking questions around him. Xi Ma Yun looked at it and couldn’t wait to kick Zhao Pu away. I secretly regretted that I shouldn’t bring Zhao Pu.
After a while, Ma Yun finally took Ziying and Jingniang to visit Yuezhou. Ziying wanted to travel. Qiaoniang naturally wanted to follow. I didn’t know where Zhao Pu learned the news, but he also followed him. What did he say to relax? "One by one, civil and military" Ma Yun was also embarrassed to accuse Zhao Pu of being his own miner, so since he came out to play, he had to watch the Yueyang Tower, one of the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River (others)
Zhao Pu was well-informed and knowledgeable, so he told the story of Yueyang Tower that it was so vivid and moving that even Ma Yun sometimes couldn’t help but be amazed. This attracted the attention of Ziying and Jingniang, and made Ma Yun want to take the opportunity to improve and cultivate the relationship between husband and wife. After the plan was completed, he was naturally unhappy.
This group of people refitted the secretariat mansion and chatted all the way. Soon they came to Yueyang Tower. The wooden structure of Yueyang Tower has four huge columns to support a total of three cornices. From a distance, the helmet looks like a flying wing. When Kunpeng came close, he found that the building looks dark gray, and there is a short couplet hanging on the first floor. It should have been red lacquer characters, and it is also a little mottled. According to Zhao Pu’s introduction, this short couplet is from the hand of the poet Li Bai.
However, Ziying and others looked at Zhao Pu and Zhao Pu with a little doubt. Just now, they said that this Yueyang Tower was magnificent after the reconstruction in Zack Zhang. It can be said that it is a famous building in the south of the Yangtze River, but now it is not the same thing. Zhao Pu Shan Shan said, "This smell is really so. Maybe there have been frequent wars in recent years, and Yueyang Tower must be war-hardened."
Qiao Niang snorted heavily and ignored him. He turned to Ziying and said, "Miss, let’s go and have a look at our building."
Ziying looked at Ma Yun. Ma Yun said with a smile, "Since we are here, we will wait to see the ancient saying that the scenery is limited to the roof."
Zhao Pu just quoted the ancient saying how majestic Yueyang Tower was, and the ancient saying how broad Yueyang Tower was, which influenced Ma Yun. At this moment, he couldn’t help but open his mouth and say, "The ancients’ way". However, when it comes to the ancient saying that Ma Yun’s belly is really limited, he can tamper with the poem of Chairman Mao, a great leader, to pretend to be the ancients’ saying, but Ziying and others are not knowledgeable people, so he actually got away with it in Zhao Pu. Because he was ridiculed by Qiao Niang just now, he was thinking about saving himself and didn’t even recognize that Ma Yun forged the ancient saying
A group of people walked to the third floor, overlooking the window, and the breeze caressed them. The mood also widened, and there were many distant places. Junshan was lush and Yueyang Tower looked at Dongting Lake, and the white sails were inlaid like gems and jewels in the vicinity of a blue lake.
Zhao Pu shook his head and read aloud, "Louguan Yueyang is full of Sichuan and Dongting geese lead a sad heart to the mountain. It’s a good month, and it’s cool after drinking."
This poem should be in line with the situation. Ma Yun couldn’t help admiring "Good poem"
Qiao Niang looked at Zhao Pu with blinking eyes and said, "Did you write this?"
Ma Yun didn’t know much about ancient poetry. Zhao Pu slowly read it lightly, but he did it on the spot. It happened that Qiao Niang didn’t know what to ask. At this moment, it turned out that Zhao Pu was embarrassed. Ma Yunxin suddenly turned out that this little girl was also stealing Zhao Pu’s help. Ma Yun had the heart to get him to talk and suddenly listened to someone behind him saying, "Li Bai deserves a poem and a fairy tale."
Ma Yun and others turned their heads and saw a man strolling along the stairs. He was about three years old and nodded at Ma Yun and others briefly. He didn’t say much. He strolled to the left window and looked out. He suddenly said, "Look at Dongting Lake today. Imagine how spectacular it was when Lu Su was training here. It’s a pity that the hero has passed away and can make people pay tribute to the window." He suddenly sighed and said, "I had always heard of Lake Dongting is now Yueyang Tower, with Wu country to the east of me and Chu to the south Gankun, Sun and Moon Floating, and relatives and friends. I am old and sick and alone with my boat Rongma Mountain, North and here by the rail how can I help crying?’s heroes have made Shu famous, and the generations also know
Qiaoniang was interrupting Zhao Pu only to be interrupted by this person, so forget it. It’s arrogant to know that this person has finished interrupting and ignored them to see the scenery by themselves. But this person suddenly came to the window and sighed with emotion. Qiaoniang said, "How do you know that there are no heroes in heaven?"
The man smiled and said, "It has been more than 30 years since the death of the Tang Dynasty, and we still can’t see the trend of unification of heaven. Isn’t this a world hero?"
Speaking of the general theory, Tian Qiaoniang is far from being choked back by that man’s airy words. Zhao Pu suddenly broke his heart and exulted that it was time for the hero to save the United States. He opened his mouth and said, "Isn’t it a hero and a result after years of trouble?"
The man sneered and said, "Is it a hero to extort money by force? If you really think so, it is natural to say."
Zhao Pu is experienced in the struggle, but he doesn’t take this opportunity to re-export and says, "Then it’s going to be like this all the time."
The man smiled and looked at Zhao Pu and listened attentively to Ma Yun’s saying, "Although the sky is a hero, there are still two people with heroic potential."
Ma Yun was full of interest and asked, "Dare you ask Sir, are those people?"
The man laughed "Shi Jin Liu Zhiyuan Department".

After listening to Mo Zihan’s words, Yi Chen and the cold wind nodded, but in fact, they were still puzzled. The windmill was made of paper because it was very light, so the wind would blow. But if it was made of pure iron, where could it be blown by the wind?

It seems that Mo Zihan said, "When you two want to go back, sometimes I will make one for you."
"two! Who are you going to give it to? " Easy dust discontentedly mouth MoZiHan and cold wind feelings if you do a must be cold wind to.
"Okay, two, just two. These people are all dead. Let’s go to the front."
Pull back the digression. Mo Zihan goes to the dense forest ahead. Easy dust and cold wind follow quickly.
When I first entered the dense forest, I saw two people lying in the Woods. One of them was injured by a sharp weapon in the chest like others, and the other one had already died.
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Chapter 371 371 Wulin scourge [6]
The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!
"He’s still breathing," said Yi Chen, and he pulled the man’s clothes to check his injury.
"There is still a wound in the chest, but fortunately there is no sad pulse."
Mo Zihan squatted and picked up the personal token with the word "Castle Peak" engraved on it.
"They are from the Castle Peak School." Mo Zihan frowned when he spoke.
See mozihan so easy to dust and cold wind also sighed.
Mo Zihan is not a nosy person. She mostly turns a blind eye to the dead people on the road. But recently, I don’t know who killed the people in the rivers and lakes with the signboard of Tuoli, which led to the dissatisfaction of the whole rivers and lakes with the practice of the North Vietnamese emperor.
That’s why they rushed back to North Vietnam from Luo Zhi after receiving the news.
"Who dares to frame the Emperor of North Vietnam?" Easy dust also frown way
At the beginning, they were Luo Yuling of Luo Zhi, or the evil spirits were doing such a thing, that is, they took revenge.
However, in Luo Zhi for half a year, all the information in Mingtang pointed to the border of North Vietnam near the border of Xiliang, and they just came back. Baiyun Mountain Villa is located in Lucheng, which is the closest city to Xiliang.
I didn’t expect such a thing to happen at the door just after I got back.
"Feng, go back and find a carriage. He’s so badly hurt that he can’t ride a horse again."
When Luo Qingyun woke up, it was already the next afternoon.
Luo Qingyun opened his eyes in a burst of pain in his chest.
This is a strange bed, a clean bed with the smell of soap was put on his house, clean and tidy, and the sun shone in and just sprinkled on him
Reaching out and touching the wound that had been bandaged, he was surprised to find that he had miraculously recovered a life in those hands.
After lying in bed for a while, no one came into the house.
Hungry, Luo Qingyun struggled to get up and prepare for bed to see who saved him.
Just as he was preparing his bed, an old man of about fifty or sixty years old came in.
See Luo Qingyun woke up and propped himself up to prepare the bed and immediately helped him to lie back.
"You are badly hurt, this time you should not walk in bed," the old man said as he rebuilt the quilt for Luo Qingyun.
"Old man … are you saved?" Luo Qingyun asked hoarsely.
The old man laughed. "Of course it’s not saving the public, it’s my master. I’m from here."
"Dare to ask the old man what is your calling name?"
"My home is called Han Mo."
"Han Mo ….." Luo Qingyun repeated the name in his cognition as if he had never heard of Han Mo’s name.
"Then where is this?"
"This is Baiyun Mountain Villa"
"Baiyun Mountain Villa …" Luo Qingyun still hasn’t heard of "This Baiyun Mountain Villa is in Lucheng?"
"Yes, this is outside the foot of the city."
The old man replied that Luo Qingyun nodded clearly. It seems that the place where he was injured should be not far from the Baiyun Mountain Villa, and the owner of this villa should have just passed by to save him.
If you like it, please click here to update the latest chapter of "the tyrant’s henpecked loser goes against the sky" for the convenience of the tyrant’s henpecked loser.
Chapter 372 372 Wulin scourge [7]
The fastest update tyrant henpecked loser after the latest chapter!
"Wait a minute, old man. You’ve cooked porridge. You’ve been in a coma for a day and a night. Are you hungry?"
Luo Qingyun is embarrassed, but more grateful to "please the old man"
After the old man went out, Luo Qingyun sighed with emotion that he was deadly.
I don’t know how many generations his ancestors have accumulated before he can survive in the hands of such a vicious killer and get the kind help from the owner of Baiyun Mountain Villa.
The old man soon came into the room with porridge and side dishes, fed him medicine and helped him lie down.
The old man took care of him very carefully and didn’t say much. Afterwards, he told him to have a good rest and have something to pull by the bed. After ringing the bell, he left the door and never came in again.
The old man’s actions made Luo Qingyun feel warm in his heart and also had a great affection for the owner of Baiyun Mountain Villa.
After a while, the old man knocked at the door and waited for Luo Qingyun to answer before coming in.
"My master is back and he wants to visit you. Do you agree?"
"Your master is a lifesaver, and he is very grateful for coming to visit." What Luo Qingyun said is from the bottom of his heart. It seems that the owner of Baiyun Mountain Villa is not only good-hearted, but also a polite person.
Luo Qingyun was petrified when Mo Zihan appeared in the room with a smile.
In his imagination, he can own a mountain villa and be so kind as to teach such a person who knows manners. This person must be a middle-aged man. Luo Qingyun automatically positioned his image as a kind-hearted old man before meeting Mo Zihan.
However, when I saw a white brocade with only a silver gold thread woven around my waist, I was shocked by the simple dress of other decorations.
What kind-hearted old man is this? In front of him is a seventeen-year-old boy! Moreover, he is a powder-carved jade carving with an extremely delicate appearance, which should be the most exquisite big boy he has ever seen!
"You … are you Han Mo?" Luo Qingyun thinks he knows manners, but when he saw Mo Zihan, he was so surprised that he forgot his manners.
Mo Zihan is not surprised by Luo Qingyun’s surprise. For her, it is almost a prelude to her every appearance.
Mo Zihan deliberately lowered his voice and smiled faintly. "Now Han Mo doesn’t know what brother should be called?"
"In … in Luo Qingyun"
"It turned out to be Brother Luo" Mo Zihan fuels Jianli.
Seeing Mo Zihan and seeing Luo Qingyun, I just recovered from my surprise and said with a fist, "Qingyun doesn’t know the rank of the Korean brothers this year?"
"It’s a genius for Korean brothers to have such a big industry at such a young age."
Mo Zihan laughed. "This villa is a property left by my ancestors. I’m just defending my ancestral business."
"Even if the ancestral property is well managed by the Korean brothers, it is really unexpected that the Korean brothers can not only have such a big villa at an early age, but also have a bodhisattva heart. Thanks to the help of the Korean brothers, they will not see the sun today." Luo Qingyun sighed with emotion.

In the end, I won’t win the top spot of vision and become the title brother of that life!

Now it is self-evident that monks are plotting to enter the ancient battlefield with the seven-level pagoda.
Of course, although the seven pagoda in the hearts of all people is better than the chaotic sea of vision, it is still a little worse
The hall is full of snow, and the true gentleman frowned lightly. "I’m afraid this vision list competition will be extremely fierce!" In the past, many ancient visions came almost to the top, but this time it was different. "
For example, people slaughter corpses, mountains and rivers of blood, see monks, and the seven-level pagoda is among them.
"There are many lost ancient visions that reappear in the world! This kind of struggle and collision is extremely rare even in ancient times! "
"You must be careful," mused Zhenjun. "Don’t fight for the height of the emperor."
Sue ink look calm noncommittally.
Emperor Yin is famous for a long time after all.
A hundred years ago, Emperor Yin, who was in his thirties, fought for the top spot by suppressing the major tianjiao.
Many monks seem to be weaker than Di Yin, although Su Mo has risen rapidly in recent years and several wars have pushed his name to the top.
Just then, a figure galloped in.
Ji Chengtian entered the hall to catch his breath and said slowly with a dignified look, "Emperor Yin is here!"
In an instant, all the monks in the original hall sat quietly in the training room with their eyes open.
No one can look at this name!
The whole Vientiane City seems to be boiling!
Chapter seven hundred and twenty-two Emperor Yin put people!
Su Mo long body and eyes Zhan Ran.
Even he can’t keep calm when he hears this name!
Ten years ago, he buried the dragon at the bottom of the valley and both sides were slightly injured.
Moreover, Di Yin is that only one who can be undefeated in melee!
I don’t know how this person got the chance to practice, and how many adventures actually made the physical body so terrible!
Su Mo is more curious about what this person has grown to after ten years!
Shua shua shua!
A series of figures rose.
They came to the most square of the hall overlooking Vientiane City.
Almost at the same time, the figure rises in Vientiane City.
Emperor Yin’s entry into the city has attracted much attention!
An earth-shattering roar
A monster beast with a huge and ferocious face runs rampant in the long street, and the people in front of him change color with horror and retreat in succession.
This monster’s hair is extremely long, and its body looks like a tiger’s face, tiger’s feet, and pig’s mouth and teeth are ten feet long, and four sharp horns rise into the sky.
Too old and fierce!
Many monks in Vientiane City come riding their own spirit beasts.
But in front of this, these spirits and beasts have become extremely honest and silent!
An ancient species in front of us dodged and was swallowed with blood!

Su Mo, if Xiaoxiang Goddess lives!

"What did you say!"
Xiaoxiang Goddess was shocked, her qi and blood floated, but her arms almost collapsed!
Xiaoxiang Goddess screamed and stared at Su Mo and said, "God, he can’t die! No one in the same class can suppress him! "
Xiaoxiang Goddess suddenly thought of one thing: the Emperor God still has a great magical charm, and she sank, "Even the Mahayana bodhi old zu can’t kill the Emperor God!"
"What’s more, I really don’t believe that anyone dares to be bold enough to kill God at this point!"
Xiaoxiang Goddess condensed her arms and quickly calmed down and sneered, "It’s an idiotic dream for you to make up such a big lie to attack my will!"
"Your words seem to me to be full of loopholes!"
The more Xiaoxiang Goddess thinks about it, the more she feels that there is nothing wrong with her speculation.
First of all, it is a secret for the emperor and god to go to the barbarians, and he doesn’t know anything about it.
The second emperor’s god is powerful and has a great avatar to protect him. There are three ancestors around him to protect him. Who can kill him? Barbarians?
Finally, barbarians do have this strength.
But there is no reason and no need for barbarians to finish
Even if you don’t join hands with barbarians, you won’t kill the Emperor God Town completely.
Thought of here, Xiaoxiang Goddess is more determined to speculate in her heart.
Su Mo looked more confident than Xiaoxiang Goddess Root, unwilling to argue, and said simply, "You think too much."
"I need to blow your mind will? I want your life! "
After saying his word, Su Mo shot again!
Su Mo’s body flickered towards Xiaoxiang Goddess, and the blink of an eye quickly came to the crowd!
A layer of golden light in Xiaoxiang Goddess’s eyes burst into two divine lights!
The pupil of god!
The distance between the two people is too close, and the pupil technique is almost instantaneous. It will come to Su Mo’s eyes!
However, something strange is that Xiaoxiang Goddess broke out in trance and Su Mo flew out of the eyebrows with a green light.
Nature lotus!
This statue of the lotus is going round and round and flying out of the sea of knowledge, just as these two divine lights collide!
The divine light is broken and scattered in shape!
No matter how strong the pupil is, it is impossible to penetrate the lotus platform of nature.
And this short-term encounter with the vast majority of all the creatures in the eyes can’t see anything, as if it were an ordinary fight.
However, all the fierce families are secretly stunned, and there is a shock in their eyes!
Because each fierce clan can see clearly the game that happened in this short fight.
It was not Xiaoxiang Goddess who released the pupillary technique that sacrificed the natural violet.
Then it will be too late!
The real situation is that Huangwu seems to have made a prediction before Xiaoxiang Goddess counterattacked, and sacrificed the violet in front of her eyes first.
Then the god pupil was released and the violet crashed together!
Just a scene will appear.
Abandoned martial arts sacrifice the lotus platform of nature, which is almost perfect to resist the pupil of Xiaoxiang goddess.
Even after several life-and-death wars, this kind of predictive ability may not be able to hone a talent and spiritual sense!
And it takes great courage and courage!
Because if the prediction is wrong, it is very likely that the wilderness will be hit hard and fall into the wind.
Now, it is predicted that Xiaoxiang Goddess may use the pupil technique to dissolve the pupil, and Xiaoxiang Goddess suddenly loses the opportunity!
Su Mo’s eyes were full and he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out six Sanskrit sounds in a row!
"Hum! Well! What about it! Oh! Mi! Hey! "
At the same time, Su Mo’s hands are changing rapidly, which in turn condenses six great French seals to suppress Xiaoxiang Goddess!
Su Mo’s gods made a move, and violet also smashed down toward the top of Xiaoxiang Goddess!
At this moment, Su Mo broke out in a terrible offensive and almost drowned Xiaoxiang Goddess!
Xiaoxiang Goddess turned pale.
Don’t say that she is now weak in qi and blood and her fighting power has dropped sharply.
Even if she is at her peak, she may not be able to walk away!
She was shocked by the six great spells, and her ears buzzed, and she barely pulled out a golden sword to resist the past toward the lotus platform.
But the collapse of power has been condensed and shaped!
What’s more, there are six great laws and seals that are overwhelmingly suppressed!
Xiaoxiang Goddess felt a suffocation.
I don’t think much about it. She just took out the golden sword from the ring and also touched out an ofuda.
This is a protective symbol left by her mother.

Four Taoist priests who returned to the virtual world were killed and wounded, not to mention Yuan Ying Zhenjun, then Zhenren and Godsworn Tsukiji.

Whether it is the younger generation of monks or the top masters, the four clans are all competing with each other.
"This has not been destroyed, so it can be seen that the position of the misty peak can be shaken in the next Millennium!"
Sunday regrets one
This time, when he returns to the city, he will prepare many panaceas and send monks to the dimly discernible peak to send gifts.
"Go back"
Sunday waved and led the crowd away.
Su Mo followed Yan Beichen into Lei Yin Valley.
Yan Beichen waved a cloth to cut off the rolling outside. Lei Yin then quietly looked at Su Mo with a hint of scrutiny in his eyes.
"You have to go with that secret in Xuanjinsijia?" Yan Beichen suddenly asked
Su Mo nodded and said, "Thank you for your predecessors."
Yan Beichen pie pie said, "Too much thunder tactic is said to be the secret of what Lei Huang learned in his later years, but it is a pity that he got a page in the ancient battlefield."
Thunder emperor!
No wonder at the beginning, with the formula in this page, you can wash away the need in your blood.
It turns out that the thunder tactic is so big!
A few Hou Yan Beichen asked, "Did you get the sword in the ancient battlefield?"
Sumo frankly admitted
It’s normal for the monks of the Zhou Dynasty to fail to recognize the lost sea for many years.
However, in front of the super clan in mainland China, Shura Zongshen Yan Beichen is returning to the virtual environment, and the strong Su Mo art of using saber naturally hides from him.
Sue ink heart move back before didn’t think through one thing.
Thousands of years ago, Daoshan Linghai Shura lived in Tianjiao Dao …
Many clues are in front of us, and a thing that has been going on for a long time is gradually becoming clear.
"A thousand years ago, in the ancient battlefield, I got Dao Huangcheng’s Tide Volume. Shura Zongtianjiao … is it your predecessor?" Su Mo blurted out.
Yan Beichen nodded.
Su Mo suddenly
No wonder Qian Yan Beichen looked at him so strangely, like looking at a younger generation.
That’s not just because he’s a dimly discernible peak brother, and he’s got the Taixulei formula.
More because the two men got the knife emperor’s inheritance in tandem!
"Give me a knife, let me see how much you have won!"
Yan Beichen’s palm slightly holds up the aura and condenses towards his palm.
Blink into a long cold knife.
Yan Beichen no longer speaks. It’s a knife.
Su Mo reacted very quickly, and drew out the blood quenching knife for countercurrent, which directly led to the countercurrent type in the dinghai volume.
The collision of the two knives burst into a crisp spark.
The power of this knife is not heavy.
Su Mo can clearly feel that Yan Beichen will suppress his strength to a similar level, just try his knife!
Yan Beichen’s knife has reached the level of "potential"
After a knife, Yan Beichen’s face and wrist turned and a knife was quietly stabbed.
Knife trance elusive murderous look suddenly generate mind thriller!
"Not good!"
Su Mo’s heart almost burst.
This murder enveloped Su Moyan and Beichen really wanted to kill him!
His consciousness spread its wings and dodged backwards.
But as soon as the spirit wing was stretched out, it collapsed and melted into a little Guanghua scattered in the void.
Don’t worry, it must be Yan Beichen!
Su Mo’s legs slightly flexed to carry blood and wanted to jump back and dodge.

Huang Xuan became more and more worried about P112 several nameless moths.

Chapter three hundred and thirteen Looking for JiXuan (3)
Bagging seems to be a lot of leisure every day. When Saeed called his horse, he appeared on the 19th floor. He still looked like a fat Maitreya. He looked at Huang Xuan and then at the two people behind him, patting his belly and saying, "Ji Xuan, I have really listened to your name for several days."
"Huh?" Huang Xuan shrugged. "I don’t understand this. How do you know me?"
"The Norman family’s old tricks are just that. Some old guys will itch when they see them. They will say," Fill in a pair of bags and make friends with Huang Xuan. "How can you still be a secret? I’m telling you, it’s not a secret when the secret is exposed. "
Usually people who have a glib tongue always like to talk more-they also know that silence is golden, but they always want to say "Maitreya Buddha". It seems that this is also the case.
Huang Xuan smiled uglily and said, "I’m not a Norman family." He also thought that it was strange that the Norman family was recognized as the Green Pine family before the war with the Green Pine family.
Strange things always have a reason. The biggest reason is that Huang Xuan occasionally reveals two or three bases because of the base management limit. Plus, Ning’ ao and his bases are different in color, which is easy to be distinguished.
Three 16-level bases and a 2-level base. Who would go to great lengths to get the maximum limit of such four low-level bases?
In addition, Huang Xuan likes to spend money on metal objects without restraint, and the style of glory is also very similar.
And his 19-story, 6-level network limit in the Green Tower is even more imaginative.
With these strength bases, it is easy to be guessed that he is a big family brother if not glory. This situation is a multiple-choice question.
All options can easily reach the 6-level network limit and can take out 4 base families.
The reason why R plane is mistaken for green pine is that before he cut off his arm, it was not ordinary people who cut off his arm, but a glory who cut off his arm and destroyed half of his energy precision control ability.
This seems to be due to his special gun drawing method.
Bao Bao doesn’t believe that anyone can be so complete in gun drawing technology, and it’s like killing Norman tricks. His mouth is bent and he laughs. "There’s nothing to admit, isn’t it a war?" Which family hasn’t fought? "
Huang Xuan didn’t explain it either. Speaking of it, it was also powerful for him. Instead, he got a bargain and told him, "Anyway, I said I’m not you don’t believe it."
This is like a hint, and I laughed. "So this topic is over. What do you want me to do?"
"I heard from Saeed that you are the biggest subcontractor of Green Tower?"
"The biggest one" bag filled with belly and smiled. "Why did you get a batch of biological warships from Said? What do you want this time? Hire travelers? "
"The traveler is done." Huang Xuan inadvertently revealed some strength, which was also his intention, and then said, "I want some mercenaries with higher levels."
Travelers come to attack, defend and drive biological warships, while mercenaries come to search for war benefits.
The package is quite calm. "Now the price of mercenaries has gone up sharply. Are you going to buy it or rent it?"
Huang Xuangang already knew the mercenary price from Xue Yi, and he was psychologically prepared before saying, "It is best to rent it. If the other party doesn’t want it, it can be bought."
"It’s easy to do with low requirements. There is no special level requirement, right?"
"Then how much money do you have?"
Huang Xuan was startled and didn’t expect people to be so direct.
It’s like laughing in the subway, "I’m a’ package firm’ and I want to make a package according to your predetermined amount."
Nick’s translation of "set meal" is getting better and better. When I heard it, I knew that it was convenient to pack and sell it like the grandchildren on Wall Street, so I agreed to "1.2 billion hot circle"
A 1.2 billion hot circle is equivalent to Huang Xuankang’s Mas family betting on 1.2 billion hot circles. Wendling’s family property is definitely more than 1.2 billion hot circles-out of trust in Ning’ ao, there is no time to assess risks.
With a nod, "1.2 billion hot circles are still quite a lot, just let it be", he disappeared into the room.
The gap between the rich and the poor in a plane is much larger than that in a single plane. On the one hand, the income of ordinary people is tens of thousands per standard month and about 20,000 per year to ensure their worries. On the other hand, travelers’ assets are easily calculated-the richest is that they have planes and high-level businessmen such as Mr. Comas and Bao Bao.
Although Hou Junlong, a representative of the Authority, doesn’t think much of Roger Comas, Mr Comas is still at the top of the whole world-his high-level position is like that of a future African leader, American Studies.
Although he studied in the same school as his American classmates, when he graduated from school, American classmates worked hard in government departments to work on Wall Street, while African classmates could go home to play with gems and trade arms.
Sometimes American students have a successful career and more money than African students, but more often African students have more money, even though they are in a poor and backward country.

Although Wu Ri didn’t make much moves in this war, he survived twice.

First, the protective device was broken by the night spirit.
Then he was killed by Su Mo for three days and forced to release his life puppet!
Life puppet cultivation is extremely difficult.
You need a real creature, a puppet who will be transformed into yourself through constant training of witchcraft secrets.
Key moment life puppet can resist a fatal attack!
If it weren’t for this life, the puppet would kill Wu Ri’s flesh in three days, but not in several wounds.
Wu crime ran slowly all the way, and pulled out a handful of Dan medicine from the bag and swallowed it slowly.
It is difficult to have an effect if the wound is healed with high intensity at the end.
But half a wick sweet less than wu crime seems to feel something in my heart!
It’s like a whim
He suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis!
The whim of uniting to their realm will not happen for no reason.
Wu crime suddenly turned and looked.
I saw a faint thunder flashing at the end of the sky in the distance, and I was rushing in his direction!
Wu Li gasped at the air conditioning.
I cann’t believe it’s coming!
Wu crime never dared to rest again, and hurriedly urged mana to pull out a piece of speed ofuda from the bag, and the speed of direct shredding soared!
It’s about how fast he can temporarily throw Su Mo for a distance, but it won’t be long before Su Mo will catch up.
Wu Li looks pale.
His eyes rolled around and he didn’t know what to think.
After thinking a little, he seems to have decided to change direction slightly and continue to run!
Su Mo followed closely.
He didn’t mean to notice Wu’s change of direction
If you want him to keep an eye on Wu Li, you can’t escape!
Both of them are returning to the virtual realm.
Moreover, Su Mo’s cultivation of fairy buddha magic’s three top achievement methods, Yuan Shen’s purity and conciseness, are harmful to the body.
Keep catching up, witch will definitely not escape!
Both of them have their own ideas, and neither of them will relax.
Two tandem fast for the past day and night.
I have to say, there are some things that the Wu clan leader does have.
Not to mention that he can escape from the night spirit and Su Mo’s two kills. This is the posture and speed, and it is also the highest!
Su Mo dun Shu cooperated with the ethereal wing outbreak and failed to chase it. It was hanging far away.
Of course, the past day and night is a huge consumption for physical fitness.
The speed of witchcraft posture has a significant downward trend.
The distance between them is getting closer and closer!
But with the passage of time, Su Mo gradually frowned.
The witch’s choice seems to be.
After running for a while, the surrounding terrain jungle has become familiar!


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! "
Lin Yuan and Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast jumped up in the sky and made a loud noise. Although there was no danger to his life for the time being, Lin Yuan did not relax in his heart. He knew that his strength root could not withstand consumption and would be defeated sooner or later. If he defeated this terrible Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast by other methods, he would get away from it.
"Fight!" Lin Yuan roars in the heart for an instant to mobilize only the true Yuan skyshatter sword tactic. The sixth move * * breaks the jump and instantly cuts the golden beast to Rise of the Legend’.
"Roar" Rise of the Legend’s golden beast also roared for a long time at the right time, and finally generate turned a series of sharp cones into a whirlwind.
Chapter one hundred-the elders to aid
The tornado formed by two horrible forces is like a slow-motion play, and it crashes into two figures. The whole scene seems to be suddenly silent.
The surrounding trees make a swish sound, and some trees break directly because they can’t bear this man and beast.
A huge thump came from a man and a beast, and a deep blue Se wrapped forest edge and a golden light wrapped Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast suddenly collided together.
The shape of the forest edge was directly hit in the distance, and the forest edge was instantly injured. Looking at the Rise of the Legend Golden Beast, the whole scarlet eyes looked at the forest edge and the body did not shake at all.
It is impossible for the root of the half-step innate realm to resist the innate realm, and at this time, although the strength of the forest edge is strong, it is not enough to break through the third point of the Du Meridian, and perhaps reach the peak of the half-step innate 99-99 return to the one-half-step peak, which can rival the strong innate realm.
"poof!" Spit out a bloody spit, and there is blood on the corner of the mouth of the forest edge, but his expression is wry smile.
The whole body was smashed out, and the weight of the body made a hole in the ground, which showed that the strength could not be ignored.
The fiasco of the forest edge in the first world war made him the strongest killer from the first forest edge. The sixth move was direct, but he still had no idea about the golden beast in Rise of the Legend.
The forest edge is not discouraged or decadent. What you need is experience, growth, life and death, and there is a great crisis, but it is also accompanied by opportunities.
This time, it is the opportunity of the forest edge. The fighting of the forest edge not only exercises its own Wushu, but also makes itself understand the innate realm. The monster beast is terrible and is no longer the ignorant boy.
Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast seems to know that Lin Yuan is not in such a hurry at this time. It seems to enjoy coming towards Lin Yuan step by step.
Scarlet eyes are full of hatred, and it feels like I’m going to rip your mouth off with dirty mucus.
Lin Yuan knew that he had lost the first world war, but Lin Yuan’s left hand instantly condensed and Zhenyuan was ready to urge his father to leave the Gankun ring and once again use the power of the Gankun ring to kill the Rise of the Legend Golden Beast.
A touch of dark blue Se Zhenyuan slowly appeared on the edge of the forest. The finger refers to the edge of the forest. I’m afraid this Rise of the Legend golden beast was killed in a crazy attack, which would be bad.
"The beast wants to die!" Just when the horse at the edge of the forest was about to urge the Gankun ring, a roar appeared behind the edge of the forest and the whole thing seemed to be bound by a force.
In the sound to a moment, a figure instantly came to the edge of the forest, dressed in a green Se robe and a sword standing proudly beside the edge of the forest.
"Elder Cheng!" The facial expression on the edge of the forest is faint, the hand is really yuan, the tense heart is instantly relaxed, but this relaxation and the injured body instantly make the throat of the edge of the forest spit out a mouthful of blood once again.
"Hold your breath and pay attention to pranayama." Elder Cheng’s voice rang in Lin Yuan’s ear. Lin Yuan didn’t think about it instantly and crossed his legs according to his practice.
Lin Yuan side in pranayama process elders looked at Lin Yuan eyes flashed a glimmer of appreciation. After a turn of Se, the whole eyes were instantly y and n cold, and the eyes of Rise of the Legend Golden Beast were more malicious and complete.
"Brother Lin, here we come" came Chen Huanyin at the back of Lin Yuan’s pranayama.
A soft breath wrapped his body and instantly moved in the direction of chen huan three people. He felt that his body was wrapped in a congenital truth, and the whole body was warm. A thick innate truth entered his body and repaired his body.
This is also Cheng Jiang’s intention to cultivate his body when his hand is needed at this time, so that there will be no sequelae.
Chen Huan three people instantly came to the edge of the forest, surrounded by the edge of the forest, and gradually receded to the back. This is not their fight, and their presence will definitely affect the fight and add chaos to the elders.
"The monster beast who reached the Naling realm actually hurt my Wu Zongdi to die!" Cheng Jiangyin with sarcasm.
Cheng Jiang didn’t say much about stabbing soft sword with a sword, blasting her with a sword, shaking the sword and turning it into several cold stars.
Hanxing swordsmanship belongs to the second-level swordsmanship of Wu Zong, and Lin Yuan has also seen it. I didn’t expect this set of swordsmanship to be so powerful in the hands of Elder Cheng.
The whole body of Rise of the Legend Golden Beast is rooted in golden Se long hair, and it is not afraid of Cheng Qiang’s offensive.
The monster beast is crazy and fierce, and the outbreak of this beast will not take care of its own situation.
Belonging to Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast, Jin Se Zhen Yuan saw that it was about to fall on Cheng Qiang’s body. Seeing Cheng Jiang’s eyes suddenly folded, Se’s face became resolute in an instant, and there was nothing to do but die.
Elder Cheng Jiang holds the hilt of soft sword to meet Jin Se Zhen Yuan Li, and suddenly a sword is lifted.
A dazzling sword mans suddenly flash out.
At this moment, Chen Qiang didn’t hide the slightest one hundred percent strength department to show an earth-shattering blow. Yu will kill this Rise of the Legend golden beast with one blow.
Elder Cheng, like a latent tiger, suddenly revealed fierce fangs and sharp attacks, which surprised Lin Yuan and Chen Huan, three gods, by pranayama.
But the distance is too close, and Elder Cheng Jiang’s sword is too fast.
One man and one beast can’t escape.
A crunchy silver light directly blasted into the belly of Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast, and all the cold stars and swords were blasted into the body of Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast.
And the elder Cheng Jiang figure also evaded his attack in an instant, rotating three times and sixty degrees directly around behind him.
Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast’s abdomen was directly cut by Cheng Qiang elder soft sword like tofu.
Cheng Jiang didn’t stop at the back of the detour for a moment. The whole soft sword was as light as a snake, and once it sent out a sword mans and stabbed the golden beast in Rise of the Legend.
Elder Cheng Jiang belongs to the innate realm, which is even more horrible than the fighters in Naling realm, and one hundred percent strength strikes and other horrors?
Even the fighters of the same order should temporarily avoid the edge and add their own soft sword sharp strokes Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast abdomen easily.
A piercing roar sounded, and Rise of the Legend Ming Jin beast once again ate pain, and the whole abdomen seemed to be spewing blood.
Blood flew out at this time when Rise of the Legend sounded the golden beast, and there was just that fierce momentum, which was just crazy and straggling without any purpose.
Cheng Qiang’s killing is terrible. Even the congenital monster beast is no exception.

Chapter seven hundred and twenty Re-entry into the snow area Beidou Fengyun

"Does this mean that Chinese medicine? Become a fine shouwu? "
Ye Fu looked at the pearl king. "Xiao Lu, this is very precious. Keep it for yourself."
Liu Chen shook his head and smiled. "I still have a lot of young people in this thing, and I don’t need Ye Bobo to pay for it later."
The second half of the sentence is naturally a joke. Ye Fu Ye Mu can also hear it, but seeing Lu Chen say so, he will no longer refuse young people’s kindness.
Although they say it’s nothing to die of old age, they know that their son is still alive, and of course they want to live for a few more years and wait for him to come back and see you again
Lu Chen Zhou’s robe encouraged the soft sun to pour out his holy power. He pointed out that the big drug king wrapped the package in a circular field around the big drug king.
He looked like he was dyed with a layer of red gold light, and it was like the fairy king in the dust, which amazed the two old people.
Lu Chen waved and pulled the curtains, and at the same time blocked the whole room so that the breath would not leak out.
He is not afraid of what practitioners will find himself in Blue Star, but he doesn’t want to get into trouble for the two old people, so it is better to keep a low profile.
The arc of Shengyang is wrapped around the great drug king, and the high temperature will melt into a dark crystal clear liquid medicine.
"Ye Bobo, you lie flat on the sofa first."
Lu Chen pulled out a smaller part of the liquid medicine and said
Ye Fu also cooperated with the sofa and laughed. "It feels quite novel."
Because there is Lu Chen in the house, even if the old house is not adjusted in winter, there is no heating, and it is as warm as spring. He is manipulated by the holy power of the sun to pump the syrup of Yaowang into the sea of Yefu Wheel.
Ye Fu is not a yogi. Ye Fan’s biological father gave birth to the ancient Eucharist, but he is an ordinary person. There is no movement in the sea. Through the knowledge of God, Lu Chen can count more than 70 layers of life, representing the age of the elderly.
He woke up from the round of the sea. "Ye Bobo may be a little hot. Tell me if you feel uncomfortable. I’ll slow down."
Ye Fu’s forehead was sweating, but he laughed. "It’s like a small land to do hot compress with a sauna."
Lu Chen nodded softly, and the sun’s holy power walked around Ye Fu’s body, pulling the medicine to walk, restoring the diseased organs and rejuvenating the decaying organs.
Modern medicine can easily solve some diseases, and not only that, but Yuzryha’s father has lost 50 years of life.
Because Ye Fu is mortal, Liu Chencao was careful, and it took more than half an hour to finish this conditioning.
Ye Fu’s body discharged a lot of dirt, and his intuition was refreshing after sitting up. It was like returning to the prime of life and marveling at the magic means of the immortals.
"Old man! You … Your face "
Leaf mother surprised to see her husband pointing at each other’s face.
Ye Fu touched his face and there was some dirt. "Isn’t it just a little dirty?"
"No, see for yourself."
Ye Mu stepped aside and found a mirror to take a picture of Ye Fu. "He is much younger than Fan Fan before he left."
Ye Fu saw his face in the mirror is zheng, indeed as expected just that kind of comfortable feeling is not an illusion that he really became younger.
In the mirror, I look like I’m in my early forties, a middle-aged man, and my face is rosy and my eyes are no longer turbid.
If you feel it carefully, you will find that his eyesight is much better and he is no longer presbyopia.
"It’s a magical medicine. It turns out that what our ancestors said is true."
Ye Fu sighed with emotion, "It’s really thanks to Xiao Lu for being such a wonderful medicine for us two mortals."
"Ye Bobo which words I remember this drug or dig it together with Ye Brothers, so I have his share."