Singing "He is my first love" with his hands gently clasped on his knees.

Too much information, sugar. It took a while to make sure that singing was not a joke.
"Is it because you dumped others and now they are rich and come back for revenge?"
Sugar cube immediately made up a dog blood drama.
"If only it were like this."
Singing with eyes down, he said softly, "I can’t tell him a word or two about it. Don’t talk to Mu Yunze about what he did to me. I owe him."
At that time, the sugar cube was not too white. It was not until those things happened that she sang loudly and had already made a decision.
The afternoon shooting went on as scheduled.
Maybe it’s because of what happened earlier that I was in a bad state of singing and got stuck three times in a row.
She went to apologize to Zhou Jinheng during the break.
"Mr. Zhou, I’m sorry that you followed me so many times."
Actors know that the less n times, the better, because if a plot is played too many times, the actors will be numb, and the more they beat, the less emotional they will be.
Zhou Jinheng just took off her makeup and heard her apologize and smiled, "It’s actually quite comfortable not to shoot with you. Occasionally, it’s not necessary to apologize so deliberately for a mistake. After all, everyone has a bad state."
Sing a song and smile with a sincere "thank you"
Section 61
"Miss Gao" she left the former.
Zhou Jinheng suddenly called her.
Singing loudly, I stopped and turned my head. "What’s wrong with Mr. Zhou?"
"Did you know Jing Huan before?"
Suddenly he asked this sentence.
I’m a bit "hmm" and I don’t want to talk more.
But the topic didn’t stop there. Zhou Jinheng got up and said, "You should have seen Jing Huan’s appearance before. He had a car accident four years ago and ruined plastic surgery four or five times. Now his appearance has returned to the original six or seven points."
"He just finished his last corrective surgery six months ago when he returned to China. Does it look more natural now?"
Singing with clenched fists and speechless.
Zhou Jinheng leaned in and whispered in her ear, "He lived in hell when you spent the last month with someone else."
Singing loudly, the color in her face disappeared instantly, and her lips were tightly sipping, and then she slowly looked up at Zhou Jinheng.
"What does Mr. Zhou want to say?"
Zhou Jinheng Tantan hand "Miss Gao, don’t get me wrong, I am his friend. Kindly remind you that he is not who he was four years ago."
Singing loudly and forbearing discomfort, he said lightly, "Then I thank Mr. Zhou for his kindness and goodbye."
Zhou Jinheng squinted at her back and her eyes were dark.
My back hurts. When I finish work at night, I sing loudly and feel that I can’t even straighten my waist.
When she got home, she kicked off her shoes and went straight to the sofa.
Mu Yunze saw Gao Ge collapsed on the sofa like a rag when he heard the movement in the room.
Her eyes lifted a gap and she had the strength to call him.
Mu Yunze came and sat next to her and rubbed her hair. "Tired?"
Singing and nodding, docile as a cat.
MuYunZe heart soft bend way "hold you back to the room"
Singing, rolling over, with his arms wide open, he didn’t even bother to lift his ass, just waiting for the president to serve him.
Chapter 94 Locked cabinet
Singing, rolling over, with his arms wide open, he didn’t even bother to lift his ass, just waiting for the president to serve him.
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g

Segmented reading 225

Those crazy steel balls smashed the soldiers near Chad in an instant.
Then he heard "Ah", the piercing scream could not stop ringing in the crowd. The Chadian soldiers who rushed in front were directly swept to the ground by steel balls. They held their wounds and issued a piercing scream.
At this time, Hou Dacheng’s sight has been aimed at the officer who constantly waved and commanded the soldiers to rush into Chad.
Chapter three hundred and thirty-three Attack
"Bang" a gun rang out and the Chad officer’s head suddenly exploded with a gorgeous blood flower. Seeing that the blood flower directly adhered to the brain tissue behind his head, the whole person fell to the ground with a "splash" and suddenly the Chadian soldiers screamed.
They immediately surrounded the officer when he was lying down. It can be seen that this unit should be an elite unit in Chad, otherwise it would not have reacted so quickly and would not have made such a move. In Africa, more troops fled directly after the commander was killed.
However, after the commander was killed, this unit chose to directly charge the position, trying to chase the fat dogs who were evacuating. This was called Hou Dasheng’s surprise, but he chose to pull the trigger again, and "bang" one by one, the soldiers who rushed to the front directly fell down.
At this time, it was only five o’clock in the morning, although the sky was slightly bright, but the light was not enough, so Hou Dacheng got a good cover. However, the other side had calmed down after the second shot. They quickly judged Hou Dacheng’s position through ballistics and saw a team of more than ten people separated from the big group and outflanked him.
If you don’t wear night vision goggles, Hou Dasheng may not be able to find them. Unfortunately, Hou Dasheng’s night vision goggles will see their actions clearly. Nai sighed and Hou Dasheng hanged two broad knives in his position and then directly evacuated from this shooting position to recover in the direction of fat dog’s evacuation.
"Boom-boom" exploded one after another and sounded again. Seeing these soldiers who rushed in front were directly swallowed up by a large-scale blasting net composed of broadswords, grenades and shells, they were miserable even if they didn’t even scream, and they were directly torn to pieces in this dense fragment.
The explosive fragments directly engulfed their department in the sea of fire, and they were swallowed up by the crazy explosion without screaming. The flying fragments not only tore them apart, but also splashed on the soldiers who were charging behind them.
Seeing that the soldiers were directly hit by the fragments, the broken bodies with scarlet blood splashed on the ground and landed in the position of the explosion. Those Chadian soldiers were the most miserable. None of them survived and exploded around, producing a large number of high-speed flying fragments.
These fragments tore them up in the first instant, even in their position, even a complete body could not be seen. The whole position was broken everywhere, and the dead bodies were splashed with blood and broken dirty, and the muscle tissue stuck to the broken bones was the main color here. Soldiers fell in this violent explosion
Hou Dacheng held the gun root and didn’t go to see the fat dog. They achieved results, but desperately fled. These soldiers were able to maintain an extremely fast marching speed in the dark. They were temporarily equipped with weapons in a very short time, then pulled towards the artillery position and arrived at the position in less than half an hour. This has already said their elite level.
Hou Dasheng doesn’t want to bet that these soldiers can’t chase him. On the contrary, he wants to bet that these soldiers can definitely chase him. He runs away very fast and is stupid. He will play a heartbeat blocking war with others when they are good at marching in the jungle, unless it is to cover the evacuation of his comrades.
"Boom-boom" just ran out for about ten minutes when Hou Dasheng heard the explosions coming from his own shooting position behind him. He didn’t look back. Hou Dasheng ran faster. He didn’t want to be exposed to the enemy’s shooting. That was death.
After running for about ten minutes, Hou Dasheng quickly chased the fat dog according to the scheduled route. At this time, the fat dog was carrying the wounded and the body protection team members in front of the patrol, followed by the fat dog in the queue and the crane.
"How about casualties?" Hou Dacheng exhaled and asked the fat dog, who looked somberly and shook his head. "There is no statistics, but it is roughly estimated that one-third of the casualties were lost. When I withdrew just now, I roughly swept a person’s head."
Hou Dacheng’s face was ugly, too. He didn’t think that he had carefully prepared himself and occupied an absolute advantage. As a result, the mine protection team lost one third after a battle, which made it difficult for him to accept that he had prepared for such a long time and planned for such a long time, but he really fought or lost a bunch of people.
"It’s not bad. After all, they haven’t received complete military training." Fat dog glanced at Hou Dacheng. "This doesn’t mean that you can smash blood in positional warfare. You have to fight several times to know how to beat them. It’s not bad. Don’t think it’s a thing."
At this time, panting Mond came to Hou Dasheng’s side and sank, "It’s the instructor. When we came out, you made it very clear that we were going to exchange money. In the past, we didn’t have this opportunity at all. In the past, we all helped people fight for nothing and even had to solve the problem ourselves."
"No one will complain about anything. This is the best result for us. I can tell you that many people in the mine protection team think that maybe dying is the best destination. If they die, you won’t hack their money. It is much better for your family to get a sum of money to live in the mine protection team than to live outside."
Hou Dasheng smiled sadly. This may be the current situation in Africa. Even if people don’t treat themselves as a person, it is worthless. Even in a relatively developed African country like South Africa, they won’t feel too secure.
According to endless statistics, there are more than 10 million guns in circulation in the whole South African society, but the real registered purchase of guns is only more than 2 million. Simply speaking, these black guns have long been South Africa’s high murder rate.
Every year, nearly 20,000 people in South Africa die of murder. This is still the official data that has not been published or found. Perhaps it is twice this number. What does this mean for a country with a population of only over 50 million? The murder rate of nearly 20,000 people every year is equivalent to the fact that this country is in a state of war.
With the increase of murder rate, robbery, theft and cases are increasing year by year, and dozens of people die of murder every day, which simply means a paradise for crime and murder for a country with a population of just over 50 million.
South Africa is like this in relatively developed countries in Africa, so the situation of other African countries can be imagined. This situation is even more serious when Rwanda is a country that has been fighting all the year round. They don’t have much economic resources and educational resources. The chaotic national situation has caused several people to be involved in the war and legally murdered or murdered.
Rwanda doesn’t have much money to give them a pension. Most of them died in vain. Now Mond can get a salary in the war, even if they die, there is also a pension, which is a very good thing for them.
"The boss has succeeded in destroying the other artillery positions and we are evacuating the road." After a call to the giant wolf, Hou Dacheng didn’t speak again. He followed the team in the jungle with his head down.
"Boom, boom, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.
Unfortunately, the opportunity has been taken by Rwanda, and soon the first batch of landing troops in Rwanda arrived at the beachhead position smoothly, and then the pontoon was quickly set up. Groups of Rwandan troops rushed to the other side through the pontoon to cooperate with the landing troops to launch an attack.
At the same time, the artillery fire was extended and fired. After adjusting the elements, the artillery fire extended to the front of the position and the distance was about 500 meters. It was confirmed that the other side lost the artillery position and the giant wolf became more reckless.
"Attack, attack, all the troops are mobilized to kill them," the giant wolf said to Kagame. "We don’t have much time, and the other side’s support troops are coming. If we don’t completely annihilate the troops on the other side in three hours, then this battle will be a failure."
Kagame didn’t say much about the blue face. Looking out through the observation window of the bunker, three pontoons have been set up. Several Rwandan soldiers rushed over the pontoons and arrived at the shore. Many of them were swept down by the other machine guns and fell into the water screaming.

Because Liu Bai is used to sleeping late and has not slept well in Shenyang these two days, whether to take the early flight or not is to buy the plane ticket after 12 noon, so he simply goes directly to the plane for lunch

The plane was quite punctual this day.
After getting on the plane, because there was not much luggage, Lu Bai said that he would go out to the parking lot to pick up the car and let her put the luggage in the baggage cart and push it to the exit to wait for him.
Shen Xintang went to the baggage delivery belt alone and waited for the baggage to come out.
While waiting for the luggage to come out, she looked around for a while because of chatting. It seems that the flight of an airline next to her arrived at the same time because there were people waiting for the luggage to be sent out.
Then, inadvertently, she saw Hua Wenxuan steadily before sending the tape.
A well-tailored white coat with an open button and a gray wool coat makes those who are on the side feel ashamed.
His face has lost its usual gentle spring breeze and smug smile, on the contrary, it looks dignified and calm, which makes his temperament look more and more noble and calm
He simply stuck a band-aid on the back of his left hand. At this time, he was looking intently at his mobile phone and checking the network information. It seemed that he was aware that someone was watching him, so he suddenly looked up and glanced at him this way.
Shen Xintang’s eyes were hit by him.
She didn’t avoid it for a while and didn’t know what expression to face him, so she looked a little embarrassed
Hua Wenxuan’s eyes flashed with a hint of no look, but then the corners of his mouth slightly hooked like contempt and scorn, smiled gently and then withdrew his eyes and fixed his eyes on the mobile phone again.
Shen Xintang also withdrew her sight in a passive manner, just sending out the luggage with movement, and she looked at her luggage carefully and quietly.
Look at his expression. He probably hates her, right? She sighed in her heart.
She put the luggage in the luggage cart and turned the wheel. She was just about to walk in the direction of the exit. She just launched two steps and suddenly rushed to a luggage cart from behind. The man quickly passed her and pushed the cart slowly one step ahead of her.
Is that man calm and slender, not Hua Wenxuan or who?
Shen Xintang stared at his back and was dazed. It suddenly occurred to him that he had returned the money and the ring to him. He had not taken it yet, and it happened that she would have to return it to him when she met this opportunity.
So she stepped up her feet and followed.
"President Hua!" She chased him and he lined up to be polite and polite.
Hua Wenxuan turned her head and glanced at her with a commanding momentum.
"You forgot to take something with you!" She grabbed his luggage cart and forced him to stop first. "I think I’ll give it back to you now!" "
At the beginning, I want to "I don’t think I have anything left with you". His eyes are cold and there is a hint of resentment in his tone. "If I have to say something, it is" He stretched out his hand and pointed to his heart. "I don’t know where I lost it. Is it in your place? Can you give it back to me? "
Shen Xintang’s sudden Zheng Zheng, his sad and desperate eyes inexplicably made her feel a throbbing pain. She wanted to talk but couldn’t say a word.
Hua Wenxuan saw her stare blankly on the spot, and her face was raised again. When she first saw it, she looked contemptuous and sneered, but at first she was satisfied with it, but suddenly she came to me again, and then she pushed the car and strode forward.
Shen Xintang is still in the same place, hesitating whether he should directly rush to put things in his luggage car and then run and worry that his guy will throw the envelope away in anger. You know, didn’t he throw the diamond ring into Qiandao Lake in one fell swoop? Anyway, he doesn’t care about things, and it won’t be a pity to throw them away.
But she’ll feel a pain in her flesh. Forget about the diamond ring. Anyway, she didn’t buy it, but there are 200 thousand in it, but she earned it hard to repay him for subsidizing Shenyang. If he throws it away, don’t you just ignore it and watch others pick it up?
This is definitely not possible. She will be upset for a long time and can’t sleep all night.
So hesitant, Hua Wenxuan’s figure disappeared as early as the front, and Liu Bai’s urging words followed. She had to take away her messy thoughts in her mind and push the luggage cart to the outside of the hall.
☆, Chapter 263 Do you love me? ☆
Back to the city, Shen Xintang, who lives in Huayuan Road, spent half a day cleaning the house. Although Lu Bai repeatedly advised her to rest and find an hourly worker to do it, Shen Xintang insisted on doing it herself and said that it would not take much effort.
When she finished cleaning up, the fellow fell asleep in her bed.
After taking a bath at home, she also felt a little tired, so she simply ran to the small room to take a nap.
Last night, I attended their club activities with his friends until very late, and they were booed by everyone. They also kissed Shen Xintang in public and blushed. Then everyone clamored to send them to the bridal chamber and pushed them into the prepared vip suite.
The dim light in the room is another lingering kiss. His hand is uneasy to separate on her body. When he reaches into her clothes, she suddenly pushes him. She says shyly and evasively, "I … I want to take a bath first!"
As a result, when she took a bath, she found her period greeting her.
Shen Xintang is a little annoyed but vaguely thankful.
Knowing the truth, Liu Bai went straight to sleep and simply didn’t think about it, so as not to feel sad.
Night falls, the chill is deep, and Shen Xintang is sleeping soundly in the bed. Suddenly, someone lifts it and gets in, and then someone’s hair gently sweeps her nose, causing her to sneeze involuntarily.
Section 15
What caught my eye was Liu Bai’s playful face.
"Get up, lazy pig!" He reached out and pinched her nose gently, and said affectionately, "I’m so hungry. Let’s go eat first!" "
As a result, when she got up to change clothes, Liu Bai refused to go out in her room. He lay prone on the bed and buried his face in the quilt, promising that he would never peek at her. Naturally, it was very difficult for her to take the clothes and run to another room to change them.
Liu Bai had already received several calls when he was eating. When his friends heard that he was back, they asked him out to play. Liu Bai asked Shen Xintang if he wanted to play together. Because he was a little tired after his period, he shook his head and said he couldn’t go and let him go alone.
Liu Bai also knew that she didn’t like this excitement and didn’t force her to send her home. He hitchhiked to an appointment.
When he arrived at the lobby of the appointment club, he was waiting for the ladder to come, but he heard the sound of crisp high heels hitting the ground behind him, and then a female jiaochen voice, "Okay, brother, are you finished? Why are you more verbose than mom!"
As the sound gets closer and closer, I smell a quiet fragrance of high-grade perfume at the tip of my nose, and then a familiar man’s voice, "I won’t be long-winded if you listen!" "
Because I feel familiar with Liu Bai, I turned my head and looked at the hair place consciously.
At this time, the two people who spoke had already reached him and stood still waiting for the ladder to come.
Lu Bai’s face floated with a sly smile. The world is really small. They met again.
It was none other than Hua Wenxuan, who had been fighting in love for a long time.
At this time, Hua Wenxuan is really a lot of happiness, looking around at two big beauties, one of whom is a little older with a pile of crow-like hair, dignified and refined eyes and white teeth, and a pair of amorous eyes are always glued to the man next to him.
That other slightly childish girl hung up her arm, and her cheeks swelled slightly when her face was glittering and translucent, and she looked cute and playful, and she was rightfully dependent on Hua Wenxuan’s expression.
Hua Minxuan arrived in the sea one day before him, and when Xia Weiju was at home, she gave Hua Wenxuan an item asking him to help find a younger brother-in-law to marry Hua Minxuan early. She wandered around all day and had some ridiculous daydreams.
Fortunately, Hua Minxuan lobbied nany to agree to work in Huaxuan Hall, and Hua Minxuan said congratulations on her formal entry into Huaxuan Hall and asked her brother and nany to give her a pary. In fact, she just set nany and Hua Wenxuan up.
This time, Hua Wenxuan went back from Shenyang and hung up his mouth. Although he didn’t tell the truth, Hua Minxuan could probably guess why he looked at Hua Wenxuan’s expression. He guessed that he should be completely separated from Shen Xintang. Although he was a little distressed by his brother’s injustice, she was a little grateful to Shen Xintang for giving this opportunity to be completely cut off.
Hua Wenxuan and Lu Bai’s eyes collided in the middle of the game. The latter smiled and then glanced over his side. Two beautiful women made fun of it. "President Hua is really lucky!"
Hua Wenxuan is not as relaxed as he is. It’s not easy to calm down a little. When he meets him, he quickly turns to Hua Wenxuan with anger. His face sinks and he purses his lips and says nothing.
Liu Bai knew that he was in a bad mood, just as the ladder came, so he stopped pestering him and entered the ladder in a happy mood.
"What’s the matter? Brother, aren’t we going in? " Hua Min Xuan, who was about to step into the ladder, looked back at him puzzled because she was dragged by her brother.
Lu Bai in the ladder is waiting patiently for them to step into the ladder together, and staring at Lu Bai like telling him or telling his sister, "Let’s take a ladder!" "
Liu Bai shrugged his shoulders and said "whatever you want" and then pressed the ladder closure button.
A ladder next to it happened to come, so they took that ladder.
"Who is that man just now? Do you know anyone? " Nany in the ladder asked curiously.
Look at that support. It’s not like waiting for someone, but what does she remember about this person?
Hua Wenxuan gave a vague answer. nany and Hua Minxuan were keenly aware of the melancholy resentment and unwillingness that emanated from him, so they stopped asking him.
Until nany and Hua Minxuan were busy ordering something in the private room, and Hua Wenxuan was still a little distracted.
Lu Bai came alone. What?
Isn’t it right to go out with Shen Xintang at any time during this period?
Girls here are famous for their enchanting styles. Generally speaking, if you don’t bring a date, you are mostly looking for fun.
Does Shen Xintang know that he is here? Is that how she trusts him?

"I, I listen to the old mother-in-law tell you that you are exhausted from going out to work, and come and see …" Wang Ergong’s face stammered back uncomfortably, and she lifted her hand behind her back, but it was a fat rabbit that was killed.

"I caught and chewed a lot of vegetables in the field this morning. You are weak, so stew it and eat it." Then I threw the rabbit at the stove next to it and ran away without looking back.
"Ah Wang Erge …" Sun Jin’s words haven’t shouted out Wang Erge, and he has already escaped!
This Sun Jinxin struggled.
On the one hand, I want to eat meat, and on the other hand, I am struggling with the idea of "eating people with soft mouths and short hands"
"Does mother like Uncle Wang?" The little tree looked at her expression of staring at the fat rabbit with green eyes and was very worried. "Mom doesn’t want the little tree?" How afraid this child is that his mother will be bought by a fat rabbit!
Ms. Sun sighed and swallowed several times before she made a hard decision. The rabbit was handed over to Xiaoshu. "Xiaoshu, you will send this rabbit back to Wang Ershu!" Be careful on the road! "
Children’s paper is too early. It’s not good. It’s not good! She just showed an expression of wanting to eat meat, and this small bag immediately forced her to be a mother.
Watched the young tree happily smashed it from Sun Jin, fantasized about braised rabbit meat once, and then went to roast sweet potato while clutching his croak.
On this day, the mother and the son ate sweet potatoes for another day.
Lying in bed at night/when Sun Jin is crazy, he misses eating white rice before! Delicious white rice … Boo-hoo, I don’t think I can eat it in my life!
The next morning, Ms. Sun got up early and went out with her own small bag and a basket on her back.
As soon as she walked into the mountains, Ms. Sun felt as if she had entered Baoshan. All kinds of plants with familiar names and efficacy were all over the mountain, and she was out of control, hugging her own son and laughing wildly. "Have eaten! We finally have something to eat! "
"Mom …" The young tree looked at her mother with a teary-eyed expression. Looking around, it was full of grass. Mom said they had eaten … unless she was hungry and even wanted to eat grass? !
Can he not eat grass?
It’s a pity that Sun Jin was so excited that she didn’t notice that the small bag around her had collapsed a little face. Now all her attention is on finding wild vegetables and wild fruits.
Not to mention that she not only found a mangosteen tree full of fruits, but also two tea trees with lush branches, which were also covered with blue-red fruits!
The mangosteen shell is dark brown and ripe.
Sun Jin didn’t know where he got the strength, so he climbed up the tree while picking mangosteen, humming happily. He was in a good mood. After picking less than half a basket, he climbed up the tree and squeezed a mangosteen into the hands of a young tree with both hands. He was very eager to say, "Try it sweet!"
The young tree showed a look of death at her words, swallowed a mouthful of water and bit the white mangosteen meat, then felt that the sweetness in his mouth was very thirst-quenching, which made him swallow it without holding back.
Chapter 5 Discovering Yam
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
The little tree couldn’t help but stare at Sun Jin and ask him, "Mom, I swallowed it, will I die?"
"How come! This is a good thing, but children can’t eat too much. This fruit is cold. "Ms. Sun squeezed another mangosteen and ate it herself.
Damn it! How delicious! I’ve been in this hellhole for two or three days, and I’ve finally eaten something other than sweet potatoes!
After half an hour, Xiaoshu didn’t realize that he was unwell, so his eyes became eager to look at Sun Jin. The cherry mouth smacked and begged the esophagus. "Can Niang Xiaoshu eat another one?"
"Wait for your mother to get you another one!" Sun Jinshuang quick should way
Fortunately, Xiaoshu is still in the ignorant period of "milk is mother", and he has no doubt about the sudden change of his mother, but he is very happy that her mother can find such delicious fruit!
Sun Jin is also a fool with a happy life. It would be strange if others saw her change and didn’t doubt her. There are also young trees, a three-year-old doll who didn’t think much to make her avoid a bullet.
After eating mangosteen, the mother and son rested for a while and continued to walk towards the other side of the mountain. As he walked, Sun Jin looked at the surrounding plants with his head down, his eyes wide open like two detectors.
"There are yam! ?” Suddenly, a surprise shout resounded through the quiet mountain forest, and the number of mountain birds, including Xiao Yushu who followed her, was also scared by her reaction, and she took two steps back to stabilize.
However, in view of the early experience of mangosteen, the young tree is full of curiosity about its mother’s new discovery, and now it has stretched its thin neck. Looking ahead, it can be seen that Sun Jin has been digging around a vine with a small hoe, and a cylinder full of roots is exposed to the air after a quarter of an hour.
Sun Jin’s eyes are full of surprises. This yam has been exposed. It is estimated that it is still a small part of the whole yam. She and Xiaoshu will have it for dinner tonight!
It’s a pity that there are no ribs. If we can get ribs, this meal will be complete tonight …
Before thinking about it, Sun Jin couldn’t help but swallow her saliva. She didn’t think how good her mother’s skills were, but she had only been in this world for three days. She already missed her mother, and she didn’t know what happened to her mother and dad now. They only had her daughter. Now the white-haired man sent the black-haired man. Although her soul was not dead, her body must have died. In the original world, she just died and couldn’t die any more!
Mom and dad must be very sad, but she didn’t have a chance to go back and comfort them.
"Mom, what’s wrong with you? Why are you crying? " The young tree blinked with long black eyelashes and looked puzzled, digging and crying. Ms. Sun.
Rao Xiaoshu, a three-year-old child, also thinks that Sun Jin is abnormal at the moment ―― Mother, this situation is not right! Since my mother woke up in a coma at noon two days ago, it seems that she has become a little different. It seems that she is a little … neurotic!
So the thought of the little tree’s face became serious
Go to the front of Sun Jin, put your little hand on her forehead, and then take back your hand and touch your forehead. Mother doesn’t seem to be hot, but what seems to be insane? !
Chapter 6 raises doubts.
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"Niang are you possessed? !” The young tree suddenly blurted out words, and Sun Jin almost threw out his hoe.
She turned her head to make her face look normal as much as possible, then raised her hand and patted a small tree head. "Little heartless, are you cursing your mother?" !”
Although her tone didn’t seem flustered, her heart was already full of waves.
How could she be such a failure? It’s still suspicious to occupy the original owner’s body and memory, and the person who suspects her is still a three-year-old kid! She is such a failure!
Seeing that she was angry with the tiger face, Xiaoshu’s heart was very difficult to doubt, and the horse was defeated. She quickly apologized that "Niang Xiaoshu was wrong and Xiaoshu was worried about her mother …" Meowed that he was a little sensitive and afraid that her mother would dump him, so she would pay special attention to her every move.
It seems that this small bag is not suspecting that she is not his original mother, but caring for her! Ok, ok, fortunately, this little girl can’t live without her, even if she has a little doubt, just coax her.
However, after the incident of young trees, Sun Jin finally gained a mind’s eye to know how to disguise himself properly so as not to let his changes fall into the eyes of others.
After all, others are not her children, and they can’t be coaxed in a few words!
Thinking like this, she did not trust the young tree several times not to let him tell about their fruit picking and potherb digging, because it was their mother’s secret and should not be known to a third person.
Clever filial tree readily nodded and agreed, and a little smug. Sure enough, his mother is the closest to him. It’s not what Wang Ershu Li Dabo can destroy!
Sun Jin didn’t know that this three-year-old doll had such a strong sense of exclusivity and was still showing off in an ostentatious manner by having such a obedient and sensible son.
If she knows that this cute and bullying little bag is actually a bully who is not allowed to have contact with male creatures except him, she will probably not laugh!
"Well, it’s time for us to go back and cook dinner." After digging up the whole yam, Sun Jin picked up a small hoe and looked up at the sky. When walking towards the mountain, he picked two wild flowers from time to time and stuck them in his head. The young tree was flushed and repeatedly stressed that he was a man and could not spend flowers like a woman.

Gu Yan felt that An Ge shook her palm nervously at this time and looked at Anmo faintly. "Brother doesn’t mean congratulations?"

An Ge turned to look at Gu Yan. This man is not too shameless. That’s her brother. What’s his name?
Gu Yan blinked at An Ge. An Ge couldn’t help but turn her head quickly with a black line. Did she just be molested by Gu Yan?
"Congratulations on what?" Ann mo calmly looked at Gu Yan and made no secret of his dislike of "An Ge, a flower stuck in cow dung, I’m sad, don’t you still congratulate me? Is Gu Shao telling a cold joke? "
"Poof-"Next to Xiaoqi, it was very unkind to laugh and feel Gu Yan’s cold eyes. She decisively covered her mouth and tried to reduce her sense of presence.
It is said that this gentle ink is really a biting role if it is poisonous.
"Anyway, I am now a family brother. So I don’t show that An Ge’s eyes are not good?" Gu Yan smiled at Leng Yan. He didn’t believe this man and dared to say that An Ge was not the man who loved his sister the most.
If he says that An Ge isn’t, won’t he get another chance to promote himself in An Ge’s heart?
An Mo smiled faintly and his tone was very calm. He didn’t understand Gu Yan’s words. While his sister was still himself, he turned his eyes to An Ge and smiled. "An Ge, do you think brother was wrong just now?"
An Ge leng a this let her answer?
Looking at Ann’s eyes, she could feel that Gu Yan’s warning hand was about to be crushed by Gu Yan.
"Brother said yes!" After all, my brother still has the wind!
"It seems that your eyes are very good and you can see the quality through the phenomenon!" Anmo smiled and praised An Ge. At the end, he also spoke seriously to An Ge to appease "I wronged you!"
Gu Yan pulled the car and smiled a little stiff. How do you feel that he was washed by the two brothers and sisters?
Gu Yan was a little depressed and pinched, so that the singer could wake her up and not go too far!
Looking at Anmo’s spoiled smile in her eyes, An Ge felt warm in her heart. She knew that her brother was teasing her heart and that he was telling her in such a soothing way that he would always support her in deciding that no matter what, he would always be by her side.
An Ge’s tense mood gradually became soothing, and she felt the palm of her hand to warn her, but she smiled and said to Anmo, "Brother, I will try my best to insist!"
Gu Yan couldn’t help looking at An Ge and asking, "Am I really that bad?"
Gu Yan has a brainwashing feeling that she and Anmo scolded him for three hours in the ward. Is he really that bad?
"Isn’t this a fact?" An Ge is obviously in a good mood. It is rare to have such a serious joke.
Looking at An Ge’s face, he made no secret of joking. Gu Qi directly raised his hand and held her face, bowed his head and blocked her lips. Tired touching action demanded compensation for mental injury!
Chapter 27 Warm (2)
Half ring Gu Yan just breath disorder loose An Ge looked at An Ge red cheeks Gu Yan mood finally happy for a few minutes bowed their heads and gently kissed an Ann song lips this just loose her face lip Angle evoked a pleasant smile turned away.
An Ge was awkward and looked out of the window. After a few seconds, she slightly raised her lip angle and flashed a smile.
Ann’s ink injury gradually improved to be going back to B city, but Ann Song was afraid of infection and asked him to rest for a few days before going back to Gu Yan. She had to go back to deal with something, and the assistant repeatedly urged her to leave.
After Gu Yanwei forced An Ge to send Gu Yan to the airport.
Sitting in the lounge, Gu Yan pulled an singer and looked at her sadly and said, "Do you really have the heart to watch me leave here alone?"
An Ge withdrew his hand and Leng Yan smiled. "What am I reluctant to part with?"
Gu Yan raised her hand to hold the singer Ann in the palm of her hand again, cursing her heartlessness, but looking at her face and smiling, Gu Yan didn’t speak again, but put her hand on her lips.
They stayed quietly for a long time. When they heard the registration sound on the radio, Gu Yan took her hand and walked toward the outside.
"Remember that if you want to attract butterflies when I’m away, let me know which man comes near me and must skin him alive!" Gu Yan’s overbearing warning
An Ge slightly raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Master Gu, just mind your own business!"
Gu Yan has been dawdling. An Ge really can’t help but stretch out his hand and push him inside. The cold face warned, "Don’t talk to me if you don’t leave now."
Gu Yan living stopped and waved at An Ge, then turned around and checked in.
Looking at Gu Yan disappear figure An Ge light squeeze out a smile turned away.
Just as she was about to walk out of the airport gate, she suddenly saw a familiar figure passing by An Ge and couldn’t help frowning to confirm that the figure had disappeared.
An Ge couldn’t help wondering why she was here.
Back to the hospital, Amy and Xiaoqi are walking in the building. Before An Ge, they hold Amy’s mouth with a smile. "How do you feel? Is it better? "
"It’s much better, but you have to let me live here when I leave the hospital." Anne Mo chuckled and slowly stepped aside to sit and rest.
"I’m going to buy some water." Xiaoqi said and turned away.
An Ge looked up at the top of her head. The sun was warm and comfortable. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and raise a shallow smile at her mouth.
Anmo looked at her face and smiled, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised "very heart?"
An Ge leng blink turned to look at Ann ink suddenly embarrassed don’t know what to say.
An Mo smiled and stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her hair. The corners of her mouth raised a bit of a relieved smile. An Ge was really happy to make this step. He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he looked at her with a heartfelt smile.
This beautiful hope will be cherished by that man. After all, it is not easy for An Ge to bravely take this step.

It’s a pity that Chu Yun can steal the teacher’s skills through the wall with his eyes dirty, but his chakra is too small

Chakra produces energy which is formed by the fusion of the energy of body cells.
Spirit can meditate on this. Before coming into this world, Xiao Ning will, but the energy of body cells …
I don’t know if he is too young, and the reason is simply pitiful …
"Alas …" Xiao Ning sighed again, picked up a pair of chopsticks from the bowl rack, picked up a natto, pulled out a few long silk threads, and began to eat yum yum.
But my head flew to the distant future.
He thought that in the original work, Terumi Mei, her chakra attribute is the same as her own, but she sends out two kinds of blood, following the boundary, and the water attribute chakra and the fire attribute chakra merge into a boiling fire escape attribute chakra and the soil attribute chakra merge into a melting escape. "
If I can boil and melt …
In my mind, Chu Yun’s palm print was cut off by his own acupoints when Naruto chakra was flowing.
Then Kyubi no Youko and chakra tried to make a noise, but chakra burst into flames, and in a minute Naruto became a charcoal roast turkey.
"Oh woo hoo …"
Chu Yun’s face flushed with a cheap smile.
If it boils …
In my mind, Chu Yun unfolded his palm and then the surrounding gas evaporated to form a large cloud that enveloped Chu Yun.
Chu Yunqi supercilious look proudly appeared behind Naruto, and Naruto noticed that he had a handprint …
"Oh ha ha ha ha ….."
"By the way, the water property chakra and the soil property can also synthesize wood dun, and then get some primary cells by yourself …"
Mind …
Chu Yun continued an imaginary extension.
After the cloud wrapped himself and Naruto, he appeared behind Naruto.
A palm print goes to sound the human body. The nine-tailed fox warns Naruto that he has found himself.
The returning spiral pill hit me and broke a hole directly in my stomach, but my body didn’t fly out but caught Naruto.
In an instant, Mu Dun’s avatar becomes a vine that can suppress bijuu and seal Naruto.
"Aha, hahaha …"
However, just when Chu Yun was daydreaming.
"Boom" a whole room shook up.
"What exploded?"
Chu Yun consciously looked at the place where the explosion came, but the supercilious look disappeared as soon as it was formed
"oh, no! I found too many waves before, chakra! "
At the same time, chakra’s exhaustion and weakness followed.
Chu Yun held the door to resist the momentum of his body crumbling to the ground.
"No! This pressure comes from the outside! "
It’s not the first time that chakra has run out. Although it’s weak, it’s not so limp and fearful.
"Boom!" There was another loud noise in the distance, and Chu Yun’s room shook violently, as if it could collapse at any time.
You can’t stay in the house anymore!
ChuYunJiang spirits want to move out of the house.
However, the body seems out of control.
You won’t be crushed to death in the room, will you
Just because Ning Ji didn’t die in the original book doesn’t mean he won’t die. In the original book, Ning Ji didn’t look for natto when he was one year old!
"Bang" a loud noise, the earth fell with the trembling door. Chu Yun held the door so as not to fall. At this time, the door panel fell out of control and fell down.
Chu Yun is even more desperate when he eats pain. The wall is also pressing against him.
"Finished …"
Ning Ji closed his eyes in his consciousness
The fact that the wall hits Ningji’s body is like a dying ember, and his small body is sure to escape the fate of disability.
However, the wall was not as hard and painful as I thought.
It’s soft … like …
Chu Yun opened his eyes … Seeing that my mother was worried about looking at herself.
And behind my mother … it’s the one who almost pressed herself against the wall.
Chu Yun gawk at that face close at hand.
This woman, who is a vase in his eyes, protects herself at this time!
ChuYunXin … A panic.
I don’t know, an old mage spoke to him before he died. "Whether a person is strong or not lies not in how much power he has, nor in how much money he has, nor in his own force but in his heart."
Mother’s forehead suddenly shed a wisp of blood.
Chu Yun’s pupil dilation
The blood seemed to stay in his eyes, as if the whole world was bloody.
The blood is flowing more and more
The woman noticed that she was bleeding and comforted Chu Yun. "Nothing is just a little blood injury. It’s good to be fine in Ningji."
But as the blood spilled on his face, more and more Chu Yun couldn’t laugh.
You’ll die if you go like this!
"Mom …"
Chu Yunyin trembled.
The woman suddenly froze, and then her face smiled more brightly.
My son has been early and wise since childhood, but he has never called his mother.
A woman looks at her eyes. "I haven’t found my son’s mouth looks like mine."
This is not the time to chat.
"Help! Come on! " Chu Yun shouted at the top of his voice.
However, Chu Yun didn’t find that the black line on his left hand floated out again. This time, the skeleton was much clearer than before, and the black line extended to his arm to outline other shapes …
But Chu Yun saw his mother’s face getting whiter and whiter and her eyelids getting heavier and heavier.
It seems to be closed at any moment.

The Empress tidied up her mood, covered her eyes with surprise and revealed a faint look. "I heard that Lord Nalan was made by Lady Yu?"

How did Na Lanqing get involved in Lady Yu when she was one leng?
"Back to the Empress!"
"Ten years ago, Mrs. Jade was the first talented woman in Beijing, Yan Qing, and she was so proud that she didn’t expect her son to grow so big when she passed by for more than ten years …" The empress sighed softly as if remembering something.
She paused. "But Mrs. Yu, the adult of Nalan, doesn’t look more like Wu ‘an Hou!"
Na Lanqing’s eyes were dark and calm, and there was no temperature in them. Some of them were as calm as water. She smiled. "It’s normal to follow your father, your daughter and your mother instead of your mother!"
Empress took a cup of tea again and finally said faintly, "That’s the same thing!"
Then she stopped talking.
The two sides have been silent …
When the Prime Minister’s wife saw it, she revealed a bit of doubt. Shouldn’t she give this Nalanqing some color to see see?
Why doesn’t the empress say anything?
She couldn’t help it. "It’s time to make a decision when you get married, right? When will you marry Cher? "
"Father said that a month later is a good day. What should be done must be done and Miss Cher cannot be wronged!" Na Lanqing sat there and accepted the three people to examine her. It was natural that she was neither humble nor humble.
"This time, the Palace has also heard some grievances against Lord Nalan!" Empress slightly narrowed her eyes and then seemed to think of something. She suddenly laughed. "By the way, the harem can be regarded as a family staying at Kunning Palace for dinner today. Somebody ask Taitai to come to the palace for dinner at noon today!"
Not giving Nalanqing a chance to refuse, the queen forced her to stay.
Although the family is Nalanqing Thyme, what is going on in the eyes of outsiders? Everyone knows that one by one is doing blind things, but it is what Nalanqing is now holding.
The news came out from the imperial palace …
Na Lanqing has a chamber of commerce called April Chamber of Commerce.
If it’s an ordinary chamber of commerce, forget it. It’s just that this chamber of commerce is a deadly weapon.
And all sides want weapons …
Now everyone has never really seen this kind of weapon, but they are not as contemptuous as before.
After talking with the Empress for a while in Kunning Palace, Na Lanqing was allowed to stroll in the back garden when a emerald figure came over and she smiled gracefully. "Congratulations, my husband … not my brother-in-law!"
The newcomer is a hundred miles.
Seeing the former enemy, she looks very jealous. Today, she is very gentle and elegant, and she talks before laughing.
Na Lanqing raised his eyebrows with a faint blur in his eyes, and his eyes narrowed slightly. "So it was Miss Baili who had something to do?"
"The second husband will be so polite. After you marry my sister, you will be a family!" Thyme Flour walked to her side, very close to Nalanqing’s side, and her chest seemed to rub her arm lightly to seduce her, which meant a lot.
NaLanQing slightly take a step back to pull her distance.
A hundred miles closer to a point, suddenly her body tilted. "Oh …"
Directly poured NaLanQing arms thyme flocculant son with a disdain sneer at hum is just a man to seduce her heart without hook.
Priscilla wants a wife?
Hum, what about marrying a wife? Without a man’s heart, she deserves to be widowed.
Lai doesn’t walk in Nalanqing’s arms for a long time, twisting his eyebrows painfully. "Oh, it hurts … my foot seems to be twisted …"
Na Lanqing looked at her, holding her steady behind her with both hands, and then quickly stepped back. She solemnly said, "Men and women can’t give or receive clearly. Please respect yourself!"
Thyme flocculant son face fierce a stiff words made her like to also deliberately seduce … Although it is intentional.
But I can’t get through …
She bowed her head and wept with reddish eyes. "Flour, what did you do to make the two men unhappy?" I didn’t mean to twist my foot … I … "
"Na Lanqing, don’t go too far. It’s not enough to marry Priscilla. Now you’re trying to seduce Miss Xu?" At this time, a neutral voice roared, and anger could be heard from the sound.
Na Lanqing looked back at the person in front of her. She casually hooked her lips. "Who are you?"
"You …" The bearer is Qu Guanyang, the grandson of the old general who just went to talk to Na Lanqing.
"Do you know Lao Qu Guanyang now?" QuGuanYang a high roar, especially eyes look to one side thyme flocculant son red eyes he instantly distressed strode past "flocculant son miss are you ok? Is this dude bullying you? "
"Er Gong didn’t bully me … it’s my fault … I shouldn’t have made him angry …" Thyme Flocculant hurriedly shook his head and was afraid to look at NaLanQing very wronged.
Is it okay to see others like this?
Especially in love with Bai Li Xu Er Qu Guanyang.
This is simply a provocation.
"Do you want to face a man bullying a weak woman, Na Lanqing?"
Most of this human brain is sick!

At this juncture, Yuan Du Shi, who has always liked to lecture at the military discussion, can also speed up and quickly end the military discussion.

However, Zu Dashou, Zuo Fu, Zhu Mei, Wu Xiang and Xie Shangzheng were left behind in the big hills of Ningjun Army.
Everyone has been on business for more than ten years, and the interests are already intertwined. It is impossible to have too much etiquette in such a crisis.
Zu Dashou whispered, "Duchen Tatar is furious. Then there will be a small 50,000 people in the front line of the Daling River feint. It’s a humble guess that the number of people entering xifengkou this time will be quite a lot. If we rush, it’s not … it’s not a smart move."
Zuo Fu couldn’t help sighing, "How can the bodhi old zu not send troops? Do you want to wait for the court to cut our heads? We should have thought of it a long time ago. If the main force of the Tatars came, how could they ink for three days by the Daling River Tunpu? "
Zu Dashou couldn’t help but give Zuo Fu a bad look. "Why didn’t you say this earlier? A Monday morning quarterback and a ball afterwards? "
"You …"
Zuo Fu’s anger will also rise and he will be furious when he dies.
Zhu Mei busy dozen circle field with a smile, "bodhi old zu old left you don’t rush, don’t rush things have happened, and there is nothing left. Let’s think about the solution is the right way."
"Way? What way? You Zhu Mei want to be a pioneer? "
Zuo Fu did not dare to be as hard as a calf in Zu Dashou, but he did not feel guilty about Zhu Mei and stared at Zhu Mei like a wolf.
Zhu Mei wanted to’ criticisms’ at the moment, but it was better than anyone to bite like a mad dog.
But Zhu Mei is also white. At this time, he wants to make things worse. He is busy looking at Yuan Dushi’s way. "It’s definitely not possible for the overseers not to send troops. We can’t explain it to all aspects. At this time, although the situation is in crisis, thistle town should be able to hold on for a day or two for the time being. This is enough for us to send forward elites to stall the main force of 8 jin j’s eastern front in the past. Moreover, southern Liaoning can’t help sending troops for such a big event …"
They listened to Zhu Mei and cried to react.
How to forget Li Yuanqing?
How can Li Yuanqing not send troops for such a shocking event?
And to send troops to Li Yuanqing, they’ll have an excellent back-burner here …
Zu Dashou busy way "overseers can let shanhai Mangui lead the main force to the west, even if we can’t reach Zunhua, but we must also get stuck in the Tatar East Road, which can also win more for us and make the main force close to the battlefield."
Wu Xiang, Xie Shangzheng words are not busy at this time to echo the nod.
Yuan DuShi side slowly nodded, "Now it can be so. Immediately order Mangui to go to the western front first, and then dispatch Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong, Zhang Pan and Chen Liangce from southern Liaoning to the eastern battlefield to be ready for him at any time."
"Duchen Ying"
After Li Yuanqing received the news, the main force of 8 jin j had broken through xifengkou, and it was already the 16th night of the first month.
At this time, Li Yuanqing and the main force of Chen Zhong’s department have detoured to an old forest three or four miles southwest of Yongping City, ready to wait for the main force of Changli seaside to gather.
At this time, although 7,000 people have joined forces, there are still nearly 10,000 children to bear a lot of grain and hay, and the speed is naturally slower.
The soldiers and horses didn’t move food and grass first.
After all, it’s no joke that more than 20,000 elite horses play around with more than 20,000 horses every day.
Li Yuanqing doesn’t have money like Ning’s uncles, and he can also make a guest appearance as a bandit to find food from ordinary people, so he can afford to be prepared first.
Only when he was in Beijing, two dozen and two hundred and two thousand pieces of silver had been eaten and drunk.
However, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong’s financial resources at this time are just that Mao Mao rain is going to send troops to Tartars, and their brothers will be able to find more generous returns in Tartars sooner or later.
When the news arrived, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, Shun, Chen Changyou, Duan Xiliang, Kong Youde, Niu Gensheng, Li Sansheng and other officers were drinking.
Suddenly heard the news, everyone was shocked.
For a moment Duan Xiliang couldn’t help but spit out, "What the hell are they doing to eat?" They didn’t even find this kind of thing? "
Shun is also a bit stupid. "My dog is so fast that Yuan Man is afraid to be pound-foolish."
Chen Changyou said, "If the Li Shuai guard enters our side so fiercely, he will be afraid of being passive."
Chen Zhong didn’t worry too much, but he nodded his head slowly.
At the end of this group of trusted generals, although he and Li Yuanqing have already revealed some’ guesses’ to them and asked them to set various plans according to this guess.
But the core of it, he and Li Yuanqing, did not reveal much, which was known by the two brothers.
At this time, hearing the news, Chen Zhong instantly came over, and all this was almost as expected by Li Yuanqing.
Tartars proved to be a "smoke screen" to fool the western Liaoning side and go straight to it.
"All panic a ball? Ah! Look at you one by one! How come I haven’t seen Tatar? "
Chen Zhong glasses mercilessly clap on the table glare scanning the crowd.
Cried the wine table instantly quiet to all the will be silenced.
At this point, everyone’s heart is already in vain.
There is a company commander in southern Liaoning, and that is Li Yuanqing!
There is a deputy commander in southern Liaoning, and that is Chen Zhong!
Chen Zhong is the first person to be ashamed in southern Liaoning, whether according to seniority or according to merit, including his close relationship with Li Yuanqing!
Even in the longevity camp, who dares not to give him Chen Zhong’s face?

As three people frown to a surprise call.

"Go and have a look."
"Ripples, come and see if it’s here. It must be here." Creek ideas touched the uneven rock wall and said in a coherent way.
"No, I look no different from other rock? Impossible? " Man Yuan-sheng doubted that touching the stone wall made him feel no different.
"What do you think of the five statues?"
"It seems unusual," said Jin Zun, probing.
"it seems"
The word "click" ripple has not been finished yet, but it is very slight, but it must not be ignored.
Followed by "bang"-the stone wall that was rugged like a toad’s back suddenly sagged out to reveal something like a gv 10.
"This is, what?" They looked at each other.
Seeing that the mesa is a circular pattern, it is said that the pattern is a bit inconsistent, because there is nothing with some strange nicks. Those nicks seem to have been blurred, and it seems that they are no longer clear after years of wind and frost.
There are three small round holes in the center of the circular pattern, which seems to be where something is placed. The outermost notch seems to lead to the stone wall without end, and I don’t know where it leads to the inside.
"This is the prison door? Why is it like a gv 10? Why is there nothing? " Wood statue of disturbing head a pair of don’t feel.
"Maybe you have to do something in the noodles."
"What do you mean?" Jin Zun looked at the ripples and asked
"This GV-like thing may be the key to open the prison door, but this is not the prison door. Maybe we should do something."
"What to do? What should I do? " Fire statue also annoyed that hot personality dallied straight out and the fire almost burned.
"Naturally, you have to ask the old man what to do." A powerful but full of children’s breath, the sound looks around and you will see a white beard fluttering in beauty. The old man Ling came and got up and followed three or four people.

Thanks to the donation of Jinhong Pharmaceutical, Lin Fen also asked the hospital to be in charge of administration. The doctor came to pull a banner, made a simple ribbon-cutting ceremony and took some photos.

The hospital doctors also came to attend the ceremony, which was simple and not extravagant, but I could see that it was very heart-warming.
After the donation ceremony, today’s Honggong workers debugged the medical equipment, and Lin Fen also arranged a guest house for them to rest here for one night before returning, and invited them to eat a farmhouse banquet in the evening.
Fu Jingxiao didn’t attend. He left it to Xu Jinyan in the evening.
They have walked in the mountains in March and will not feel cold. After dinner, they will take a walk on the road.
Chapter one thousand and forty Wedding rings should be bought bigger.
"Thank you" Xu Jinyan still feels that he should thank him on behalf of the doctor.
"If you say thank you for coming here for personal gain, I admit that the rest is unnecessary. Today, I have already answered the question that the dean is also your junior." Fu Jingxiao said primly.
"Is he your junior, too?" Xu Jinyan thought that Lin Fen was a student of Xiao Kang, but in fact she was his direct younger brother. She joined Xiao Kang’s experimental team behind.
Fu Jingxiao was absorbed. "A medical student who can’t be a doctor can’t. I’ve already held my teacher back."
Xu Jinyan shook his head and held his arm to stop him. "If not, it’s not that you are not a doctor. Now everything you do is still in your field. If you are not a medical student, you may not feel it. These are all gifts from the past that will create such a good you."
You don’t understand outside, but she will understand you.
Fu Jingxiao gathered her waist and nodded. "Uh-huh, of course, my wife was sent to me because I was a medical university. I have already earned a focus on medical research because I hope that China’s medical care is more and more advanced, and medical equipment and drug research are also important besides doctors."
"That’s right," said Xu Jinyan. "We will try our best to do it well within our power."
He took her hand.
Although they are in different fields, they have a common belief that they will get closer and closer here in the future.
Xu Jinyan knows that he not only donated a lot of equipment to this hospital in Qiqi County, but also donated a lot of old hospitals. From the investigation to the final implementation, Fu Jingxiao will be involved, not just doing surface engineering.
When they returned to Xu Jinyan’s residence, it was very late, and the moonlight was appropriate. Fu Jingxiao prepared a phrase, "Don’t go back next month, I will go to visit my mother’s grave for you. It’s too hard for you to come back and forth here."
He has thought about things for next month and prepared for her.
Xu Jinyan is becoming speechless in Qiqi County, unlike in Beijing hospital, where one person often has to support many people, and at the same time, he also has to teach medical work days, which has been forgotten.
It turned out that it was cleared last month.
Last year, she was also delayed to go back to the grave because of the busy hospital. This year, she wants to go.
However, at present, it is really difficult to move for two days when things need to be adjusted in Qixian County.
"If …"
"good!" Fu Jingxiao hesitated, but Xu Jinyan replied, "What do I have to worry about if you go? Maybe mom wants to see you more."
In the dark night, she hugged Fu Jingxiao’s body. "Ah Xiao, you can always think that I think about everything for such a week. What am I worried about?"
He didn’t want her to come to Qiqian too hard. She has obviously lost a circle these days, but she hasn’t said anything about it.
Xie Zhiyang smiled a "another sour person, please help me in the past."
He quit the chat.
Fu Jingyun appeared on the scene with her husband, Zhou Shiyu, who has a new research project to cooperate with foreign laboratories this year, setting a precedent in the medical field.
He also became the youngest professor in Beijing People’s Hospital.
Fu Shen and Cheng Qing both saw in the news that they realized that he was not only a little doctor, but also had the wrong time.
Fu’s businessmen attended the thank-you banquet and sent congratulations when they saw Fu Jingyun’s paunchy belly. Together with those celebrities who looked at Fu Jingyun coldly, they did not envy her life experience.
This is the real answer to the popular saying "Happy sister, you don’t understand". Everyone has his own way of living. The hypocrisy and truth may arrive a little later, but they will definitely have it.
Of course, it’s not convenient for her now, but she’s also involved in all the luck of Fu’s. After three months, she will participate in the company’s regular meeting online, and the project will make overall arrangements for all the group events, so that Cao Min can make more trips.
Therefore, Cao Min was promoted in general manager office and became the deputy director of general manager office.
Experience is the time to give Cao Min strength to prove himself.
The only person who doesn’t bring a date to the thank-you cocktail party is probably the organizer Fu Jingxiao, who can talk with the partner Kan Kan and show his left finger wedding ring anytime and anywhere for fear that the media won’t see it.
Xu Jinyan teased him, "If I had known you were so ostentatious, I would have bought a bigger ring so that I could blind others." It is precisely because of this that they are busy in their own work but can still read a lot of information about him.
Although the donation of medical equipment to Qixian Hospital was very low-key, it was dug up by the media.
Chapter one thousand and forty-one Reunion in the disaster area
There was a media reception at Fu’s thank-you dinner, and Fu Jingxiao was interviewed by the media.
Fu Jingxiao smiled faintly and replied, "Compared with the medical staff who stayed in the hospitals in poor mountainous areas, does this count? They failed to answer these questions in front of the media. How can I be interviewed? China’s economic development and medical equipment are changing with each passing day, but they are still working in the front line. They can stick to their posts and silently contribute to our medical career."
His confession attracted many people’s attention on the Internet.
In particular, the medical staff resonated, especially in poverty-stricken areas, because they paid attention to it.
Of course, the Fu’s group has been stagnant in public welfare projects for so many years, whether it is medical donation or public welfare children’s fund, it has made its own efforts in this society.
Behind it is the efforts of this young business leader.
Fu’s thank-you banquet arrived in Qing Dynasty soon after it was over.
Fu Jingxiao went to Jiacheng a few days ago to sweep the grave in front of Song Rou’s tomb. As he expected, Xu Jinyan didn’t get rid of it. When he called her, she was still in the hospital. Because of the update of medical equipment, many patients can see a doctor in a local hospital, and the reception of surgery has also increased. At the same time, she has to take Wang Li to grow up quickly. In the past six months, her technology has advanced by leaps and bounds and she has been able to operate independently.
This is the greatest significance of Xu Jin inkstone.
In June of the same year, the college entrance examination season came.
Xu Jinyuan took the college entrance examination. In fact, he was on the list when he walked the exam, but he wanted to try the college entrance examination and hope to get the college he wanted to go to once.
Sure enough, he lived up to expectations, exceeding the key scientific lines and scoring high into the top three in Jiacheng.