Gu Yan felt that An Ge shook her palm nervously at this time and looked at Anmo faintly. "Brother doesn’t mean congratulations?"

An Ge turned to look at Gu Yan. This man is not too shameless. That’s her brother. What’s his name?
Gu Yan blinked at An Ge. An Ge couldn’t help but turn her head quickly with a black line. Did she just be molested by Gu Yan?
"Congratulations on what?" Ann mo calmly looked at Gu Yan and made no secret of his dislike of "An Ge, a flower stuck in cow dung, I’m sad, don’t you still congratulate me? Is Gu Shao telling a cold joke? "
"Poof-"Next to Xiaoqi, it was very unkind to laugh and feel Gu Yan’s cold eyes. She decisively covered her mouth and tried to reduce her sense of presence.
It is said that this gentle ink is really a biting role if it is poisonous.
"Anyway, I am now a family brother. So I don’t show that An Ge’s eyes are not good?" Gu Yan smiled at Leng Yan. He didn’t believe this man and dared to say that An Ge was not the man who loved his sister the most.
If he says that An Ge isn’t, won’t he get another chance to promote himself in An Ge’s heart?
An Mo smiled faintly and his tone was very calm. He didn’t understand Gu Yan’s words. While his sister was still himself, he turned his eyes to An Ge and smiled. "An Ge, do you think brother was wrong just now?"
An Ge leng a this let her answer?
Looking at Ann’s eyes, she could feel that Gu Yan’s warning hand was about to be crushed by Gu Yan.
"Brother said yes!" After all, my brother still has the wind!
"It seems that your eyes are very good and you can see the quality through the phenomenon!" Anmo smiled and praised An Ge. At the end, he also spoke seriously to An Ge to appease "I wronged you!"
Gu Yan pulled the car and smiled a little stiff. How do you feel that he was washed by the two brothers and sisters?
Gu Yan was a little depressed and pinched, so that the singer could wake her up and not go too far!
Looking at Anmo’s spoiled smile in her eyes, An Ge felt warm in her heart. She knew that her brother was teasing her heart and that he was telling her in such a soothing way that he would always support her in deciding that no matter what, he would always be by her side.
An Ge’s tense mood gradually became soothing, and she felt the palm of her hand to warn her, but she smiled and said to Anmo, "Brother, I will try my best to insist!"
Gu Yan couldn’t help looking at An Ge and asking, "Am I really that bad?"
Gu Yan has a brainwashing feeling that she and Anmo scolded him for three hours in the ward. Is he really that bad?
"Isn’t this a fact?" An Ge is obviously in a good mood. It is rare to have such a serious joke.
Looking at An Ge’s face, he made no secret of joking. Gu Qi directly raised his hand and held her face, bowed his head and blocked her lips. Tired touching action demanded compensation for mental injury!
Chapter 27 Warm (2)
Half ring Gu Yan just breath disorder loose An Ge looked at An Ge red cheeks Gu Yan mood finally happy for a few minutes bowed their heads and gently kissed an Ann song lips this just loose her face lip Angle evoked a pleasant smile turned away.
An Ge was awkward and looked out of the window. After a few seconds, she slightly raised her lip angle and flashed a smile.
Ann’s ink injury gradually improved to be going back to B city, but Ann Song was afraid of infection and asked him to rest for a few days before going back to Gu Yan. She had to go back to deal with something, and the assistant repeatedly urged her to leave.
After Gu Yanwei forced An Ge to send Gu Yan to the airport.
Sitting in the lounge, Gu Yan pulled an singer and looked at her sadly and said, "Do you really have the heart to watch me leave here alone?"
An Ge withdrew his hand and Leng Yan smiled. "What am I reluctant to part with?"
Gu Yan raised her hand to hold the singer Ann in the palm of her hand again, cursing her heartlessness, but looking at her face and smiling, Gu Yan didn’t speak again, but put her hand on her lips.
They stayed quietly for a long time. When they heard the registration sound on the radio, Gu Yan took her hand and walked toward the outside.
"Remember that if you want to attract butterflies when I’m away, let me know which man comes near me and must skin him alive!" Gu Yan’s overbearing warning
An Ge slightly raised his eyebrows and smiled. "Master Gu, just mind your own business!"
Gu Yan has been dawdling. An Ge really can’t help but stretch out his hand and push him inside. The cold face warned, "Don’t talk to me if you don’t leave now."
Gu Yan living stopped and waved at An Ge, then turned around and checked in.
Looking at Gu Yan disappear figure An Ge light squeeze out a smile turned away.
Just as she was about to walk out of the airport gate, she suddenly saw a familiar figure passing by An Ge and couldn’t help frowning to confirm that the figure had disappeared.
An Ge couldn’t help wondering why she was here.
Back to the hospital, Amy and Xiaoqi are walking in the building. Before An Ge, they hold Amy’s mouth with a smile. "How do you feel? Is it better? "
"It’s much better, but you have to let me live here when I leave the hospital." Anne Mo chuckled and slowly stepped aside to sit and rest.
"I’m going to buy some water." Xiaoqi said and turned away.
An Ge looked up at the top of her head. The sun was warm and comfortable. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and raise a shallow smile at her mouth.
Anmo looked at her face and smiled, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised "very heart?"
An Ge leng blink turned to look at Ann ink suddenly embarrassed don’t know what to say.
An Mo smiled and stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her hair. The corners of her mouth raised a bit of a relieved smile. An Ge was really happy to make this step. He couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when he looked at her with a heartfelt smile.
This beautiful hope will be cherished by that man. After all, it is not easy for An Ge to bravely take this step.

As three people frown to a surprise call.

"Go and have a look."
"Ripples, come and see if it’s here. It must be here." Creek ideas touched the uneven rock wall and said in a coherent way.
"No, I look no different from other rock? Impossible? " Man Yuan-sheng doubted that touching the stone wall made him feel no different.
"What do you think of the five statues?"
"It seems unusual," said Jin Zun, probing.
"it seems"
The word "click" ripple has not been finished yet, but it is very slight, but it must not be ignored.
Followed by "bang"-the stone wall that was rugged like a toad’s back suddenly sagged out to reveal something like a gv 10.
"This is, what?" They looked at each other.
Seeing that the mesa is a circular pattern, it is said that the pattern is a bit inconsistent, because there is nothing with some strange nicks. Those nicks seem to have been blurred, and it seems that they are no longer clear after years of wind and frost.
There are three small round holes in the center of the circular pattern, which seems to be where something is placed. The outermost notch seems to lead to the stone wall without end, and I don’t know where it leads to the inside.
"This is the prison door? Why is it like a gv 10? Why is there nothing? " Wood statue of disturbing head a pair of don’t feel.
"Maybe you have to do something in the noodles."
"What do you mean?" Jin Zun looked at the ripples and asked
"This GV-like thing may be the key to open the prison door, but this is not the prison door. Maybe we should do something."
"What to do? What should I do? " Fire statue also annoyed that hot personality dallied straight out and the fire almost burned.
"Naturally, you have to ask the old man what to do." A powerful but full of children’s breath, the sound looks around and you will see a white beard fluttering in beauty. The old man Ling came and got up and followed three or four people.

"Can be 36 yards" Fu Jingxiao confessed one.

It’s rare for a shopping guide to see a man shopping with a woman, and to know each other’s shoe size should also consider comfort.
Xu Jinyan is quite tall, but his feet are quite small.
Sometimes when lying on the sofa, her feet will reach his thighs, and he will occasionally hold her feet with one hand.
The "good" shopping guide quickly brought the shoes.
Fu Jingxiao half knelt down and took the new shoes for Xu Jinyan to try on. Xu Jinyan was still a little unaccustomed to shopping guide. They all looked at her. She was busy bowing her head and "I’ll do it myself."
He insisted on holding her feet before catching a glimpse that her heels were worn out.
"Can I have a band-aid?" Fu Jingxiao looked up at the shopping guide.
Generally, there are a lot of women who have common problems in shoe stores, but they don’t wear their feet, but they often stick band-AIDS.
The shopping guide trotted over and took it.
Fu Jingxiao put her feet on her knees "stick them back before disinfection"
"Nothing, just a little skin."
"It’s contagious," Fu Jingxiao stressed. He gently and carefully put a band-aid on her and then let her wear it in new shoes.
After Xu Jin put both feet in, he helped her up. "It takes a walk to be comfortable."
Xu Jinyan walked obediently for two laps, which was really comfortable.
"Miss, how do you feel? This little white shoe is a poster model of our brand, which is particularly popular and comfortable, which is very ergonomic." The shopping guide recommended it to Xu Jinyan.
Yes, it’s good. It’s just that this card has been seen in Xialu. It’s not cheap.
She knew that Fu Jingxiao would definitely buy it, but she was more or less concerned, but it wasn’t his fault that she was rich. What was she still embarrassed about?
"Very good"
In response, Fu Jingxiao indicated to the shopping guide, "Would you like to try this pair for another pair?"
"No, I seldom wear leather shoes to buy waves." Xu Jinyan never tries not to buy things, so as not to make people have the illusion of wanting to buy them.
"Miss, our leather shoes are as comfortable as the sneakers outside, and they match clothes well." The shopping guide is still trying to recommend them to her.
The sentence "No, I don’t like it" can really refuse the strong recommendation of the shopping guide.
In Xu Jinyan’s idea, buy if you need it, and don’t buy if you don’t need it, even when she is rich now.
"If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. The important thing is that you like it." Fu Jingxiao told her that he didn’t want to force her because he knew that even if he bought it for her, she would not care.
She is not the kind of little girl who can be charmed by buying a bag and shoes.
Because her heart may be a cup of milk tea and a spicy meal is enough.
"In fact, we have a couple of small white shoes. Do you want to try it?" The shopping guide gave up the recommendation to Xu Jinyan because it seems that this is a wife slave.
Fu Jingxiao is interested. Speaking of it, they really don’t have any lovers’ money after they get back together.
Even the towels and tooth cups at home are pink.
"You can try it in size 43." Fu Jingxiao brightened at the moment and put his arm around her shoulder. "We can wear a couple’s style together."
Chapter five hundred and thirty-six Debt collection ghost
Excellent shopping guides always make people willing to spend money.
Just as this shopping guide can’t sell two pairs, then push another pair. There will always be time when it comes to your heart.
Xu Jin Yan Pei
But I don’t know if Fu Jingxiao’s little white shoes don’t feel disobedient in his suit. After all, people rely on their faces.
Adding a bit of unruly.
It’s like a college student who has just entered the society is going to start a business and talk about the project, but he has changed his outfit, and the small white shoes mean that he is young and energetic
"Ladies and gentlemen, you two must have a high return rate when you go out in these shoes." The shopping guide has a new wave of sales promotion for fear that they will say no.
Xu Jin inkstone chuckled, "Taking him with you means turning your head. You don’t have to look at your shoes to see your face."
She still has this confidence.
"The authentication of such a handsome man belongs to you, just look at the shoes, and the couple’s money represents a different way to declare."
Xu Jinyan actually refuted this wave of excellent shoe store owners should add chicken legs.
Fu Jingxiao said to the shopping guide, "That’s it. Wrap our front shoes and wear them like this."
"Good Sir" shopping guide is beaming.
Fu Jingxiao lifted her feet and put them together to "match"
"Did you say shoes?" Xu today inkstone flirt seems to ask 1.
Fu Jingxiao’s eyes glanced at her. "I said people."
"Well, I’m flattered. Didn’t you listen to what someone just said? Such a handsome man. She praised you for not saying that I look good, which means that I can’t climb your face." Xu Jin looked at the female shopping guide and stared at Fu Jingxiao’s face.
Fu Jingxiao gathered his eyes and said out of turn, "Then why don’t you stop me from buying it?"
"Huh?" what’s the meaning
"I won’t even praise my girlfriend, so I won’t rush her performance."
"Good joke" Xu today inkstone took his arm and smiled gently.
At that time, it was also very popular when they first fell in love. She had such an idea, but Fu Jingxiao refused, saying it was a bit silly.
Xu Jinyan later thought that it was silly to walk on the road. Others would definitely stare at them. Even if she was looked at, it would be uneconomical to feel that her boyfriend was so handsome and was taken to Bai Piao.
She immediately gave up the idea.
After all these years, I said that I was stupid, but I volunteered to wear a couple’s money.
It’s a turn of events. She can’t read it.
Fu Jingxiao paid money to pull her out of the mall, and two pairs of small white shoes brushed the floor harmoniously and beautifully.
It’s like a second to travel back to school.
"Didn’t you say that wearing a couple’s money was particularly stupid? Why aren’t you stupid now?" Xu Jin inkstone can’t help asking him.
Fu Jingxiao’s dead duck mouth shut and denied "Is there? When did I say that you heard wrong?"

"You go with me. I can’t protect you."

North ghost snow smiled and patted the egg gently.
This Kunpeng egg still doesn’t want to be very clingy if Lai Sumo and Beimingxue rub around.
After a little while, this Kunpeng egg seems to have thought of something and suddenly rolled to Su Mo, leaning forward one by one like a salute.
Su Mo’s heart shook his head slightly. "What are you doing?"
This sentence is what he casually said. How did he expect this Kunpeng egg to jump up from its original place? It was as if Su Mo had hit on his mind!
"How clever!"
North ghost snow can’t help but praise one
This Kunpeng can have such intelligence as an egg before it hatches.
"Master, why don’t you take him?"
North ghost snow also laughed. "Taigu taboo talent must be stronger than me and should be qualified to be your brother."
Take a brother who is too taboo?
If this thing goes out, it will even cause an uproar!
What is the taboo of Taigu?
Who is qualified to dare to avoid the teacher!
What’s more, no one will take the initiative to get involved in anything for fear of being avoided by others who are too taboo in Taikoo.
But Su Mo has no scruples about such a thing!
If you calculate the three taboos of Kunpeng Taigu, he is more or less connected!
And collecting Kun Peng’s younger brother is not necessarily a disaster.
"Master, you can accept him."
North Ghost Snow really loves this Kunpeng, and it is rare to show her daughter’s state. She said in a coquetry way, "I am a big brother, a number of little younger brothers or Younger."
Su Mo didn’t answer. Looking at Kun Peng’s egg not far away, he said, "It’s serious to learn from the teacher. Are you serious?"
Kun Peng’s egg quickly jumped in place for two times to show that it was very serious.
North ghost snow looked over your mouth and laughed.
Sumo said, "In that case, I will accept your brother Beiming Snow as your senior sister, and my name is Sumo Road, and you remember it."
Kunpeng egg looks quite excited and salutes frequently.
"Master, he doesn’t have a name yet."
North ghost snow wakes up
Su Mo thoughtfully said a little, "In this case, the teacher will give you a name-Xiaoyao hopes that you can be free and unrestrained in the future!"
Xiaoyao not only has Su Mo’s hope for Kun Peng, but also reflects Kun Peng’s own ability.
"Free and unfettered"
North Ghost Snow gently patted Kunpeng’s egg and said with a smile, "You will have a name in the future. Your name is Xiaoyao."
Hearing this name, Kun Peng’s egg is also very excited, jumping and rubbing up in front of Su Mo.
"Don’t give me that."
Su Mo smiled and pushed Kun Peng’s egg. "If you worship my teacher, I’ll have to send you to Beijiao."
Bei Ying is the best place for Xiaoyao.
Former Su Mo still hesitates.
But now that Xiaoyao has become his brother, no matter what Xiaoyao will become in the future, he must send Xiaoyao to the past.
Only when Bei Ying is free and unfettered can he grow up safely!
When I heard Su Mo’s words, Kunpeng Egg was a little lost.
According to the master, if he goes to that place called Bei Ying, he will have to leave the master and the elder sister.
The first thing he saw when he woke up was Su Mo and Bei Mingxue.
And because of his blood, he has an indescribable affinity for them.
And now the three are forced to separate.
"When are you going to leave?" North ghost snow asked
"I have other things to do and I won’t go back to the North for the time being."
Sumo said, "I’ll take Xiaoyao to Beibei for the other one!"
"Another me?"
North ghost snow leng is not white.
Just then a man came in outside the hall.
This man is wearing a purple robe, a black hair shawl, and his face looks exactly the same as that of Su Mo!
Chapter one thousand three hundred and ninety Free and unfettered fear
"This is …"
North Ghost Snow was dumbfounded. The purple friar and Su Mo turned around and looked surprised.
Apart from the difference in Taoist robes, this monk in purple robes looks exactly like the master!
But North Ghost Snow faintly felt that this purple monk was a little different.
This feeling can’t be said.
"Everyone knows that I have two real bodies, but I am not."
Su Mo pointed to the monk who came in and said simply, "This is my third body."

Su Mo looked dignified.

Although he didn’t find any danger nearby, he didn’t even warn him, but he always felt that something was wrong.
Su Mo repeatedly probed around for several times and still found nothing.
"what kind of environment can give birth to such treasures as Qixia Xianshen?"
Sue ink suddenly asked
Tang Ziyi said, "I don’t know about Chinese medicine, but it takes energy to conceive such a treasure."
"This island is not surprising, and I don’t see anything. I don’t know how such a fairy medicine was bred."
Sue ink thoughtfully for a long time didn’t come up with a reason.
Tang Ziyi said, "Why don’t I go and get it? If I can pick it, I will give it back to you."
Sue ink slightly raised eyebrows move in my heart.
Tang Ziyi didn’t say it, but she didn’t want to return his favor.
"I’ll go."
Su Mo smiled. He has some treasures and many cards. Even if he encounters any danger, he has a chance to escape.
Su Mo took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the bushes in front of him.
Five zhangs …
Su Mo is getting closer and closer to Qixia Xianshen, and her spirit is getting more and more tense, but there is nothing around her. It’s quiet and scary!
In a blink of an eye, Su Mo is three feet away from Qi Xia Xian Shen.
There is still no danger.
Su Mo dare not be careless, remain vigilant and continue to approach slowly.
Ten feet!
If you want to take two more steps, Qixia Xianshen will be at your fingertips!
Sue ink mood also became a little excited again toward the front line.
At this time, the change suddenly occurred!
Seems to be shaking around a!
Followed by seven chardonnay fairy ginseng surrounded by a very pure cold force.
Su Mo’s imaginary sight is like a piece of white paper with a little black ink on it.
Then this ink dizzy spread continuously.
Su Mo stare big eyes.
The darkness spread and devoured everything around.
The shrubs around Qixia Xianshen were swept away by the darkness and disappeared into a part of the darkness!
Many eye fish in the lake, including the cuttlefish, seem to feel something, and they go into the depths of the lake one by one and disappear.
Even the lake seems to be unable to bear some kind of pressure.
Just now, the waves surged and then subsided!
Someone pointed to the lake and exclaimed.
Seeing that the whole lake seems to have been splashed with thick ink, it becomes dark and smells cold and weird!
isolated island
Su Mo’s feet seemed to be stuck in the mire and could not move.
Seeing the darkness surging ahead, the spirit kept warning, and Su Mo directly offered the extremely fast avatar to condense Dapeng wings.
But even so, he still managed to escape.
His body seemed to fall into a bottomless dark abyss, and he struggled to get out!
He made a move to sacrifice the prison tripod.
But his god knowledge seems to be swallowed up by darkness, and the prison tripod has lost its connection!
The real dragon, the nine flashes and many other occult techniques are released by law.
Su Mo can watch the darkness surge ahead, but he has the ability.
Tang Ziyi exclaimed behind him.
"Don’t come over!"
Su Mo shouted at me.
In this situation, everyone has to sink in!
The darkness came and swept Su Mo’s right leg first.
Su Mo lowered his head and his pupils contracted. Incredible colors surged in his eyes.
His right foot was swept by darkness and disappeared first.
No pain
No blood
But Sumo clearly knew that his right foot was gone!
Because he can’t feel his right foot!
The flesh and bones are gone, completely swallowed up by the darkness and become a part of this darkness!

Su Mo’s look changed slightly.

Bronze Fang Ding didn’t move!
Although the bronze Fang Ding is extremely heavy, the former Soviet ink will pick up its strength!
And now …
Suddenly Su Mo realized one thing.
His elixir has been destroyed and his elixir has been shattered!
His Dan Dao was abruptly broken!
Su Mo’s consciousness runs Dan’s chest center, but it hurts like a tear!
Sue ink stuffy hum a body shaking the forehead emerge a fine layer of sweat.
Dan’s dull face is covered with shocking cracks!
Su Mo carefully felt that his face was even uglier.
Dan can’t save it
Then the situation is worse!
The abdomen in the abdomen swings like a virtual black hole without a trace of spiritual force.
Su Mo took a deep breath and slowly condensed the surrounding aura.
He can still feel the aura and breathe it into his body.
However, after the aura enters the abdomen, it will disappear, and the root will not be in stop for a minute in the abdomen!
Now his abdomen is like a leaking airbag.
Water can go in but it won’t stay.
That is to say, even if Su Mo wants to practice again step by step from the condensate gas environment, it is wishful thinking!
That is to say, abolishing the elixir is the cruelest punishment for monks.
Because you don’t even have a chance to practice again!
Su Mo clenched his teeth and his eyes were filled with unyielding color. He tried his best to pick up the bronze Fang Ding.
At the same time, he absorbed the aura, and when the gas circulation was short, he hit the bag and sent the bronze Fang Ding in.
This is a very simple move.
But Su Mo spent a lot of effort, sweating, pale and panting.
Su Mo gave a miserable smile.
Practicing today, his powerful posture has pushed almost all monks of the same rank across the great realm to slay their opponents!
He is called the first Uber in all ages by major forces!
I didn’t expect to be reduced to this one day.
Although Su Mo still has a strong blood force, it is impossible to really strive for the glory of the world.
Let alone seek revenge from Taoist Xuanyu one day.
"is this my destiny?"
Su Mo clenched his fists too hard on his phalanges and looked pale!
"I don’t want to I am unwilling! I don’t! "
"I want to fight for my life even if I give everything!"
Sharp nails pierced the palm of your hand and oozed blood. Su Mo was unaware that there was a strange lotus flower in her eyes!
Fox crouched in Su Mo’s footsteps and looked up at him with a worried face.
Although she can’t speak, she can feel Su Mo’s pain and unyielding heart at this time.
Nothing is more desperate than losing hope.
Just then there was a sudden chanting outside the door.
"If I smell kindness, cultivate one’s morality, be good at Buddhism, wisdom and wisdom, I will know that there are tens of billions of beings in the world …"
As pure as Sanskrit, the free time reverberates endlessly and moistens the dust heart.
But someone is chanting scriptures outside.
Chapter five hundred and eleven The ancient temple in ten thousand
This sound interrupted Su Mo’s thoughts.
There are really living people in the valley where dragons are buried!
Su Mo pushed the door and saw a young novice monk sitting cross-legged on a futon with an ancient book on his chest.
Su Mo Zheng slightly.

Wu Xiaoqing’s dot in the map is the center of a huge spherical structure-there should be layers of walls in front of him, but what he sees now is a virtual and seemingly real scenery-and the search and rescue team told him that those are the real scenes being played.

"Planet 0 Living Area"
Instead of the scenery, the room scenery is a strange and strange forest land and lawns are blooming. There are many trees in front of me. Wu Xiaoqing reached out to touch the latest one. It was not until he passed through the tree that he found that these scenery were as optical as the characters he saw before, but the optical effect was too realistic. After passing through it, Wu Xiaoqing turned his head and looked back. There was still some disbelief.
This made Wu Xiaoqing unable to judge the size of the whole room. From his perspective, he saw a whole boundless forest in front of him, and even some strange animals could be seen in the distance. But when he went in that direction, the animals disappeared. When he fled in the direction of the animal and prepared to chase it, the forest in front of him slowly faded into a black wall. Wake up, Wu Xiaoqing has now entered the boundary of the house.
After Wu Xiaoqing returned, the scenery resumed again.
"High-speed lanes only indicate directions"
This should be the direction of the expressway here, which is a forward arrow in the air. No one can be seen in the whole "road", which makes Wu Xiaoqing naturally think of a question, "Big Brother, is there no one living here?"
**** *w*w*w********
"Where?" Wu Xiaoqing said, "Can you show me?"
"Don’t worry, keep walking."
After crossing the expressway, a door is called "Planet 0 Operation Room"
The door of the operating room is open to the search and rescue team. They said they didn’t have limited access. They could pass by and continue to walk inside. The passage was narrow all the way. There was no virtual picture and no sign. About twenty minutes later, they stopped in front of an inconspicuous small door.
Unlike before, when I walked to the door, the door was automatically typed. This door was closed and there was a row of black characters, which translated as "waiting to be awarded"
They waited for a minute, and then the door knocked.
This is a dark room with a small room wall and a row of small cabinets with the words "energy reserve area" written on the counter.
According to the requirements of the search and rescue team, Wu Xiaoqing approached the cabinet and hit the first cabinet. There was a long glass tube the size of his arm. The glass tube was dark gray and felt very light in his hand.
"You can understand this thing as a pool," the search and rescue team said. "This time, the Ministry just found such a pool and brought it here."
Wu Xiaoqing carefully looked at a pool that looked like a solar tube. He didn’t feel anything strange. He asked cautiously, "How to find this pool?"
Wu Xiaoqing heard that the search and rescue team described this before, and it was much more difficult to say this than the first two.
In that case, it must be quite difficult to find this kind of glass tube by yourself.
The search and rescue team said, "I don’t know yet."
"Then what is this tube for?" Wu Xiaoqing saw that she could prepare this translation to react.
"Pool can have another way … that’s it."
"That …" Wu Xiaoqing naturally thought of "bringing some pools from the earth. If it’s not enough, just bring a generator."
"The theory is feasible. If it is diesel fuel, we must first prepare enough oil … well, about five million barrels is almost enough. If converted into dollars, it is about more than three hundred million dollars. But so much oil is equivalent to half of the annual output of Russia. It is impossible to keep it secret. To convert this large-scale oil into energy, we must also build a special oil fuel-it is difficult for us to do both manpower and technology."
"Five hundred … ten thousand barrels?" Wu Xiaoqing looked down at her hands, and it felt a lot heavier with the dark pipe.
300 million dollars!
What makes Wu Xiaoqing even more incredible is not this order of magnitude, but the way the search and rescue team thinks about the problem-he really considered the feasibility of this plan, and if he could see the figure of 5 million himself, he would have given up completely.
"What’s in it? Nuclear material? " As far as Wu Xiaoqing knows, the thing with the highest energy density is the nuclear fuel rod, but he can’t tell how high it is.
122 antimatter pool
"Against … what?"
Wu Xiaoqing still understood this term, and the junior high school physics teacher said this word was compared with them-that is to say, this antimatter will explode when it comes into contact with normal positive matter, which is worse than *, and he remembers this-worse than * that is very, very bad.
"You’re holding an antimatter device, but it’s finished. We need to find one full of it."
Wu Xiaoqing asked the silly question again, "Where can I find it?" Then he immediately realized that the search and rescue team had answered him just now.
"That this tube … exactly? What is so important? "

But all of a sudden, she thought that the night was like a stranger, and she was going to leave with Beiming’s family and go back to Beisi!

He has never said a word to her alone these days, and he has never come to see her! She’s a little too emotional!
But this time, I don’t know how long it will take to meet her, and she is struggling to see him again. Chapter 344 I’m afraid you will do something stupid.
But this time, I don’t know how long it will take to meet, and she is struggling to see him again!
So while Nan Lichuan was asleep, she decided to secretly go to see the night like a stranger, say goodbye and say goodbye by the way!
Otherwise she won’t willingly!
She secretly prepared to sneak into the night room, but before she got there, she saw a shadow sneaking behind her!
As soon as she turned around, she greeted her with a fist!
"You hit me again every month!" South Lichuan wronged Xi Xi said!
Zhuge Yue couldn’t help frowning at first sight. "I said, Nan Lichuan, aren’t you asleep?"
"I see that you are in a bad mood, and I am afraid that you will run out late to do something stupid!"
"You are stupid!" Zhuge Yue didn’t good the spirit replied that this South Lichuan was unreliable when it was unreliable!
But … Look at his heart. Zhuge Yue still didn’t say anything!
"If you insist on following me, you can wait outside the house!" ZhuGeYue so blunt rules
Suddenly I heard the sour tone of Nan Lichuan, "Are you going to see that night like a stranger?"
Zhuge Yue nodded and shook his head.
"How do you know?"
"I remember this thing when I became smart. You said that you didn’t love me, and you liked that surname night …" Nan Lichuan and that smart time ended up with different sounds and were not so calm!
Zhuge Yue was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth. "You are smaller!"
Wait until South Lichuan nodded in agreement with Zhuge Yue. He heard South Lichuan’s grievance. "Is he more beautiful than me?" Aren’t you wearing a mask? What if he is uglier than me? That you are not lost … "
Zhuge Yue "…"
She really feels angry and funny and doesn’t know what to answer!
Is entangled in the south Lichuan strange problem again "this night is like a stranger to others have me? At first glance, he is a dishonest guy! "
Zhuge Yue fought back the impulse to laugh. "How do you know that he is dishonest?"
"Of course, the ladies-in-waiting all like him. How honest he can be! There must be many mothers!"
South Lichuan dialect makes Zhuge Yue really right!
"Ogawa ….. so I’m going to tell individual you don’t get too nervous, you have to wait outside if you feel something is wrong, you can go in! Rest assured that I will be clear with him! "
Hearing this, South Lichuan nodded. "That’s more like it …"
Zhuge Yue "… Who taught you these things?"
"Small mosquitoes …"
Zhuge Yue is considering whether to isolate the mosquito and Nanlichuan!
Two people came to the door of the night, such as stranger real ZhuGeYue now there are still some entanglements whether or not to go into the field is really hard to think!
Suddenly, a demon wind blew the door and directly involved Zhuge Yue and Nanlichuan like a tornado!
"Who ….." Zhuge Yue got a fright, thinking about protecting South Lichuan for the first time, but first heard a familiar sound!
"Want to go to you didn’t expect you to deliver the door yourself …"
As soon as she looks up, she looks at the night like a stranger. Her eyes are so cold that she exudes a cold limit. Chapter 345 Who the hell are you?

Now, these super clans are likely to have joined forces with the six fierce families to be ministers to the six fierce families!

Linghu pie mouth said, "This group of cowards have surrendered before they hit."
"We agree."
Just then, a fit spider Jing Yang said
This spider essence is from the 1000 spider dunes in the big demon domain!
"The East China Sea Demon Domain agrees!"
A big demon in the East China Sea came out.
"Wan Yao Gu agrees."
"Peacock Ridge agrees!"
In a blink of an eye, half of the big demon domain came out to agree with the abbot of the six fierce families!
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Mrs. Sun Wudi looked up at the sky and laughed. "It turns out that the return of my six fierce families to the wild is the aspiration of all families!"
"Since all the people agree, we will be disrespectful."
"I disagree."
At this time, an untimely sound sounded extremely harsh to the strong of the six fierce families.
A young monk came out slowly.
"Another bald donkey died?"
Before the four great ladies spoke, Jin Yu’s face sank and he stared at the young monk combatively at any moment!
"Who is this young monk? Did you come out to die after the post-repair of the fit environment? "
"The Burning Lamp Temple really bears the responsibility of Hokkeji and the Great Temple. It should be some means to get the Tibetan Bodhisattva who was once the brother of the Burning Lamp Temple."
"Some means didn’t work. It’s simply suicidal to cultivate a lower realm than the Jinwu people!"
"I heard that this is really a good friendship between monks and monks."
"Well, if it’s wild, his fighting power will definitely be higher than that of the six fierce families!"
To the name of Huangwu, many monks look complicated.
The rise of Huangwu has been stifled by the major super clans, but many clans have to admit a fact.
Huangwu is the most powerful Uber of Terran in this world!
"In the late stage of integration?"
Jin Yu looked at the battlefield and suddenly sneered, "It seems that there are really few people in the Terran who actually ran out to die in the later stage of a fit?"
"Why do you want to go beyond the challenge?"
I shook my head slightly in my left hand, holding the blue lamp. "I want to get a statement. My predecessors have also fallen into a number of friends."
"Well, I’ll send you to see them in hell now!"
Jin Yu’s eyes are big and his body flashes and disappears in situ.
Is the blink of an eye Jin Yu has come to the true behind leaned out of the palm of your hand sharp nails pop up toward the true crown caught!
The posture is too fast!
Most monks in the field can’t catch the trace of Jin Yu, and a golden light can be seen flashing in their eyes!
True in situ, low eyebrows and motionless eyes seem to have no reaction at all.

Lu Chen looked at the heroic spirit around the sick old man and cut into the topic. In those days, he naturally saw the little girl and played with Ye Fan.

Xia Jiuyou nodded not Liu Chen more beautiful eyes with some strange colors.
When the master said that Lu Chen was not dead, he was sent to a foreign country. I didn’t expect him to really come back, but he also forced three ancient emperors to be shocked by World War I.
Xia Jiuyou’s heart is high, but he also has to admit that now he is not an emperor’s opponent, but he can defeat one enemy and three enemies. In the end, it is not necessary to estimate that several ancient emperors will die that day if he is not merciful.
It’s no wonder that the unborn master was invited to move out of the mountain and was willing to take care of this Terran Tianjiao.
"Your qi and blood are dry, even if you take that half step, you can be as good as the ancient emperor’s soldiers."
The Great Sage of Kunzhou is getting stronger and stronger, but the emperor soldiers hide him and no one knows which one lent it to him.
He can’t see through the depth of the sick old man, but he intuitively feels that the other side may go further. If the emperor soldiers are extremely old and exhausted, he will not dare to move, but the other side will die of old age at any time. What is there to be afraid of if he has an ancient imperial soldier?
"Ahem …"
The sick old man coughed a few times and looked at Wei Yi’s eyes. "This Taoist friend said yes, you always represent the ten thousand families. We dare not say that we represent the terran, but we can still do it by protecting the individual kindling."
Huntuo Dasheng was anxious to persuade "Kunzhou and Guiya Taigu have been feuding for so long, but they should be so persistent, and now they are young people, so don’t bully the small."
Kun Zhou didn’t reply, which is that the way of Emperor Wei is getting stronger and stronger.
When Huntuo Great Sage saw that there were still many ancient tribes in the Holy City, and even his descendants said, "Is it really impossible to talk about it outside the world?"
Kun Zhou doesn’t sell Huntuo Dasheng to know this guy, that is to say, if he looks at the sick old man coldly, "kindling?" What if I put him out today? "
He’s so domineering that the whole wilderness is under that kind of pressure. I don’t know how many people tremble and prostrate themselves. "Sign up to come to Kunzhou and don’t cut your name!"
The sick old man sighed with a long look. "Don’t you understand if you rob thousands of people and don’t have terrans?"
He said slowly, "Old man … Jiuyou Gai."
Plain three words like the holy city dropped a blockbuster.
Some Terran elders were stunned and shocked to hear this name.
"Jiuyou Gai! It’s the tianjiao who fought against the sky in Zhongzhou nine thousand years ago! "
"How can anyone live for nine thousand years! ? He can’t preach! ?”
"Smell him, isn’t it? How can he still be alive! ?”
"Jiuyou Gai is also the Great Sage who is absolutely strong. Otherwise, how can you live so long! ?”
Many Terrans exclaimed that the Taikoo race around them was also a gasp after hearing this person’s past.
I never thought that Terran could be so strong after the great change of heaven and earth.
In those days, there was a saying that if Qing Di had not just died for a thousand years, Jiuyou Gai would have had a chance to prove the truth, but unfortunately, he was born in the wrong era and could eventually grow old in time.
An old hierarch sighed and looked at the sick old man at the end of the strip in awe.
The heavenly stone workshop, the holy emperor and the big black dog are also jaw-dropping. I didn’t expect to finally come out with such a statue of God.
Lu Chen also pretended to be shocked "senior!"
Jiuyou Gai lightly waved his hand and coughed a few times. "It’s all over, it’s all over. I’m not as old as you saw in those days. Now I’m an ordinary sick old man."
Kunzhou Great Sage’s eyes are indecisive, which is different from his plan today.