Because Liu Bai is used to sleeping late and has not slept well in Shenyang these two days, whether to take the early flight or not is to buy the plane ticket after 12 noon, so he simply goes directly to the plane for lunch

The plane was quite punctual this day.
After getting on the plane, because there was not much luggage, Lu Bai said that he would go out to the parking lot to pick up the car and let her put the luggage in the baggage cart and push it to the exit to wait for him.
Shen Xintang went to the baggage delivery belt alone and waited for the baggage to come out.
While waiting for the luggage to come out, she looked around for a while because of chatting. It seems that the flight of an airline next to her arrived at the same time because there were people waiting for the luggage to be sent out.
Then, inadvertently, she saw Hua Wenxuan steadily before sending the tape.
A well-tailored white coat with an open button and a gray wool coat makes those who are on the side feel ashamed.
His face has lost its usual gentle spring breeze and smug smile, on the contrary, it looks dignified and calm, which makes his temperament look more and more noble and calm
He simply stuck a band-aid on the back of his left hand. At this time, he was looking intently at his mobile phone and checking the network information. It seemed that he was aware that someone was watching him, so he suddenly looked up and glanced at him this way.
Shen Xintang’s eyes were hit by him.
She didn’t avoid it for a while and didn’t know what expression to face him, so she looked a little embarrassed
Hua Wenxuan’s eyes flashed with a hint of no look, but then the corners of his mouth slightly hooked like contempt and scorn, smiled gently and then withdrew his eyes and fixed his eyes on the mobile phone again.
Shen Xintang also withdrew her sight in a passive manner, just sending out the luggage with movement, and she looked at her luggage carefully and quietly.
Look at his expression. He probably hates her, right? She sighed in her heart.
She put the luggage in the luggage cart and turned the wheel. She was just about to walk in the direction of the exit. She just launched two steps and suddenly rushed to a luggage cart from behind. The man quickly passed her and pushed the cart slowly one step ahead of her.
Is that man calm and slender, not Hua Wenxuan or who?
Shen Xintang stared at his back and was dazed. It suddenly occurred to him that he had returned the money and the ring to him. He had not taken it yet, and it happened that she would have to return it to him when she met this opportunity.
So she stepped up her feet and followed.
"President Hua!" She chased him and he lined up to be polite and polite.
Hua Wenxuan turned her head and glanced at her with a commanding momentum.
"You forgot to take something with you!" She grabbed his luggage cart and forced him to stop first. "I think I’ll give it back to you now!" "
At the beginning, I want to "I don’t think I have anything left with you". His eyes are cold and there is a hint of resentment in his tone. "If I have to say something, it is" He stretched out his hand and pointed to his heart. "I don’t know where I lost it. Is it in your place? Can you give it back to me? "
Shen Xintang’s sudden Zheng Zheng, his sad and desperate eyes inexplicably made her feel a throbbing pain. She wanted to talk but couldn’t say a word.
Hua Wenxuan saw her stare blankly on the spot, and her face was raised again. When she first saw it, she looked contemptuous and sneered, but at first she was satisfied with it, but suddenly she came to me again, and then she pushed the car and strode forward.
Shen Xintang is still in the same place, hesitating whether he should directly rush to put things in his luggage car and then run and worry that his guy will throw the envelope away in anger. You know, didn’t he throw the diamond ring into Qiandao Lake in one fell swoop? Anyway, he doesn’t care about things, and it won’t be a pity to throw them away.
But she’ll feel a pain in her flesh. Forget about the diamond ring. Anyway, she didn’t buy it, but there are 200 thousand in it, but she earned it hard to repay him for subsidizing Shenyang. If he throws it away, don’t you just ignore it and watch others pick it up?
This is definitely not possible. She will be upset for a long time and can’t sleep all night.
So hesitant, Hua Wenxuan’s figure disappeared as early as the front, and Liu Bai’s urging words followed. She had to take away her messy thoughts in her mind and push the luggage cart to the outside of the hall.
☆, Chapter 263 Do you love me? ☆
Back to the city, Shen Xintang, who lives in Huayuan Road, spent half a day cleaning the house. Although Lu Bai repeatedly advised her to rest and find an hourly worker to do it, Shen Xintang insisted on doing it herself and said that it would not take much effort.
When she finished cleaning up, the fellow fell asleep in her bed.
After taking a bath at home, she also felt a little tired, so she simply ran to the small room to take a nap.
Last night, I attended their club activities with his friends until very late, and they were booed by everyone. They also kissed Shen Xintang in public and blushed. Then everyone clamored to send them to the bridal chamber and pushed them into the prepared vip suite.
The dim light in the room is another lingering kiss. His hand is uneasy to separate on her body. When he reaches into her clothes, she suddenly pushes him. She says shyly and evasively, "I … I want to take a bath first!"
As a result, when she took a bath, she found her period greeting her.
Shen Xintang is a little annoyed but vaguely thankful.
Knowing the truth, Liu Bai went straight to sleep and simply didn’t think about it, so as not to feel sad.
Night falls, the chill is deep, and Shen Xintang is sleeping soundly in the bed. Suddenly, someone lifts it and gets in, and then someone’s hair gently sweeps her nose, causing her to sneeze involuntarily.
Section 15
What caught my eye was Liu Bai’s playful face.
"Get up, lazy pig!" He reached out and pinched her nose gently, and said affectionately, "I’m so hungry. Let’s go eat first!" "
As a result, when she got up to change clothes, Liu Bai refused to go out in her room. He lay prone on the bed and buried his face in the quilt, promising that he would never peek at her. Naturally, it was very difficult for her to take the clothes and run to another room to change them.
Liu Bai had already received several calls when he was eating. When his friends heard that he was back, they asked him out to play. Liu Bai asked Shen Xintang if he wanted to play together. Because he was a little tired after his period, he shook his head and said he couldn’t go and let him go alone.
Liu Bai also knew that she didn’t like this excitement and didn’t force her to send her home. He hitchhiked to an appointment.
When he arrived at the lobby of the appointment club, he was waiting for the ladder to come, but he heard the sound of crisp high heels hitting the ground behind him, and then a female jiaochen voice, "Okay, brother, are you finished? Why are you more verbose than mom!"
As the sound gets closer and closer, I smell a quiet fragrance of high-grade perfume at the tip of my nose, and then a familiar man’s voice, "I won’t be long-winded if you listen!" "
Because I feel familiar with Liu Bai, I turned my head and looked at the hair place consciously.
At this time, the two people who spoke had already reached him and stood still waiting for the ladder to come.
Lu Bai’s face floated with a sly smile. The world is really small. They met again.
It was none other than Hua Wenxuan, who had been fighting in love for a long time.
At this time, Hua Wenxuan is really a lot of happiness, looking around at two big beauties, one of whom is a little older with a pile of crow-like hair, dignified and refined eyes and white teeth, and a pair of amorous eyes are always glued to the man next to him.
That other slightly childish girl hung up her arm, and her cheeks swelled slightly when her face was glittering and translucent, and she looked cute and playful, and she was rightfully dependent on Hua Wenxuan’s expression.
Hua Minxuan arrived in the sea one day before him, and when Xia Weiju was at home, she gave Hua Wenxuan an item asking him to help find a younger brother-in-law to marry Hua Minxuan early. She wandered around all day and had some ridiculous daydreams.
Fortunately, Hua Minxuan lobbied nany to agree to work in Huaxuan Hall, and Hua Minxuan said congratulations on her formal entry into Huaxuan Hall and asked her brother and nany to give her a pary. In fact, she just set nany and Hua Wenxuan up.
This time, Hua Wenxuan went back from Shenyang and hung up his mouth. Although he didn’t tell the truth, Hua Minxuan could probably guess why he looked at Hua Wenxuan’s expression. He guessed that he should be completely separated from Shen Xintang. Although he was a little distressed by his brother’s injustice, she was a little grateful to Shen Xintang for giving this opportunity to be completely cut off.
Hua Wenxuan and Lu Bai’s eyes collided in the middle of the game. The latter smiled and then glanced over his side. Two beautiful women made fun of it. "President Hua is really lucky!"
Hua Wenxuan is not as relaxed as he is. It’s not easy to calm down a little. When he meets him, he quickly turns to Hua Wenxuan with anger. His face sinks and he purses his lips and says nothing.
Liu Bai knew that he was in a bad mood, just as the ladder came, so he stopped pestering him and entered the ladder in a happy mood.
"What’s the matter? Brother, aren’t we going in? " Hua Min Xuan, who was about to step into the ladder, looked back at him puzzled because she was dragged by her brother.
Lu Bai in the ladder is waiting patiently for them to step into the ladder together, and staring at Lu Bai like telling him or telling his sister, "Let’s take a ladder!" "
Liu Bai shrugged his shoulders and said "whatever you want" and then pressed the ladder closure button.
A ladder next to it happened to come, so they took that ladder.
"Who is that man just now? Do you know anyone? " Nany in the ladder asked curiously.
Look at that support. It’s not like waiting for someone, but what does she remember about this person?
Hua Wenxuan gave a vague answer. nany and Hua Minxuan were keenly aware of the melancholy resentment and unwillingness that emanated from him, so they stopped asking him.
Until nany and Hua Minxuan were busy ordering something in the private room, and Hua Wenxuan was still a little distracted.
Lu Bai came alone. What?
Isn’t it right to go out with Shen Xintang at any time during this period?
Girls here are famous for their enchanting styles. Generally speaking, if you don’t bring a date, you are mostly looking for fun.
Does Shen Xintang know that he is here? Is that how she trusts him?

He shivered and dared not think about it.

The emperor flew into a rage, annoyed and angry. "Fools have no waste to support you?"
The duke, the imperial commander, has been squiring around the emperor and dare not leave for a moment.
His eyes flashed. "Why don’t you take Su Linlang back and let her detoxify?" qR1
"Yes, it is necessary to ring the bell." The emperor woke up from a dream and got a shock. "The door of the palace will be sealed by Su Linlang."
By rights, he should not have left the palace gate when he calculated in his mind.
"Officer Hou, you are responsible for tracing Su Linlang. You must mobilize all the moving people for an hour. I want to see Su Linlang."
"Yes" officer in the duke should be a glance with a cold murderous look.
The emperor was really afraid of Su Linlang’s whole thing and told him, "Remember to leave a breath and break her limbs so that she can’t poison again."
"Yes" officer, the duke can’t hide his smile, which is exactly what he wants!
Su Linlang, you ruined my granddaughter and made me full of officials. This evil spirit can’t waste people.
Duguye faint wake up just heard these words changed his face on the spot "uncle huang don’t"
The emperor glared at him savagely. "Shut up. You are infatuated with her, and she has no mercy on you."
That’s why he didn’t fear this nephew.
Otherwise, I would have been in the prison for disposal.
"…" Duguye face float thick pain color hand over his chest.
The emperor frowned slightly. "Well, don’t be sad. It’s not that the emperor’s uncle deliberately pressed you, but that Su Linlang is not a good match. You know now?"
How affectionate is he? That’s all.
He has long said that emotion is the most unreliable thing, and the potential will never change.
"Don’t say that she is …" Du Guye struggled painfully and looked as white as a sheet. "Don’t want to be a marionette emperor uncle and let her live."
The emperor interrupted him impatiently. "Don’t worry about this. Send Wang Shi of Jin back to the government, and don’t go anywhere to protect the world."
"Uncle Huang" Du Guye’s face is haggard and ugly.
The emperor waved several dark guards to carry Duguye and soon disappeared in front of him.
Although there is no antidote, I still can’t move, but the doctor said that after a day, I relaxed my mind and sent a lot of instructions.
Poisoned people have been sent away, and Cheng Lang’s father is no exception. Master Cheng hesitated for half a ring before being sent out of the palace, and finally he was sent away without saying anything.
Cheng Lang in the mind is very happy "father emperor when can I catch Sue full of beautiful things? She will die if she is caught back this time. "
Master Cheng’s face is as heavy as water and his brow is furrowed. "I’m afraid I can’t catch it."
Cheng Lang incredibly light call "how is it possible? This is the imperial territory, and she can’t escape even if she goes underground. "
He gloated and secretly rejoiced.
Master Cheng’s face is bitter. "I also hope to catch her, otherwise she will be poor in the future, but she always acts unexpectedly and seems to be ordinary, but she is step by step."
Today’s trip seems to be casual and impulsive, but he doesn’t think so.
If he didn’t guess wrong, Su Linlang would have laid out the layout for such a grand occasion today.
That girl’s mind is unfathomable. It’s hard to say
He wanted to wake up the emperor, but his fickle feelings chilled him.
Then sit quietly and watch the tiger fight. It may be the best result for both sides to lose.
On the other side, Oriental Zetian looked out of the window with an expression, wondering what was going on, wrapped in cold, and no one dared to get close.
The emperor is also in a wheelchair with a heavy heart.
"Let’s talk."
He was so confident that he made a fool of himself in front of everyone and was posed by Su Linlang.
But he will soon be able to get people back … Then, he will wash his shame!
Chapter two hundred and fifty-two Chest has a dry Kun
Update the latest chapter of the evil king’s favorite imperial doctor’s concubine!
"I’ll get Su Linlang back immediately, and then there won’t be any wedding. You can take people away directly. Life or death depends on you."
Of course, he is a cripple who can’t move his limbs. Even if he goes to Chenguo, he can’t afford to turn over the wind and waves.
Oriental Zetian’s eyes are heavy and he can’t see the end. "What if I can’t find it back?"
"That’s impossible." The emperor denied it directly without thinking.
How can you not catch it? This is the palace. It’s his team.
Oriental Zetian looked cold and asked "Answer me" coldly.
The emperor was angry and felt looked down upon. "I am the emperor of Qin."
Oriental ze day coldly a clot momentum rose "that again? Lonely doesn’t mind being in the city. "
The tone is cold and terrible, and there is a majesty that no one doubts.
The emperor shivered, thinking of this person’s means, he couldn’t help but be soft and reckon that "it’s too much to have something to discuss."
He can bend and stretch, and now he smiles kindly.
No one can compare with fickle degree.
Oriental Zetian is cold all the time, like an emotionless robot. "You take your time to think about it."
The emperor took a deep breath of air pressure and his heart was stirring with anger. "Ok, I know."
When he returned to his palace, the emperor flew into a rage and sent several people in a row.
Although he can’t move, his mouth can still talk, and he is still frightened by the bloody murder.
The queen mother has the strength to lie on the soft couch with a black black mark in the corner of her eye.
"Is Oriental Zetian threatening you?"
Knowing Mo Ruo’s mother, she can best understand her son’s mood at this time.
She also wants to kill people and want to breathe a sigh of relief, but she is full of strength and tingling in her heart, which makes her have the heart.
The emperor’s face is ferocious, and no one will say, "I really want to kill him if he has something in his hand."
Oriental Zetian is the one he wants to kill most, but he can bear it for the time being!
The queen mother is weak due to qi deficiency, but she still refuses to rest.
The emperor didn’t know this truth, but he felt uncomfortable. "It’s all because Su Linlang ruined her good plan." qR1
It’s very uncomfortable for an emperor to be blackmailed
With this name, the queen mother also hates gnashing her teeth "to catch people back first."
Treat Su Linlang as a pet and push it out when it’s time. I didn’t expect it to be a beast of prey.
They all caught Su Linlang soon, but the result was beyond everyone’s expectation.

Of course, when it comes to the realm of then reality, it is another matter.

The first two abilities of the then real person are very different. One ability is that the then real person can leave the ground without relying on foreign objects!
"If you want to sell these things, where are you going?"
Su Mo harvested a lot yesterday, including six bags of Lingshi, which added up to more than 700 pieces, as well as other flying swords and pills.
Yao Xuedao said, "The largest firm in the Zhou Dynasty is going to belong to Tianbao Pavilion. Some practitioners gather in the city to build branches in Tianbao Pavilion, and most of them are princes and kings."
"Tianbao Pavilion?" Sue ink light yi a frown way "Cang Lang city seems to have a"
Su Mo, a former student in Cang Lang City, once heard of Tianbao Pavilion, which is said to be more mysterious than the Lord’s Mansion.
Fix the true together? Tianbao Pavilion in Cang Lang City?
Su Mo’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
"Since the person who fixes the truth will enter the Jianghu court to intervene in the mundane affairs?" Su mo asked again
Yao Xue explained, "The ordinary people in Shou Yuan are not much different. Even Shou Yuan, the Buddhist monk of Tsukiji, has had a difficult Dan Dao for more than 100 years at most. A large number of practitioners and Buddhist monks will worship the court and enjoy the rest of their lives when they step into Dan Dao Wang."
"Of course, even if there are practitioners in various vassal States, they are almost all practitioners. However, it is said that in the Zhou Dynasty, there was an army composed exclusively of monks Zhu Ji, and there were some real people in the dynasty. This is the reason why the Zhou Dynasty ruled all vassal States and stood firm!"
For example, the Great Qi State and the Great Yan State belong to the vassal States and pay tribute to the Zhou Dynasty every year.
Su Mo suddenly said, "No wonder the Zhou Dynasty rarely intervened in the wars of various vassal States, because the demise or rise of any vassal state could not threaten the rule of the Zhou Dynasty."
"Good" yao snow nodded.
After a while, Yao Xue smiled and said meaningfully, "Cang Lang City is a vassal state, but ideal city has a Tianbao Pavilion. It seems that the Lord of this city has a lot of plans."
Only when people who fix the truth gather in Tianbao Pavilion will they establish sub-pavilions, which means that there are many people who fix the truth in Cang Lang!
What does Cang Lang City mainly do?
Will Su Jia have it?
Su Mo faintly felt that Sue’s family might have been involved in a huge whirlpool, and it would be shattered if she was not careful!
Chapter 24 Tianbao Golden Order
"I just want to go to Tianbao Pavilion to change something. You can take me to Cang Lang City." Yao Xue said with a smile.
Su Mo could see that Yao Xue’s delicate mind was worried that he would not say this if he entered Tianbao Pavilion for fear of hurting his self-esteem.
Su Mo also didn’t discover, "Let’s go. I should leave the Cang Lang Mountains."
Su Mo sorted out a lot of animal skins, and yesterday’s harvest bags and flying swords were temporarily put too ostentatiously in Yao Xuewu bags.
It’s already bright outside the cave
The monkey curled up in the corner with his back to the two people and still seemed to be sleeping soundly.
"Let’s go and leave it alone," Yao Xue wrote in her novel.
Su Mo shook his head and came to the monkey’s side. He kicked it and scolded, "Don’t pretend to be dead and send me away!"
The kick was so sudden that even Yaoxue was surprised.
Unexpectedly, the sleeping monkey seemed ready to jump up from the ground and avoid Su Mo’s black feet, grinning at him, waving his arms and turning his eyes from time to time.

Wei Qingqing was puzzled in her heart, but she didn’t think much. When she was sent to the bridal chamber, the handmaids locked the door and lay on the bed. A man in a red wedding robe, Wei Qingqing, was still very nervous, sitting on the bed waiting for her husband to wake up. She uncovered the red veil.

I waited for a long time, but I didn’t wait until he woke up. I didn’t feel flustered. I stretched out my hand to shake the world’s arm through the gap at the bottom of the hijab and whispered, "World."
The impatient Yang Yang hand way "don’t disturb me sleep"
Wei Qingqing felt slightly wrong. Seeing that man yesterday was not the same sound. Wei Qingqing also lifted the hijab himself and looked at the male fat like a pig. It was really disgusting that his mouth was still bold.
Wei Qingqing couldn’t help but "Ah …" When she screamed out, she immediately ran out of the door. Unexpectedly, the door was locked. Wei Qingqing shouted, "Somebody … Somebody, this is not the groom’s mistake."
I don’t know how long it took, but no one came to the door. It’s only for nothing. This is a game where the groom made a mistake. How can no one know about such a big thing? But … Is this man really real? ….. looks a little unusual.
The world was finally awakened by Wei Qingqing’s sound. He sat up from the bed and saw a girl as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade at present. He immediately rushed forward and said, "Niang … I want to drink grandma. I want to drink grandma."
As Good as Dead
Wei Qingqing was scared by this sudden change and immediately ran in the room and shouted, "Don’t come over, don’t come over."
Where the world cares? I ran over to catch her and threw my eyes into the bed. I laughed in a line and tore at Wei Qingqing’s body and said, "I want to drink grandma … drink grandma."
The world’s obese strength is naturally quite large, like Wei Qingqing. How can such a charming and weak woman resist him? When he hears the "hiss" of a dress, Wei Qingqing’s eyes are full of tears, and her eyes dare not look at her husband.
If she knew that Wangfu Shi turned out to be a fool, she wouldn’t marry into this Wangfu. No wonder … No wonder Wei Shiqing said that to her last night. She must have known that the world was a fool. Yes, it must be so original … The original princess chose her, or she deliberately dressed herself up like a country aunt that day, and she was polite in front of the princess because she knew that the world was a fool.
And she was fooled. Yeah! The world is a fool, whose darling daughter is willing to marry Princess Luo and pretend to be a well-designed bureau, only to let her jump in
Shi Hao’s pity mercilessly ravaged her body, causing a heart-rending pain. She could hear the sadness of the new house in Wangfu all night, telling her that she had always been unable to figure out what Wei Yunuo would end up in the riverside Houfu. Now she finally realized that Bai Sanjie Wei Yunuo was going to destroy the riverside Houfu, and that she was tortured and painful.
It’s better to die than to marry such a fool and endure such pain every day. She has no ability to kill the Linluo Wangfu family and have her own end.
When the world is tired, Wei Qingqing gets up from the bright red bed. How dazzling the red color is. She has never hated the red three-foot white twill hanging in the room like today. Liang Weiqing murmured with tears, "Mother and daughter will come to accompany you."
Just as Wei Qingqing put her head on the white silk, a flying knife came and cut her off. Wei Qingqing fell to the ground and cried, "Who is it? Who the hell is it? What don’t let me die what don’t let me die forget it. "
Suddenly there was a sound outside the door, "Shifei, you have no idea of death!" The princess told her daughter-in-law to drink morning tea early in the morning. "This person is the princess’s personal maid. Some kung fu is specially sent to watch the new princess who is married. She can’t let her die. Her kung fu is more than enough to deal with Wei Qingqing.
Wei Qingqing fell to the ground and didn’t mean to get up at all. Now she wants to die and won’t let her die. Why didn’t she think of that when Wei Shiqing said that? It’s so stupid. If the world were a normal person, how could such a good thing happen to her? What’s Princess Luo like? How can you look at just an ordinary girl with your eyes above the top?
It’s her own stupidity, stupidity, stupidity. She’s the stupidest egg in the world. No wonder Wei Shiqing said she’d never see her again. What? What, she knows everything and still watches her jump in? She wants her to marry the world. How can she put up with her fifth aunt’s daughter staying in Xiangfu?
What a great event she is! Clean up the people who have harmed her in Xiangfu, and leave them all with one heart for her.
Wei Qingqing lay on the cold floor and slept for a night. She would rather freeze to death than go back to that disgusting world. She thinks that Wei Qingqing is a symbol in Longxiaoguo. Now think about it. Even if you marry an imperial concubine, it’s better than being a princess … Emperors are normal. Besides, Wen Taowu is handsome and extraordinary. In case she becomes an emperor in the future, she is also a concubine in the harem. But now?
It’s all broken. She will stay with a fool forever! You can’t live without asking for death.
Wei Qingqing kept his eyes open all night until early in the morning, when a maid pushed the door and pushed in the water to wash the princess … Of course, the world was served by the wet nurse, who loved the smell of milk.
Nanny knows that Wei Qingqing is not in a good place together, and that this world is not ordinary people who can serve the sidewalk. "Princess Shi has been waiting for you in the lobby to serve tea."
Wei Qingqing doesn’t say a word or look at people. She doesn’t want to talk, so she doesn’t know what to say. Can she beg to let her go? Let her leave? You can’t all be handmaiden. Where can there be such a profit? Where can she go even if she is released? Now it’s such a broken flower that Liu Xiangfu can’t go back, and his mother is dead. I heard that my sister’s light light light blue is not good, but there is no place for her.
Wei Qingqing’s eyes are angry, and she looks like a living dead person. What is the feeling of crying? She is like this now, and her tears have all dried up.
Wei Qingqing was helped by her handmaid until Princess Luo sat in a high position in the lobby like a victorious lion, and said slowly, "Did Princess Shi rest last night?"
Wei Qingqing looks up at the high-ranking woman, okay? Doesn’t she know? Do you still want to ask her to expose her scar? But she didn’t have the guts to disobey Princess Luo and nodded lightly.
Princess Luo gave me a smile. "That’s right. I think the princess should be able to adapt to the palace here. You can walk around at will, but … you can’t go out of the palace without permission. If you want to go back to your mother’s house, I will accompany you back."
Princess Luo’s meaning is already very obvious. Isn’t she afraid that she will run away? Where can she go and where can she run? She doesn’t want to say anything now, and she doesn’t want to do anything. She wants to sleep. It was a nightmare at that time. Wouldn’t it be great?
Handing morning tea to Wei Qingqing, the handmaid around indicated that Wei Qingqing should serve tea to the princess. Wei Qingqing was numb and took the morning tea for a long time. She said, "Please have a cup of tea for the princess." Her voice was hoarse and not as feminine as yesterday.
Princess Luo doesn’t care about people living and serving the world well. Everything else is called.
Princess Luo nodded with satisfaction and took the teacup, then put a red agate bracelet on the plate and said, "You have to eat, drink and wear in this palace."
Wei Qingqing couldn’t help sneering in her heart that she couldn’t wear luxury anywhere except in this palace. Show it to that idiot?
"Princess Xie"
Wei Qingqing doesn’t know how she left the lobby. She feels as if she can’t see any hope in this huge palace, which can make her live.
Chapter 191 Ordinary sentient beings
I don’t know where to go, or I can go back to that new house.
Suddenly a man pulled her into a cave after the rockery, Wei Qingqing looked up at him and suddenly laughed. "What? Did you come to see my jokes? "
This justice is the princess’s talent and strategy, but it is the concubine’s talent and strategy. No matter how hard you try, you can’t fight a fool.
Leng Qing Ran fell in love with Wei Qingqing after seeing her yesterday. Seeing her like this today, she couldn’t help but feel distressed. "It’s my fault that I went out of my way to save you from hot water."
Wei Qingqing stared at Leng Qingqing and said, "If you can save me from this hot place, I will be grateful to you. Unfortunately, you don’t have the ability, so don’t say these words that make me see hope and no hope."
Leng Qingran hugged Wei Qingqing and said, "There is hope, how can there be no hope? The world is a fool. If he suddenly dies unexpectedly, I will have a chance. Then I will ask the princess to give you to me."
"Don’t you dislike me?" Wei Qingqing is not half distracted and asks
"Don’t abandon if it weren’t for my fake identity you marry now is not me? I did this to you, but I can’t help it. We can wait! Waiting for a good opportunity, "Leng Qing Ran said, promising that Wei Qingqing’s original heart was like dying embers, sparking a glimmer of hope.

Ding Longyun sighed, "Yeah, I didn’t know it until later. Forget it. All these fucking things have passed. This woman is now dead or alive. I want to go to Jin’ an County and see if I know what happened to Ding Han."

Su Li thought of Ding Han and Xu Xuehui in the same year, that is, he was thirteen years old. From the flood to the sixteen-year-old child now, he saw a Xu Xuehui, and there was no second one. Nine times out of ten, Ding Han could not find it. This is something he can’t say.
Or Ding Longyun himself wants to go to Jin ‘an County in vain, and he also reports his thoughts in one thousand.
"There is always a chance. How far is Jin ‘an County from Longqiu Mountain?" Su Li is unfamiliar with the name root in Jin ‘an County, and he doesn’t know the specific location.
Ding Longyun said, "I probably asked a few people before I knew it. It’s about sixty or seventy kilometers away from Longqiu Mountain."
Su Li nodded and said, "That line will come back from Nanjiang one day or the day after tomorrow. If there is nothing else, we will go and see it."
Ding Longyun said, "It’s been so many days since the flood, and I’m not in a hurry for a day or two. We can find a way to go to Qingshan City to find your parents and then go to Jin ‘an County."
Su Li said, "By the way, Gong Xiaoshui Jue and Xue Hui, do you have any relatives to look for?"
I thought I wanted to go to Qingshan City to find my parents Ding Longyun and Jin ‘an County to find my daughter. I wonder if Gong Xiao, Jiang Shuixuan and Xu Xuehui have any relatives to find them.
Xu Xuehui shook her head first and said no.
Gong Xiao said lightly, "My family is Nanjiang City."
When she said this, her face was faint, but it actually said everything.
Nanjiang city, all the lucky ones are still alive, and they have reached the ancient city, so they need to look for it again.
Although Gong Xiao behaved indifferently, Su Li could still feel the faint sadness in her tone.
After all, people’s hearts are meat. Who cares about their parents and relatives?
Well, life in the world is like dirt, and life is like a ephemera.
Today, although I am alive, I don’t know if there is still a chance to breathe. I have witnessed the disappearance of several lives. For the death, including the death of relatives, everyone’s mental endurance is far stronger than the average person.
The fact is not strong enough to bear, and it is almost impossible to live today. Just being in danger of death and countless monsters can make people collapse and go crazy.
Jiang Shuixuan’s face showed a sad look. "My family is also an urban family … I dare not think about it or it will be very uncomfortable."
She shook her head as she spoke, obviously unwilling to talk about this topic.
As soon as the atmosphere became depressed, there were alligator-toothed turtles and sea python sharks blowing head-on, and they quickly threw the giant skull to the rear. They were rushing in the direction of "Nanjiang City" as quickly as possible.
After a section of waterway, everyone didn’t speak. Xu Xuehui lay down on Gong Xiaoshen and slowly fell asleep.
Jiang Shuijue sat behind Su Li, and there were still some gaps between them. Slowly, she put the soft body on the back of Su Li.
Seeing that Su Li didn’t object, she put her head on Su Li’s shoulder.
Su Li felt a ripple in her heart, so she couldn’t help but stretch out her hand and hold Jiang Shuixuan’s arm around her waist and feel that her hand is very small and soft.
Jiang Shuijue felt Su Li hold his hand, closed his eyes slightly, but did not resist or struggle.
Su Li didn’t make any further move, but silently held her hand and looked at the water ahead, feeling the wind blowing against my face, and some warmth poured out of my heart.
Before, he always thought of Wang Lan, especially in the dead of night, but after so many days, he thought of Wang Lan less and less, and his heart has gradually accepted the reality that he will never see Wang Lan again in his life.
But now there are two girls around him, both Gong Xiao and Jiang Shuixuan. He seems to be good girls, but it happened that because of the appearance of two girls, he was somewhat difficult to choose.
He can see that Gong Xiao and Jiang Shuixuan should both like themselves.
It is Gong Xiao’s personality that is more implicit than HD, while Jiang Shuijue is more passionate.
If there was a Gong Xiao or a Jiang Shuixuan around him, maybe they would have become a couple long ago, and they wouldn’t have waited until today, and the three of them were still ambiguous.
Su Li secretly sighed, and some unspeakable troubles in his heart seemed to feel that he chose Gong Xiao and some could not bear to part with Jiang Shuixuan, and he would feel full of regret for Gong Xiao.
But you can’t have your cake and eat it.
Su Li thought about what happened with Gong Xiao last night. Later, Gong Xiao left, and he didn’t keep it. He could see the subtle reaction when Gong Xiao left. If he left again, nine times out of ten she would stay.
At that time, Su Li’s brain was more awake, so he couldn’t help thinking that Jiang Shuixuan was white. At that time, leaving Gong Xiao meant that he and Jiang Shuixuan could be ordinary friends, that is, this hesitation made him unable to retain.

I got up and went out to drag some dead branches back.

"You’re wearing short sleeves. Do you want to light a fire?" The king kong gun muttered and threw a lighter.
"I suspect there is a hole in this side" I pointed.
Light the dead branches to see more clearly, and all the smoke department floated in along the gap at the top of the cave.
"Come here," I shouted. I smoked it out and ran to a big tree to drink beer.
"What?" King Kong cannon came along with the bottle.
"Do you sleep during survival class?" I woke him up. "Look at this smoke."
"Why have they all gone?" King Kong cannon looked up.
"This says this side has" I nodded and said.
"Do you mean there is a hole in it?" King Kong Gun woke up.
"Yes!" I must have nodded "and not small"
"Then let’s dig it up and see if it may be a place to put guns and ammunition in the former war. If you pay it then, you may be able to make a contribution." King Kong Bao said it in a dream
I twisted the kettle to put out the fire. To be honest, I was curious, but I didn’t expect there would be weapons left over from the war. I was always curious.
"Ladder" I took out a small shovel from my backpack and shouted at the King Kong cannon.
"Come on!" King Kong cannon quickly moved the remaining beer along and squatted on the wall.
I stepped on his shoulder directly.
Tilting his head and waving a shovel to dig, the result was unexpectedly smooth. Without a few shovels, he dug a one-foot square hole, which was dark and could not see anything. In summer, he felt that the hole was chilly and air-conditioned.
"Do you have a hand barrel?" I jumped from the shoulder of the king kong cannon.
"What am I doing with that thing in broad daylight?" King Kong cannon slapped his shoulders with dust.
"I can’t see anything inside," I shook my head and said.
"Light a torch" King Kong Bao came up with an idea "Go out and cut two branches" and I accepted his suggestion.
This guy deserves to be an engineer detachment. Cutting down a tree is still very efficient. He dragged two pine poles the thickness of a bottle back in a short time.
"It’s too thick to make do." I quickly tied two torches with gun oil and two towels in the rifle accessory box
"Pull me after you go, and I’ll go first, and you’ll suffer." I squatted down to help the wall.
"What’s going on inside?" I looked up at my aching shoulders.
"Black paint hemp black can’t see anything. Come on," said King Kong Cannon, lying down and stretched out his hand to pull me.
"Hurry up the torch" King Kong Gun took out a lighter and lit the torch.
After observing the surrounding situation by the torch, the two of them couldn’t help taking a breath in a gasp.
"Old in this doesn’t look like a place to put ammunition ….."
Chapter 5 Dongshan Tomb
I like reading extra-curricular very much when I am reading. It is the ancient unofficial history Classics Institute that immediately judged that this place is not an abandoned warehouse, and this point is a grave!
The tomb is about half the size of a basketball court and about three meters high. The torch can barely reach the end. The northeast corner has slightly collapsed. A pile of gray square brick chapters are scattered all over the tomb. It is cold and dry, and there is a faint smell of smell.
It’s not the first time I’ve touched the grave, but when I first came into close contact with the real grave, the feeling was shocking, and the fear rose from my heart, making me feel cold and my hands and feet trembled involuntarily.
"Old cow, give me a cigarette." I tried to calm myself down from the shock.
King Kong Bao shivered and took out his cigarette case and handed it to me. I looked at the one left. Take a deep breath. "Don’t be afraid to look."
"You’re the one who’s scared. Is it not good if I want to touch dead things?" He was disgusted with me saying that he was afraid, punching his face and pretending to be brave.
"I didn’t say anything touching. I wanted to see it." I shook my head and said, "Besides, according to our current position, your shit is pulling someone’s grave."
The king kong cannon didn’t say anything, and we walked in with torches step by step, for fear that something might be said that the machine had been ambushed. Later, I felt that every step was on the ground, and my heart gradually became steadfast.
"There’s a coffin." King Kong cannon pointed to the raised stone platform in the tomb and placed a big coffin in the north and south.
"I saw it. Don’t touch it. Look at something else." I nodded and said.
I walked to the north side of the tomb with a torch in my hand, where there was a table. The King Kong cannon still told me that he was afraid and angry, and he didn’t seem to follow the pile of scattered blue bricks in the northeast corner.
I approached the table with a torch and found that it was an ancient table, similar in style to today’s table, nearly half shorter in length and slightly upturned in corners with spray-shaped decoration.
There is thick dust and insufficient light on the desktop, and you can’t see what material it is. There are two oblate bowls on the desktop, which are similar to the alms bowl when monks alms, and there seems to be some granular things in it.
In addition, there is a thin stack of paper on the table, which should be much narrower than the size of 32 papers we have now. I put out my cigarette and reached for it. I don’t know what year and month it was crisp in my hand, and a lot of paper foam fell off. I was secretly sorry, but I heard the sound of King Kong cannon, "It’s older than here. Someone has been here. Come and see it."
I slipped the ancient book into my backpack and ran over to see the king kong cannon with a white woven bag yelling at me, "I’m too old to look at it. It’s been stolen here. Look, there’s a hole here."
I looked down and found that there was indeed a hole in the tomb floor, which was about as thick as our common small water tank, and the edge was smooth instead of messy edges and corners.
"They must have dug up a lot of good things and put them in bags." King Kong cannon was wearing the white woven bag. I stretched out my hand and took the bag in King Kong gunner’s hand and approached the torch. When I took a closer look, my whole body hair stood on end, and my heart suddenly contracted and I was in a cold sweat. What kind of bag is this? This point is a white and green snake skin.
"Snakeskin, this is the serpent’s peeling skin." I threw away the huge snakeskin in my hand in horror and shouted at the King Kong cannon.
"Ah …" King Kong Bao exclaimed and turned the rifle from behind to his hand and immediately turned pale.
At this time, a sharp scream came from the cave-in hole, followed by a pungent smell coming from the hole of our foot.
The snakeskin alone scared us half to death. When the advocate came back, we still got the key moment. We were trained to play.
"Open your mouth!" King Kong cannon quickly shoved his torch to me and turned it around. It was a shot at the mouth of the cave.
"Boom!" Although the huge gunshot shocked my brain, I still had a conditioned reflex, and I grabbed the ejected shell casing like a fire from the muzzle.
"You go first" and "I’ll go first" both of us shouted at the same time. It’s not that I’m afraid of death and I have to run first, but that during training, the army stipulates that unarmed comrades should be evacuated first when there is a weapon pad in an emergency.

Defeating the spirit and simulating the fluctuation of the star power will directly damage the soul, and even the soul will be stunned on the spot.

This is a taboo in the practice of "star introduction"!
"But this meteorite contains so much gold gas that it is equivalent to a rare ore. If this meteorite can be refined and all the gold gas can be taken out, when I meet the enemy, I will directly cut this gold gas out even if a continent will be cut into two by this gold gas …"
At that time, even if the mood is stable, Guqing can’t help but look at the ancient meteorite above his head with a hint of enthusiasm.
The second volume GuXing "XuanGeng" Shinto coercion for the sixth time
The initial contact has made Gu Qing interested in this ancient meteorite.
However, when he stabilized his mind and planned to induce this ancient meteorite again, a huge and vast coercion suddenly swayed from the top of his head!
Domineering, majestic, solemn, dignified, sacred, and ancient spiritual will is condensed into a mass like a wave of strangulation. The spiritual storm has been swept by the Gangfeng in the past nine days, which contains every spiritual will. All my brothers and sisters are really brothers, and their souls are shocked and unconsciously trembled and frightened. This seems to connect the spirit of the whole virtual universe to intimidate the believers and worship!
Just a spiritual will handed down from thousands of kilometers away has made people unable to resist, leaving them with panic, fear and horror from the heart, constantly expressing obedience to this spiritual will!
"Good strong spiritual will ….. this ….. is seclusion in the dazzling Yang Tianzong Shinto the strong! ?”
Gu Qing felt this strong will that could almost completely suppress his spiritual world, and his heart became more dignified!
Well, this powerful spiritual will without margin is extremely horrible. After sweeping the whole dazzling Yang Tianzong Fiona Fang back and forth for thousands of kilometers, it seems that there is no clue. Finally, the mountain peak of the spiritual will is stopped for a moment and slowly returned to the two worlds!
After the spiritual will was returned, the huge coercion in the dying days gradually dispersed, and the coercion was frightened and scared, and many brothers and sisters were cold, and they stabilized their minds one by one and recovered from that incomparable fear.
When people came to their senses, it was very quiet at night, and the outer court suddenly became a little lively. Gu Qingxian could feel many people walking back and forth on this mountain peak, and from time to time, there were a series of soul birds singing clearly and tactfully in the dark night!
After two worlds, those dazzling heavenly sects can’t live in seclusion, and the old monsters are so noisy that this night is doomed to be no longer calm!
Gu Qing waited for a moment and found that thousands of kilometers high that spiritual will has indeed returned to the bottom of my heart after two worlds in order to be slightly relieved.
"Two worlds have been refined by Xuanyang Tianzong Sacrifice for several years, and generations of people have tried hard to refine the whole meteorite sacrifice. It depicts all kinds of laws, breeds all kinds of instruments, flies swords and materials, and does not count every inch of land, every flower and tree, every gas flow, and even it is repeatedly refined by those experts who are shinto! When I left the mental projection just now, those elders who lived in seclusion were aware of it and released the spiritual will to get to the bottom of it. It is not easy to connect the spiritual will of this meteorite step by step and put my spiritual brand into this meteorite to be scared. "
"But … the reclusive master in the world has such a huge and horrible spirit will. Although the practitioner of Dan Dao realm majored in the physical body and minored in the soul, he warmed up all the way to the physical state to reach an unprecedented limit. A steady stream of life essence should be absorbed by the soul, which can also make the soul stronger!"
Want to white after this GuQing heart has been let go.
"In the past half a month, I have penetrated fourteen meridians of my body, and the qi runs smoothly. In the past three years, boxing has contained the strength in my flesh, and it has been guided out to transform the qi. It is more powerful than putting it out, and it is necessary to wait for the total amount of qi to reach saturation, so that I can be proud and impact. Tianmen connects Heaven and Earth Bridge, and leads heaven and earth to enlightenment and promotion to Dandao!"
Sharpening the knife and cutting the wood by mistake can promote the slow growth of spiritual energy, but the cultivation of Dandao realm is equally urgent. The two complement each other to achieve the effect. Maybe he doesn’t put all his energy into soul cultivation alone!
At the thought of this, seeing that Li was near and the outside world was noisy, he stopped attracting stars and went straight to the hospital to practice his own boxing.
With the fist slowly exerting the force of heaven and earth, with his every move, he was drawn to the body by the instigation, slowly absorbed by the body, and then transformed into pure qi according to a specific breathing method.
Master Dan Tao’s spirit leads to the influence of heaven and earth’s force from the top of his head, which is also the inspiration of heaven and earth’s force from the skeleton of his body and limbs, and to some extent, it is different from those who are strong in Dan Tao realm.
A whole morning boxing called the other body’s qi and immediately got a full growth. The huge qi was constantly flowing in the meridians, and there was a faint hint that it was about to reach the saturation standard. This is a nine-fold sign that it is about to enter the airway.
In less than a month, the airway has been promoted from six levels to the top of the airway. Although there are reasons for accumulation, the main reason is that it has inspired the forces of heaven and earth. From this point, it can also be reflected that there is a big gap between the strength of the master of Dandao and the master of airway.
After finishing the early practice, Gu Qing went back to his room again, took out the jade book that recorded the basic knowledge of Middle-earth, and continued to read the descriptions of various magic weapons.
It’s important for people in Xiandao to cultivate themselves, but a powerful magic weapon is equally important!
Just like before, Wang Dushi, the king of Daqi, and other nine masters of the way of leisure, couldn’t support a few rounds before he was beheaded by him by various means, but the three immortal disciples who had flying swords and several instruments repeatedly let him be hurt by the other side’s flying swords and several spells. From this point, we can prove the importance of magic weapons to a practitioner
He took the flying sword from Zhang De, but it is the lowest multiplier among all magic weapons, and there are three major orders: medium, high and low! Not only that, but also there are spiritual devices, spiritual devices and Shinto masters who can sacrifice and make artifacts. Each of these instruments has exhausted power!
In particular, the magic weapon that has been mentally possessed with self-awareness can not only absorb the forces of heaven and earth, but also constantly improve itself and evolve itself, and can manifest itself like practitioners such as mountain spirits and ghosts, bursting into incredible power, which can be easily done even if mountains break, rivers destroy cities and destroy countries!
In the mind of Guqing Department, a flurry of alarm immediately came from outside the hospital after all kinds of records of this jade book. "The predecessors are not good."
This is Yang Yuyin, the registered brother in charge of daily affairs in the hospital.
He had already told me in advance that there was nothing important, so don’t bother yourself to cultivate your eyes. She must have run in such a hurry because something happened!
Clean up the jade books and stuff, and go outside and hit the door directly!
He just saw a face of flurried color Yang Yu ran into the hospital, and saw Guqing’s moments as if he saw a savior. He immediately shouted, "The cloud-type senior attendants outside the small ring courtyard of senior predecessors fought."
Gu Qing frowned. "Your duty is to take care of the environment in the hospital, plant flowers and plants, and go out to cause trouble!"
"Elder … this … this is not our intention to make a mistake … you told the younger generation to take good care of your pet. The younger generation naturally dared not follow. Today, when your pet went out to play, it was seen by the Yunshang elder passing by here that she was too unsightly and wanted someone to call her …"
Gu Xiaolin’s bird body is ordinary in the mountains, and it can’t be ordinary any more. A bird’s hair is not beautiful, but it has a gray-blue appearance. Compared with all kinds of precious spiritual birds of this dazzling Yangtian Sect, people will feel a little unsightly when they see such a bird with mixed feathers appearing in such a fairy resort.
Before Yang Yu finished talking, Gu Qing immediately asked, "What about Xiaolin?"
Yang Yu knew that "Xiao Lin" was the elder’s name for the gray bird, and immediately replied, "The elder assured that Xiaohuan had tried his best to protect her for the time being and kept her safe … but it also collided with Yunshang’s elder and made Yunshang feel ashamed and wanted to kill Xiaohuan with your pet …"
Before her words were finished, Gu Qing had disappeared into the courtyard in a blink of an eye!
The second volume GuXing "XuanGeng" back to the seventh cousin
Gu Qing’s feet are light-footed, and his body flies vertically out of the hospital and comes to the outside.
At the moment, there is a young woman dressed in white on a flat land 30 or 40 meters away from the hospital. A maid with a sword in front of her has finished a playful mentality and scratched her registered brother Luo Xiaohuan’s clothes almost to pieces, revealing a large area of white skin!
Luo Xiaohuan is a 15-year-old girl. Although this behavior didn’t hurt her, it was no less insulting to her personality than her stabbing several swords!
Not far away, there were some people who heard the noise and pointed their fingers in this direction. There were sympathizers, sympathizers and theater goers, but no one dared to speak for her.
A registered brother is not much higher than a servant or handyman. A foreign brother can kill his registered brother on the spot with a decent excuse!
See go out of the hospital GuQing central white woman can’t help but cold hum a "you’re out"
GuQing is too lazy to ignore his eyes directly to look in all directions in the past, when I saw that Luo Xiaohuan’s head kept circling and chirping, GuXiaolin was only slightly relieved in the middle of the back!
"You guys are getting more and more disgraceful. Not only did you come into our dazzling YangTianzong Mountain Gate with miscellaneous animals at random, but I dazzled YangTianzong’s atmosphere. Even my registered brother didn’t know how to discipline himself. Dare to yell in front of me and don’t put me in the eye! Today, if I hadn’t come to visit an elder at the outer gate and happened to bump into this scene, I didn’t know that the outer gate of Xuanyang Tianzong was so smoky! "
Gu Qing glanced at the maid who had not received her sword, and her eyebrows frowned slightly. "Tell you to stop!"
The white woman saw that she said so much in front of her, and the outside brother didn’t even say anything. She suddenly looked cold. "You’re just a little outside brother … that’s the way you talk to me! ?”

Frowned some don’t understand this dazzle Yang Tianzong play what idea!

After thinking for a moment, there was no result, and he didn’t think about it. Although he must have a lot of trouble because of the order of Xuanyang Tianzong to teach Yunyan, the seedlings of the eye-catching longevity trees need a lot of vitality to promote their growth. If these practitioners really don’t know how to kill them, he won’t mind charging them for their physical vitality.
"This matter is also very troublesome, but now my physical strength has risen a lot, but the five elements of reincarnation have not been perfected after all. I rushed to Xuanyang Tianzong, and suddenly I was furious regardless of Shinto identity, but I managed to deal with it! This magical power, that is, the samsara of the five elements, must naturally assemble the five elements to form samsara, and the samsara force of the five elements will reduce all intruders’ attacks, strength and pressure to chaos, so as to achieve the goal that the flesh is earth and has no magical effect of attack! It’s not too late for me to return to Xuanyang Tianzong to solve those troubles when my physical strength reaches a certain level and my reincarnation strength climbs to a new level! "
Think of this ancient green directly shifted the direction to the direction of Middle-earth.
If you want to quickly practice the five elements of reincarnation, what you need is a lot of vitality. If you have enough vitality, the five elements of reincarnation will come naturally!
One way to get a lot of wood vitality is to spit out wood vitality every day, and another way is to buy treasures containing a lot of wood vitality and natural materials!
There are some spiritual objects, elixirs, elixirs and lingshi among the nineteen masters of Dan Dao’s Five Heavyweights in Fuyun Island, but these spiritual objects, elixirs and lingshi are not the same as Hou Tian’s wealth!
This master from the Soul-refining Magic Zongdan Road has not only a complete set of 100 large arrays of spiritual weapons, but also a defensive spiritual treasure with a value not inferior to that of the extremely spiritual weapons. The most important thing is that he has the artifact from the Elder Zongwan of the Soul-refining Magic Zongdan-the Lost Soul Clock!
Artifact: This is definitely a precious stone to measure the price. If it is sold out, even those who can’t be hidden from the world or the Shinto deities of major sects will be moved. What we have to do now is to take this artifact to the Xinghe Commercial Association in Middle-earth and sell it in exchange for a large number of treasures containing wood and natural resources!
Although Yu Chen is a triple practitioner of Dan Dao in Yiyuan Island, he has no background. Even if he is lucky enough to enter Yiyuan Island, his life is still very unsatisfactory, especially if he accidentally offends any important person overseas, he may die from now on!
But at the moment, Yu Chen has been in an unprecedented excitement, and his eyes are full of incredible surprises. The whole person seems to be a little dizzy by a sudden happiness!
What did he see! ?
That five gates in Middle-earth, Xuanyang Tianzong, has been wanted by Guqing!
Three days ago, the three elders who were as tall as gods on the island of one yuan had reached an order from the island alliance to launch all available forces to find the ancient green falls near Haig Sea!
People should be able to track this person’s whereabouts. The three elders will not only give him a lifetime honorary title, but all the magical powers and achievements of the island will be selected, and he will also get a spiritual reward!
What attractive conditions and high glory this is!
One-Yuan Island Although the Dharma is similar to the super schools such as Xuanyang Tianzong, Cangtian Emperor Island and Liulixian Island, there are also nine masters of the island’s Dan Dao, and there are three people and many islands that govern hundreds of thousands of younger brothers and millions of mortal practitioners.
Think about this honorary elder, who can almost be an equal of some small island owners and Li Li, who chooses avatar and achievement method in Chen. The whole person is almost excited and trembling! He really doesn’t believe that heaven will bring such good luck to him.
Although excited to almost coma, Yu Chen hasn’t lost his last calm, brimming with excitement in his heart. He directly took out the unified distribution of news from Sifang Island, and instantly moved the news out here …
It’s not just him!
I also feel that today is my lucky day, as well as those brothers wandering in the waters near him. They also have extremely high-standard reward promises for Guqing clues!
Overseas, the competition is very fierce than in Middle-earth. Two elders of Dandao escaped from Floating Cloud Island. Naturally, they dare not wipe out the twenty-one masters of their clan. At most, they reported the news to the top of Sifang Island. It is impossible to render this matter known to the world!
Therefore, it seems that these brothers are not far away from them. Guqing is not a powerful martial brother, but a mobile vault, a godsend opportunity for them to make their own fortune!
If it weren’t for a little sense, they would have rushed to catch Gu Qing in person regardless of the huge strength gap between the two sides, and seized this guy who represents profit and wealth and handed it over to the island’s top management for disposal!
At that time, these wandering brothers noticed that Gu Qing was behind one by one as if he were crazy, and they kept going out with these news, and they tried their best to keep following Gu Qing for fear of losing their goals.
Gu Qing’s entry into the realm of cultivating immortals is still short, and he is not as good as some practitioners in the realm of cultivating immortals’ magical powers and magic luck. He is not proficient in hiding and escaping, and he is afraid of trouble. Unless he escapes to a remote mountain island and can’t escape, he can do it if he wants to hide his whereabouts.
In this case, on the first day he went to Middle-earth, he was stared at by overseas practitioners who wanted to take this opportunity to climb to Xuanyang Tianzong.
And with the passage of time, more and more practitioners have appeared around him, showing a rapid growth trend.
Most of these practitioners are the first and second masters of Dan Dao, and even the ordinary brothers in the realm of airway have them. Although they act as eyes with Gu Qing, they hand over the news layer by layer to the top management of Zongmen for processing!
One of these practitioners who are watching him far away are still afraid of his reputation as a "four-fold master of Dan Dao" and dare not approach him easily. He found out that Gu Qing was covered up when he followed them for a long time, only to find that they didn’t seem to care much about them. After that, they gradually became nervous about tracking the track, and now they appeared in front of him and kept a little distance from him. In this issue, if he made every move, they would report it at the first time to let Zongmen executives respond.
Looking at those who fly at the end of their vision practitioner GuQing frowned slightly.
"These Dan Dao Yi Er are very airway practitioners. Do I really have no temper …"
He can tolerate some etiquette mistakes and even some minor offenses, but it doesn’t mean that others are watching him boldly and he can remain indifferent!
The third volume The stars gather together to fight the eleventh time to a dollar island
Xuanyang Tianzong issued the order and called on Godsworn Tianzi to trace himself. When he fell, Guqing had expected that there would be some trouble in the coming journey and he would have to deal with some sudden crises at any moment.
But even though he has been prepared psychologically, he still didn’t expect things to get into trouble to this extent … Interest-driven even some practitioners of airway dare to be possessed and aboveboard to monitor themselves and play his mind!
"Xuanyang Tianzong has unparalleled influence in cultivating immortals overseas in Middle-earth, except for the three giants, namely, Sword Sect, Glazed Fairy Island and Soul-refining Magic Sect, which can overwhelm him in this respect. For a long time, all practitioners have created an insurmountable and inviolable image in their hearts … Seeing that Xuanyang Tianzong issued an order to kill me, these sectarian practitioners have been desperate to please Xuanyang Tianzong and Panpan, and they want to send me to Xuanyang Tianzong as a sacrifice."
GuQing chuckle "this idea is very good …"
He doesn’t want to kill some small things and respect himself. He doesn’t want these practitioners to pay attention to it, but that doesn’t mean that even if others bully him, he can be arbitrarily punished by his opponents!
Glancing at the practitioners nearby, Gu Qing’s eyes fell directly on the triple practitioner who had been with himself for the longest time.
This practitioner is none other than Yuchen, a one-yuan island!
Along the way, many stalkers were dumped because they couldn’t keep up with Gu Qing’s speed. However, Yu Chen, relying on a spiritual sword that specializes in flying and understanding the overseas environment, has been closely following Gu Qing for three consecutive days and almost never lost his goal. Seeing that the masters in his island are coming, his excitement is getting stronger and stronger!
I have to wait for half a day for my island master to arrive and send Gu Qing to Xuanyang Tianzong. He will climb to the top of the whole island in Chenli.
"Are you the second cousin?"
In Chen’s heart, a sound suddenly rang in his ear when the future life was better than when he was looking forward to it.
"One dollar island …" Almost like Yu Chen, he reported this overseas large sect, which is also quite famous. However, when he finished reporting this name, he was slightly stunned and immediately reacted. The whole person was suddenly surprised and hurriedly stepped back and looked at the sudden appearance of Gu Qing. "You … How did you suddenly …"
"Take me to your dollar island!"
"Er … before … you …"
Guqing’s flying showed gangqi. From this point, Yu Chen and others already knew that Guqing had broken through to the five realms of Dan Dao. Faced with such a master, he was naturally very guilty when a monk of Dan Dao Triple followed each other for three days!
"Take me to your dollar island! I won’t say it for the third time! "
"Go to one yuan island! ?” Yu Chen was slightly stunned, and then his heart was immediately filled with ecstasy. He quickly replied, "Yes, yes, I will take you to our one-yuan island!" Edge should also secretly pleased in his heart, "this little head should not be caught by the crack of the door, right? Know that all sects are following him now and arresting him after determining his position, and he still wants to run to our one-yuan island?" Maybe he wants to take refuge in our one-dollar island and seek our one-dollar island asylum! ? Haha, how is this possible … Although we are an overseas Sect, how can we offend the dazzling Yangtian Sect in Middle-earth because of him! "
Yao made an appointment with their master in the one-yuan island, and then Yu Chen immediately led the way in front and led Gu Qing to join his master in Zongmen.
Next to those who follow GuQing factions, although they don’t know what GuQing really wants to do, they still faithfully perform their duties, and then they go to the direction of one yuan island. Yu Chen, the triple practitioner of Dan Dao, is not fast, but those people can follow.
A line of dozens of people went in tandem for about an hour, but Yu Chen suddenly received what information. Generally, a little smile immediately appeared in his eyes. He was afraid that Gu Qing would notice him, but he was afraid to check the information. After being discovered by the other party, he was angry and ruined his bright future!
"Look at the information, is it that your master of the island has arrived?"
"Er … senior …"
"How far is it?"
"This …"
"If we stay here, they should be able to track us down immediately!"

And this single half-court game, Cristiano Ronaldo has already completed the kick alone, and there are more doors than Villarreal!

"It’s too dangerous to go like this!" Sun Yao frown turned to looked at juan carlos Garrido.
Juan carlos Garrido knew Sun Yao very well. Every time Sun Yao took the initiative to throw his eyes at him, juan carlos Garrido felt that Sun Yao wanted to sing by himself again.
Sun Yao has a lot of ideas in his head, but limited to the manager’s arrangement, juan carlos Garrido is always realized. He believes in the head coach of Sun Yao. He sometimes agrees with Sun Yao’s idea of pursuing Ziyó u.
Thoughtfully nodded, and juan carlos Garrido also agreed with Sun Yao’s yearning for the idea of’ Ziyó u’. He was no longer confined to attacking the left side, but scurried around and appeared in various unexpected occasions.
Even Sun Yao appeared in Cristiano Ronaldo’s offensive position, which is diagonal to his position.
Sun Yao and Angel actually teamed up to break Cristiano Ronaldo’s foot ball and then launched a counterattack. After this adjustment, the whole tactical play of Villarreal really improved.
Juan carlos Garrido also praised Sun Yao positively, but I don’t know how long Sun Yao can persist in stealing the camera like this.
"During this period, Sun Yao appeared frequently in the camera. He became active. Many people may think that Villarreal’s winning streak may end in Real Madrid, but you don’t know what will happen until the last moment of the football match! Let’s look forward to receiving the game together! " He poet excited way
Then Villarreal was intercepted by Real Madrid again, but Real Madrid just wanted to attack quickly but didn’t have two feet, and Villarreal was intercepted again.
The two sides formed a tug-of-war, and it was a mess!
Sun Yao’s tactical adjustment has disrupted both sides, and now Villarreal is really fighting for victory tactically.
The more chaotic the fight, the better for Villarreal.
Real Madrid is familiar with Villarreal’s pursuit of quick attack and no pursuit of success rate, but it feels that it has also suffered, and its own attack has also been chaotic.
Two minutes ago, it was a high-speed offensive and defensive conversion battle, and two minutes later, the game became a porridge war between the two sides!
Yellow se millet on one side and white se rice on the other. The porridge on both sides is so tightly boiled into a piece. The competition is full of fun!
Sun Yao is like a spoon in a pot, constantly stirring the porridge on both sides. The more evenly the porridge is stirred, the more delicious it will be and the more lively the game will be.
PS for recommendation! Ask for a collection!
Chapter one hundred and thirty Super side hook
Pellegrini always showed his extremely callous expression on the sidelines, as if his expression had never changed.
Chewing two in the mouth, I finally took out an environmentally friendly chest and directed two and put it back.
The current situation is not too good or too bad for Real Madrid. It is normal for them to have a lead at home.
And often, when they get ahead, they beat their opponents who came away from home this season in a bloody way.
However, at this time, the chaotic situation between the two sides made it impossible for Real Madrid to expand the score, and I am afraid it will not come true for the time being.
Sun Yao and Bruno once again broke Lassana Diarra’s ball together on the scene, which made Lassana Diarra’s face extremely bitter. It seems that I have to pay back my ball. Don’t rob me of my ball. If you rob me of my ball, I will lose my main force. If I can’t play my main force, it will kill me!
Sun Yao, how can they care what the opposing players think and directly fight back on the spot
At this point, the game will be anxious for 34 minutes, and the game may usher in a turning point.
This counterattack still hit the position of Nierma. It is true that Marcelo has not yet returned to the defensive position. Of course, it is easier for Nierma.
And Sun Yao’s suspense is suppressed before madness.
Run for the opportunity to outflank the door!
Nierma was also on the wing, enjoying the warm boo from the Bernabeu fans outside the sideline.
I looked up and saw the position of the players in the restricted area. Giuseppe Rossi was in front of Sun Yao and behind
"This guy Sun outflanked that position so quickly!" Nierma didn’t hesitate to start directly.
Pepe and Ramos guard Giuseppe Rossi and Sun Yao respectively.

When she was ready to ascend, a shadow ribbon wrapped around her waist and later said, "Do you want to be like your brother in this state?"

Ji blames himself for coming out of the shadows. He says, "Don’t die. You might as well have the strength to dispel the darkness."
Irina’s footsteps are good. The other party said that she was drawn by the guardian Bi. At this time, even if she got all the guardian suits, it would be impossible to burst into a powerful force without energy. She is an ordinary angel.
"Our faith is not worth it, but it is a belief in gods, but don’t lose your heart. You should know what you should do most now."
Season blame finished back the shadow disappeared.
Irina didn’t fly into Xinghai for a long time, but Zhang Fei, the shining white light, mourned all beings.
Every tragedy in Wangdu makes people feel desperate, and the fire is getting stronger and stronger. The night watchman urges him to take care of the super night watchman from that kind of will.
Lu Lin saw that familiar face burning with blood and returned to the high platform in this central gathering place with a full face of exhaustion.
There are fires everywhere, and the man wrapped in dark black is lined with fire behind him and smiles at the girl he loved when he was a student. "Lu Lin …"
"Don’t talk yet."
Lu Lin interrupted, praying to look at the pear-shaped clothes. She had seen the princess exert her healing power before.
Li Tiange turned his back on several people with two sharp knives in his spine. He often looked "Mr. Lu has seen me and I think …"
Li Tiange’s skill in painting pear clothes fell short, but his words froze.
Lu Chen found him and said that if he was still interested, he could see Lu Lin.
But Li Tiange didn’t go because he didn’t insist that the girl’s hardest time was to say goodbye quietly.
Later, he was admitted to Wangdu Higher Theological Seminary, graduated with summa cum laude, became a clergyman and was selected as a night watchman.
He wanted to go back to find the girl, but the other party had already moved away, and he couldn’t find the other party’s reason and Liu Chen’s information were all processed.
However, he often recalls that ten years ago, he was like a child who didn’t grow up and didn’t have the courage to find that girl again.
Finally, he got up his courage, but it seemed a little late.
Li Tiange raised his hand and stabbed the sword at the back of his hand through his throat. I still don’t want to say anything.
He made a mistake and shouldn’t come here again.
Lu Lin felt his cheeks stained with blood and his eyes wide open. What happened?
Painting pear clothes eyes complex treatment skills to continue Xia Mi is to pull out the sword handle hanging the man’s temporary life.
They can feel that just for a moment, old gods’s will came, and the shy man chose the end before his self-consciousness disappeared.
Lu Lin finally realized what happened during the recovery. She had seen the maid who was the best with her. Even if she was trapped and locked, old gods’s will would destroy people’s souls.
He tortures everyone differently.
She hugged the only man in her life, but she was not an extraordinary person, but she could also feel the other person’s gradual collapse, her soul and physical injury recovered, but her consciousness was hard to return.
She once thanked the goddess Chen Yong, who gave her brother back to herself, and thanked their family for getting better and better.
But now she hates her brother, and now her friends around her die one by one. Her first love in front of her eyes is to leave her ears and cry in despair for a long time.
She is a strong woman, otherwise she can’t live with her brother for ten years alone, but she is also a weak person, otherwise she won’t collapse at a moment and want to end her brother.
No matter what kind of person she is, she feels tired after tearing her heart out.
A woman whimpering in the wind is a drop of tears that God seems cheap.
Xinghai black and red mecha fell to the earth when the limit of Chuhang was approaching, and the tyrannical king was broken and never rose again.
It turns out that when all beings cry, there will be audio and video in the whole world, which can enter Xinghai.
Violent red bloomed in the vast darkness, and the red brilliance fell like a meteor with the power to break all obstacles.
People stared at the high platform where the fire was no longer lit and the meteors gathered.
The man with red fruit converges his breath and disappears smoothly before the extreme speed contact due to the impact of violence.
Lu Chen and Xia Mi nodded and touched the painted pear-shaped head. The man didn’t paint the pear-shaped head, but he was calm and terrible. His eyes were dark like a pool of water
He went to the ugly woman who was sobbing and weeping, stretched out his hand and wiped her eyes with tears, and backhand suppressed the will of the ancient gods raging in Li Tiange’s mind.
"Morning morning?"
Lu Lin looked at this familiar and strange man during the period, and he hadn’t seen his brother for a year.
Her brother didn’t die and finally came back, but why couldn’t she get up?
The warm hand brushed the corner of her eye, but it seemed that she was in a mood. More tears poured out of her miserable way, "Everything is false, and everything is false …"
She collapsed and roared, "Our faith is so pious that why should he do this! ?”
Lu Chen was silent for half a breath, squatting there and looking at the world sister for a moment, then getting up and looking at this burning earth, looking at those people who were bleeding and being played by old gods and killing each other.
His voice was flat. "Let me ask you … will you bleed?"
Xia Mi guide that earth’s strength to catch the dark mecha regiment that is about to touch the earth, and let the dead wood get rid of the tyrannical king quickly.
Painting pear clothes is the skill of holding the truth to prepare Lu Chen to silently bless the gods.
However, Lu Chen raised his right hand lightly and retreated the soft force, which puzzled the painting pear clothes.
Lu Lin looked up at Lu Chen as if he were looking at a stranger he had never known.
The man’s line of sight is gradually rising, and he looks at the vast sea of stars. As the situation is raising his image, he looks a bit embarrassed and naked, but it gives people a sense of dignity.
In the cold winter, Lu Chen slowly spits out a mouthful of white mist, reflecting the stars in his eyes and listening to the wind and wailing in the ears of all beings.
"What a field …"
His voice is deep and magnetic. "Sad farce …"
Bolton, the knight in Lebanon, came back from the patrol and saw Lu Chen’s return. Before he spoke, he saw Lu Chen raise his hand.
So heaven and earth rose warm light again.
The crimson sun rises to shine on the earth again, and the light is dazzling and not harsh, and the darkness dissipates with the will of the ancient god.