Singing "He is my first love" with his hands gently clasped on his knees.

Too much information, sugar. It took a while to make sure that singing was not a joke.
"Is it because you dumped others and now they are rich and come back for revenge?"
Sugar cube immediately made up a dog blood drama.
"If only it were like this."
Singing with eyes down, he said softly, "I can’t tell him a word or two about it. Don’t talk to Mu Yunze about what he did to me. I owe him."
At that time, the sugar cube was not too white. It was not until those things happened that she sang loudly and had already made a decision.
The afternoon shooting went on as scheduled.
Maybe it’s because of what happened earlier that I was in a bad state of singing and got stuck three times in a row.
She went to apologize to Zhou Jinheng during the break.
"Mr. Zhou, I’m sorry that you followed me so many times."
Actors know that the less n times, the better, because if a plot is played too many times, the actors will be numb, and the more they beat, the less emotional they will be.
Zhou Jinheng just took off her makeup and heard her apologize and smiled, "It’s actually quite comfortable not to shoot with you. Occasionally, it’s not necessary to apologize so deliberately for a mistake. After all, everyone has a bad state."
Sing a song and smile with a sincere "thank you"
Section 61
"Miss Gao" she left the former.
Zhou Jinheng suddenly called her.
Singing loudly, I stopped and turned my head. "What’s wrong with Mr. Zhou?"
"Did you know Jing Huan before?"
Suddenly he asked this sentence.
I’m a bit "hmm" and I don’t want to talk more.
But the topic didn’t stop there. Zhou Jinheng got up and said, "You should have seen Jing Huan’s appearance before. He had a car accident four years ago and ruined plastic surgery four or five times. Now his appearance has returned to the original six or seven points."
"He just finished his last corrective surgery six months ago when he returned to China. Does it look more natural now?"
Singing with clenched fists and speechless.
Zhou Jinheng leaned in and whispered in her ear, "He lived in hell when you spent the last month with someone else."
Singing loudly, the color in her face disappeared instantly, and her lips were tightly sipping, and then she slowly looked up at Zhou Jinheng.
"What does Mr. Zhou want to say?"
Zhou Jinheng Tantan hand "Miss Gao, don’t get me wrong, I am his friend. Kindly remind you that he is not who he was four years ago."
Singing loudly and forbearing discomfort, he said lightly, "Then I thank Mr. Zhou for his kindness and goodbye."
Zhou Jinheng squinted at her back and her eyes were dark.
My back hurts. When I finish work at night, I sing loudly and feel that I can’t even straighten my waist.
When she got home, she kicked off her shoes and went straight to the sofa.
Mu Yunze saw Gao Ge collapsed on the sofa like a rag when he heard the movement in the room.
Her eyes lifted a gap and she had the strength to call him.
Mu Yunze came and sat next to her and rubbed her hair. "Tired?"
Singing and nodding, docile as a cat.
MuYunZe heart soft bend way "hold you back to the room"
Singing, rolling over, with his arms wide open, he didn’t even bother to lift his ass, just waiting for the president to serve him.
Chapter 94 Locked cabinet
Singing, rolling over, with his arms wide open, he didn’t even bother to lift his ass, just waiting for the president to serve him.
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g

"I, I listen to the old mother-in-law tell you that you are exhausted from going out to work, and come and see …" Wang Ergong’s face stammered back uncomfortably, and she lifted her hand behind her back, but it was a fat rabbit that was killed.

"I caught and chewed a lot of vegetables in the field this morning. You are weak, so stew it and eat it." Then I threw the rabbit at the stove next to it and ran away without looking back.
"Ah Wang Erge …" Sun Jin’s words haven’t shouted out Wang Erge, and he has already escaped!
This Sun Jinxin struggled.
On the one hand, I want to eat meat, and on the other hand, I am struggling with the idea of "eating people with soft mouths and short hands"
"Does mother like Uncle Wang?" The little tree looked at her expression of staring at the fat rabbit with green eyes and was very worried. "Mom doesn’t want the little tree?" How afraid this child is that his mother will be bought by a fat rabbit!
Ms. Sun sighed and swallowed several times before she made a hard decision. The rabbit was handed over to Xiaoshu. "Xiaoshu, you will send this rabbit back to Wang Ershu!" Be careful on the road! "
Children’s paper is too early. It’s not good. It’s not good! She just showed an expression of wanting to eat meat, and this small bag immediately forced her to be a mother.
Watched the young tree happily smashed it from Sun Jin, fantasized about braised rabbit meat once, and then went to roast sweet potato while clutching his croak.
On this day, the mother and the son ate sweet potatoes for another day.
Lying in bed at night/when Sun Jin is crazy, he misses eating white rice before! Delicious white rice … Boo-hoo, I don’t think I can eat it in my life!
The next morning, Ms. Sun got up early and went out with her own small bag and a basket on her back.
As soon as she walked into the mountains, Ms. Sun felt as if she had entered Baoshan. All kinds of plants with familiar names and efficacy were all over the mountain, and she was out of control, hugging her own son and laughing wildly. "Have eaten! We finally have something to eat! "
"Mom …" The young tree looked at her mother with a teary-eyed expression. Looking around, it was full of grass. Mom said they had eaten … unless she was hungry and even wanted to eat grass? !
Can he not eat grass?
It’s a pity that Sun Jin was so excited that she didn’t notice that the small bag around her had collapsed a little face. Now all her attention is on finding wild vegetables and wild fruits.
Not to mention that she not only found a mangosteen tree full of fruits, but also two tea trees with lush branches, which were also covered with blue-red fruits!
The mangosteen shell is dark brown and ripe.
Sun Jin didn’t know where he got the strength, so he climbed up the tree while picking mangosteen, humming happily. He was in a good mood. After picking less than half a basket, he climbed up the tree and squeezed a mangosteen into the hands of a young tree with both hands. He was very eager to say, "Try it sweet!"
The young tree showed a look of death at her words, swallowed a mouthful of water and bit the white mangosteen meat, then felt that the sweetness in his mouth was very thirst-quenching, which made him swallow it without holding back.
Chapter 5 Discovering Yam
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
The little tree couldn’t help but stare at Sun Jin and ask him, "Mom, I swallowed it, will I die?"
"How come! This is a good thing, but children can’t eat too much. This fruit is cold. "Ms. Sun squeezed another mangosteen and ate it herself.
Damn it! How delicious! I’ve been in this hellhole for two or three days, and I’ve finally eaten something other than sweet potatoes!
After half an hour, Xiaoshu didn’t realize that he was unwell, so his eyes became eager to look at Sun Jin. The cherry mouth smacked and begged the esophagus. "Can Niang Xiaoshu eat another one?"
"Wait for your mother to get you another one!" Sun Jinshuang quick should way
Fortunately, Xiaoshu is still in the ignorant period of "milk is mother", and he has no doubt about the sudden change of his mother, but he is very happy that her mother can find such delicious fruit!
Sun Jin is also a fool with a happy life. It would be strange if others saw her change and didn’t doubt her. There are also young trees, a three-year-old doll who didn’t think much to make her avoid a bullet.
After eating mangosteen, the mother and son rested for a while and continued to walk towards the other side of the mountain. As he walked, Sun Jin looked at the surrounding plants with his head down, his eyes wide open like two detectors.
"There are yam! ?” Suddenly, a surprise shout resounded through the quiet mountain forest, and the number of mountain birds, including Xiao Yushu who followed her, was also scared by her reaction, and she took two steps back to stabilize.
However, in view of the early experience of mangosteen, the young tree is full of curiosity about its mother’s new discovery, and now it has stretched its thin neck. Looking ahead, it can be seen that Sun Jin has been digging around a vine with a small hoe, and a cylinder full of roots is exposed to the air after a quarter of an hour.
Sun Jin’s eyes are full of surprises. This yam has been exposed. It is estimated that it is still a small part of the whole yam. She and Xiaoshu will have it for dinner tonight!
It’s a pity that there are no ribs. If we can get ribs, this meal will be complete tonight …
Before thinking about it, Sun Jin couldn’t help but swallow her saliva. She didn’t think how good her mother’s skills were, but she had only been in this world for three days. She already missed her mother, and she didn’t know what happened to her mother and dad now. They only had her daughter. Now the white-haired man sent the black-haired man. Although her soul was not dead, her body must have died. In the original world, she just died and couldn’t die any more!
Mom and dad must be very sad, but she didn’t have a chance to go back and comfort them.
"Mom, what’s wrong with you? Why are you crying? " The young tree blinked with long black eyelashes and looked puzzled, digging and crying. Ms. Sun.
Rao Xiaoshu, a three-year-old child, also thinks that Sun Jin is abnormal at the moment ―― Mother, this situation is not right! Since my mother woke up in a coma at noon two days ago, it seems that she has become a little different. It seems that she is a little … neurotic!
So the thought of the little tree’s face became serious
Go to the front of Sun Jin, put your little hand on her forehead, and then take back your hand and touch your forehead. Mother doesn’t seem to be hot, but what seems to be insane? !
Chapter 6 raises doubts.
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
"Niang are you possessed? !” The young tree suddenly blurted out words, and Sun Jin almost threw out his hoe.
She turned her head to make her face look normal as much as possible, then raised her hand and patted a small tree head. "Little heartless, are you cursing your mother?" !”
Although her tone didn’t seem flustered, her heart was already full of waves.
How could she be such a failure? It’s still suspicious to occupy the original owner’s body and memory, and the person who suspects her is still a three-year-old kid! She is such a failure!
Seeing that she was angry with the tiger face, Xiaoshu’s heart was very difficult to doubt, and the horse was defeated. She quickly apologized that "Niang Xiaoshu was wrong and Xiaoshu was worried about her mother …" Meowed that he was a little sensitive and afraid that her mother would dump him, so she would pay special attention to her every move.
It seems that this small bag is not suspecting that she is not his original mother, but caring for her! Ok, ok, fortunately, this little girl can’t live without her, even if she has a little doubt, just coax her.
However, after the incident of young trees, Sun Jin finally gained a mind’s eye to know how to disguise himself properly so as not to let his changes fall into the eyes of others.
After all, others are not her children, and they can’t be coaxed in a few words!
Thinking like this, she did not trust the young tree several times not to let him tell about their fruit picking and potherb digging, because it was their mother’s secret and should not be known to a third person.
Clever filial tree readily nodded and agreed, and a little smug. Sure enough, his mother is the closest to him. It’s not what Wang Ershu Li Dabo can destroy!
Sun Jin didn’t know that this three-year-old doll had such a strong sense of exclusivity and was still showing off in an ostentatious manner by having such a obedient and sensible son.
If she knows that this cute and bullying little bag is actually a bully who is not allowed to have contact with male creatures except him, she will probably not laugh!
"Well, it’s time for us to go back and cook dinner." After digging up the whole yam, Sun Jin picked up a small hoe and looked up at the sky. When walking towards the mountain, he picked two wild flowers from time to time and stuck them in his head. The young tree was flushed and repeatedly stressed that he was a man and could not spend flowers like a woman.

At this juncture, Yuan Du Shi, who has always liked to lecture at the military discussion, can also speed up and quickly end the military discussion.

However, Zu Dashou, Zuo Fu, Zhu Mei, Wu Xiang and Xie Shangzheng were left behind in the big hills of Ningjun Army.
Everyone has been on business for more than ten years, and the interests are already intertwined. It is impossible to have too much etiquette in such a crisis.
Zu Dashou whispered, "Duchen Tatar is furious. Then there will be a small 50,000 people in the front line of the Daling River feint. It’s a humble guess that the number of people entering xifengkou this time will be quite a lot. If we rush, it’s not … it’s not a smart move."
Zuo Fu couldn’t help sighing, "How can the bodhi old zu not send troops? Do you want to wait for the court to cut our heads? We should have thought of it a long time ago. If the main force of the Tatars came, how could they ink for three days by the Daling River Tunpu? "
Zu Dashou couldn’t help but give Zuo Fu a bad look. "Why didn’t you say this earlier? A Monday morning quarterback and a ball afterwards? "
"You …"
Zuo Fu’s anger will also rise and he will be furious when he dies.
Zhu Mei busy dozen circle field with a smile, "bodhi old zu old left you don’t rush, don’t rush things have happened, and there is nothing left. Let’s think about the solution is the right way."
"Way? What way? You Zhu Mei want to be a pioneer? "
Zuo Fu did not dare to be as hard as a calf in Zu Dashou, but he did not feel guilty about Zhu Mei and stared at Zhu Mei like a wolf.
Zhu Mei wanted to’ criticisms’ at the moment, but it was better than anyone to bite like a mad dog.
But Zhu Mei is also white. At this time, he wants to make things worse. He is busy looking at Yuan Dushi’s way. "It’s definitely not possible for the overseers not to send troops. We can’t explain it to all aspects. At this time, although the situation is in crisis, thistle town should be able to hold on for a day or two for the time being. This is enough for us to send forward elites to stall the main force of 8 jin j’s eastern front in the past. Moreover, southern Liaoning can’t help sending troops for such a big event …"
They listened to Zhu Mei and cried to react.
How to forget Li Yuanqing?
How can Li Yuanqing not send troops for such a shocking event?
And to send troops to Li Yuanqing, they’ll have an excellent back-burner here …
Zu Dashou busy way "overseers can let shanhai Mangui lead the main force to the west, even if we can’t reach Zunhua, but we must also get stuck in the Tatar East Road, which can also win more for us and make the main force close to the battlefield."
Wu Xiang, Xie Shangzheng words are not busy at this time to echo the nod.
Yuan DuShi side slowly nodded, "Now it can be so. Immediately order Mangui to go to the western front first, and then dispatch Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong, Zhang Pan and Chen Liangce from southern Liaoning to the eastern battlefield to be ready for him at any time."
"Duchen Ying"
After Li Yuanqing received the news, the main force of 8 jin j had broken through xifengkou, and it was already the 16th night of the first month.
At this time, Li Yuanqing and the main force of Chen Zhong’s department have detoured to an old forest three or four miles southwest of Yongping City, ready to wait for the main force of Changli seaside to gather.
At this time, although 7,000 people have joined forces, there are still nearly 10,000 children to bear a lot of grain and hay, and the speed is naturally slower.
The soldiers and horses didn’t move food and grass first.
After all, it’s no joke that more than 20,000 elite horses play around with more than 20,000 horses every day.
Li Yuanqing doesn’t have money like Ning’s uncles, and he can also make a guest appearance as a bandit to find food from ordinary people, so he can afford to be prepared first.
Only when he was in Beijing, two dozen and two hundred and two thousand pieces of silver had been eaten and drunk.
However, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong’s financial resources at this time are just that Mao Mao rain is going to send troops to Tartars, and their brothers will be able to find more generous returns in Tartars sooner or later.
When the news arrived, Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong, Shun, Chen Changyou, Duan Xiliang, Kong Youde, Niu Gensheng, Li Sansheng and other officers were drinking.
Suddenly heard the news, everyone was shocked.
For a moment Duan Xiliang couldn’t help but spit out, "What the hell are they doing to eat?" They didn’t even find this kind of thing? "
Shun is also a bit stupid. "My dog is so fast that Yuan Man is afraid to be pound-foolish."
Chen Changyou said, "If the Li Shuai guard enters our side so fiercely, he will be afraid of being passive."
Chen Zhong didn’t worry too much, but he nodded his head slowly.
At the end of this group of trusted generals, although he and Li Yuanqing have already revealed some’ guesses’ to them and asked them to set various plans according to this guess.
But the core of it, he and Li Yuanqing, did not reveal much, which was known by the two brothers.
At this time, hearing the news, Chen Zhong instantly came over, and all this was almost as expected by Li Yuanqing.
Tartars proved to be a "smoke screen" to fool the western Liaoning side and go straight to it.
"All panic a ball? Ah! Look at you one by one! How come I haven’t seen Tatar? "
Chen Zhong glasses mercilessly clap on the table glare scanning the crowd.
Cried the wine table instantly quiet to all the will be silenced.
At this point, everyone’s heart is already in vain.
There is a company commander in southern Liaoning, and that is Li Yuanqing!
There is a deputy commander in southern Liaoning, and that is Chen Zhong!
Chen Zhong is the first person to be ashamed in southern Liaoning, whether according to seniority or according to merit, including his close relationship with Li Yuanqing!
Even in the longevity camp, who dares not to give him Chen Zhong’s face?

Tang Yi shook his head, and his mind kept coming up with that conversation with Du Qiao.

"Let’s think about it together."
Yang Han sat down beside Tang Yi and leaned his head on his shoulder.
Although there is no further contact, she can sleep together every day. Yang Han has long regarded herself as a woman in Tang Yi.
Now that her man is troubled, she certainly wants to help herself.
"Du Qiao says our feet are a huge secret, but how can there be a secret here?"
Tang Yi sighed doubtfully.
He can’t think about it without thinking about it.
"How can there be a secret in a place with such strong feet? Is there a treasure buried in it?"
Yang Han listen to also don’t know what happened.
There is nothing strange about this island. I’m afraid it is a famous place in the Atlantic Ocean.
There are not many wild animals on the island, and there are no wild animals.
There’s really nothing but the ocean all around.
"Is the treasure?"
Yang Han’s words made Tang Yi suddenly stare big eyes.
These two words reminded him of something.
"There’s no real treasure, is there?"
Yang Han looked at Tang Yi curiously. She just said it casually.
"Yes, it’s a treasure, and it’s a famous treasure, a gift from Satan."
A clap head Tang Yi excited pinched Yang Han nose.
But Yang Han really doesn’t know anything about the so-called Satan gift.
"What’s so exciting about the devil’s gift?"
Yang Han, otherwise, just listening to this name is not a good place.
A devil preparing gifts is a nightmare except death, right?
"At least I know where this is. This should be an abandoned military base."
It is normal for Yang Han not to know about this kind of thing.
But for Tang Yi, he knows clearly.
But the former is a saying, and Satan’s gift dates back to the Cold War after World War II.
At that time, the two giants of the world, the United States and the Soviet Union, conducted various studies.
Ordinary people know that it is the moon landing plan that the United States landed on the moon first.
But no one knows that there are actually many distractions.
One of the most famous is the ufo incident, which has become less and less so far.
But when communication and photography were not developed, ufo events were well known.
It is also a foreign language event that inspires human imagination, but behind it is an amazing secret.
Almost all ufo incidents are secretly planned by the United States and some false news is constantly released.
Let the world believe that it must be
Section reading 352
Landing foreign language
The significance of this lie is to wave Soviet R&D funds.
After all, a research is a huge capital investment.

It is because of the lack of powerful materials that the cultivation of the last blood fairy feat has been slow for so long. If we can absorb the divine substance in the fairy gold and melt it into the blood, we can truly show our power.

"Sinnu know life!" This peacock is a charming and lovely peacock who walks in contemporary times. It is quite different. Her mind is smart and her personality is lonely. At first sight, she knows that she is a woman with strong opinions. When she says it, she must leave.
"Wait," Qin Changfeng stopped her and asked, "How sure are you of the feathered emperor?"
That is to say, Qin Changfeng, the opposite woman from Peacock Holy Mountain, will have such a question, otherwise, if he is heard, he will definitely be laughed off if he asks a prospective emperor whether he can compete with the Great.
Peacock Sinnu’s arch eyebrows frowned and mused a little, "I’m confident that the avatar can surpass him, but I’m afraid it’s not enough to make up for the gap between the realms."
"That is not sure."
Qin Changfeng condensed a white feather fluttering in the palm of his hand and smiled. "There is a magical power in this feather. You can respect World War I if necessary."
Lengao Peacock Clan walked and heard the news, and hurriedly took over the eyebrows with both hands. be in heaven, this is the instrument given by the holy father himself. When she grew up watching this peacock, she didn’t know what a glorious history the holy father had had.
"There’s something that Saint Zudi doesn’t know when to ask improperly." Peacock Sinu told others that she wanted to ask with her eyes floating in the girl’s room.
"What do you want to ask is that I will treat that girl with ordinary qualifications with special respect?"
Qin Changfeng chuckled and asked himself, "Look, she will become the most amazing female emperor in the future!"
The peacock Sinnu winked at the news, and after a moment’s silence, before leaving, he said faintly, "Really … I want to ask, do you often wash people’s feet?"
Qin Changfeng "…"
Knowing that I said I shouldn’t talk, the peacock Sinnu had already gone away quickly before his voice fell, leaving the holy father’s adult with no chance to reprimand him.
"I often help people wash their feet?"
Qin Changfeng looked at the sleeping girl faint way "the whole world also have you can have this kind of treatment"
The next day, when the girl woke up, she saw that her garden had turned into a pool or a small lake with a golden fire lotus in it. The light and shadow were blurred, unreal and real.
"Master, what is this?"
"After tempering your body, you will soak in this lake to practice. Only in this way can you improve your physique!"
As time goes by, Qin Changfeng can get along with girls, and it won’t be too long. I’m afraid it’s time for things to change again in the future, so at this time, he especially cherishes letting girls step on the right path as soon as possible according to his plan
Qin Changfeng’s first achievement method, Shi Hao’s creation of Taoist scriptures and the method of covering the sky, has a double advantage in the world at the stage of turning to the sea
Then the next day seemed to pass peacefully. The girl waited for her brother to return while practicing hard. She went back to the altar every once in a while to see the result. Naturally, she didn’t wait.
She doesn’t know whether it is the best news without news …
Chapter one hundred and ten There are women who have grown up and have a way to fight for immortality.
Evergreen trees in green bushes and lotus ponds are morning and evening.
Six or seven years of practice and enlightenment have passed by.
The lake is still red-violet, but the little girl is now a slender and beautiful woman. Sitting cross-legged on the lake for two years, the red-violet holy power turns around along the meridian flow of the legs, which makes Ling Xue’s skin reveal a touch of purples and elegance.
She sits on the lake and spends twelve red lotus stands, but there is a perfect head. If the ancient beast cast by gold is dead, it will give off a frightening smell. In the industrial fire, it will be continuously melted by refining dregs, and the essence of blood gas will be absorbed by women from the root of red lotus along the lake.
This ancient beast has the blood of the Archaean royal family and a layer of Sendai itself. It is worthy of being called a great power, but now it has become a stepping stone for the growth of a woman with great dignity, and it has actually helped break through the mysterious realm of Daogong.
Her physical condition is so poor that every practice in the secret realm requires ten times as much spiritual strength as ordinary people, and even with enough spiritual strength, it is difficult to practice.
And this secret method of devouring the essence of his life and improving his own physique is the foundation of Qin Changfeng’s merits and virtues. She deduced that in the original plot, the feat of swallowing monty by Megatron was very similar, but I don’t know whether it was coincidence or fate.
Sunrise, moonset, moonset, sunrise and reincarnation stop.
After more than ten days and nights, when all the flesh and blood of the ancient golden beast in Liantai was refined, the woman gently shook the body and gave out five kinds of Taoist sounds and five colors of divine light at the same time.
That light is reflected in the outside through the bones and flesh, and five shrines are revealed. With the magnificent vision, there are a large number of people who are in full swing, graceful and soft, and the body is full of vigor and blood, and the innate Tao and Hua are born around the body. This is a harbinger of a successful breakthrough.
Practice the second secret realm, Daogong is complete!
If ordinary monks are great achievements, but Qin Changfeng’s younger brother was only seventeen when he became a second secret realm, it can be said that it is very common that Shi Hao was a god when he was seventeen.
However, if this woman with poor physical talent is excusable, her advantages in enlightenment can’t be reflected now, and only after practicing can the world’s talents be revealed to the world.
The white woman gently opened her beautiful eyes, and the color of surprise flashed by, and she felt that her powerful body was full of Jingxue, such as the dragon rushing, and there was an impulse to stamp her feet and crack the mountains and rivers.
For a moment, she grew up on the lake and was radiant and beautiful without shoes and socks. Step by step, she stepped into the empty autumn waters and looked down. At first glance, she fell on the evergreen tree by the lake and sat down to realize the Master.
A gentle smile appeared in the corner of my eye, but the jade arm suddenly raised its five fingers, and a piece of flying feather came out from the palm of my hand, and the white light was like a god.
The whole yard suddenly filled with sacred breath, and there was a meaning in the flight feathers, which was majestic and mighty, but it was the supernatural power of the earth
There is no doubt that this must be the seal of the flying feather. She is now practicing nature and returning to the Dharma, and she is really practicing and mastering the complete Dharma. These flying feathers contain powerful spiritual power, and their roots are amazing, but the most important virtual power is missing.
However, she will also make evolution more suitable for herself, so that Weineng can reach the limit it can reach at present.
Seeing that the flying feathers all over the sky suddenly split up and closed in the blink of an eye, they condensed two white feather dragons with flying feathers for hundreds of meters, and the arrows roared like a dragon’s breath, one left and one right from two directions and strangled the evergreen tree figure.
"Ang ~ ~ ~"
The dragon songs are full of real dragon breath, and the flying dragon is the flying feather, the holy seal of the dragon emperor, and the combination of the holy seal of the dragon emperor has overwhelming power.
Qin Changfeng is not stingy with the secret method of Xuangong for young women, but he has never taught anything about this combination. He has never thought about it himself, but this talented woman has deduced such a sublimation himself.
The female eyes are soft and the expression is firm. Flying feathers and dragons are castrated fiercely, as if without mercy.
In fact, her soft eyes represent her love for Master, her firm expression represents her belief that she will never give up, and the offensive of flying feathers and dragons is her determination to find her brother urgently.
Because Master promised that she could tear a piece of his clothes, she was asked to travel to the outside world so that she could go to the feathering gods to find her brother.
The virtual female apprentice decisively attacked with a sneak attack, while the evergreen ancient tree sat on Qin Changfeng without moving.
His treasure body is crystal clear and pure, and it washes itself out, which makes the flesh and blood seem to be transparent. The great mystery contained in the immortal body of the Taoist Emperor is more intuitive.
Seeing that his bones have turned golden, pure and crystal clear, like fairy jade to build precious bones, there is a lack of constant pressure avenue atmosphere.
This law has been tempered by the law of the avenue and the meaning of the law. On the density, strength and affinity of the law, it is a hundred times higher than that before the emperor Zheng, just like the flesh and blood. It is also unpredictable to display the magical power.
But what is even more amazing is that the emperor’s bone is branded with a mysterious image, and all kinds of runes are intertwined. If you look at the left hand alone, it seems that there is a nine-story pagoda pattern spreading from the palm of your hand to your arm. There seems to be a dragon wrapped around the keel in the right hand, and the fairy arm can crack the sky; The skull seems to be branded by the sun, the moon, the Hui Qi, a round of blood, a pale moon and a half or so eyes …
When you look at it as a whole, you can see all the pagodas, real dragons, sun and moon, flying feathers and so on, but only a picture of the avenue branded the emperor’s bones.
It is a whole, which is not only mysterious, but also contains the destruction of heaven and earth.
In fact, this is unique to Daodi, and only when Daodi is in love with himself can it be bred from the immortal emperor’s body, which is derived from the war pattern foundation.

Su Jing is still Su Jing, but it is replaced by another one-the wind body is removed and replaced by a god’s knowledge.

Su Jing answered somewhat inexplicably "no fun, no fun"
Wind and fire two busy, 17 Garuda has now spread out from Su Jingshen with a treasure in the main array. He "fertilizes the array", which again confuses Yan. "Do you want to feed Linggen? I said, can you be a real spirit root and be fooled? "
"It’s this old man named Twelve Immortals." My second finger pointed out to the old man who just rode the crane out of the team and spoke. "This man’s name changes after the weather and changes once a month. What do you call July filariasis fairy, moon osmanthus fairy, September miracle fairy … There will always be twelve names called Twelve Immortals in a year."
"This person’s repair is not bad, but he is probably less ferocious than Leaking Deep. But his real money is that he has a wide range of friends and contacts, and he is kind every day. He is enthusiastic to help him get a good name, and many immortals will buy his noodles."
Speaking of this, the fierce little two-tone disdain "can deceive others but can’t deceive us. Another pile of old thieves are vicious on the surface of kindness and solidity. I don’t know how many immortals thought he was a good man, but he was blindsided by his bones, alchemy, blood marrow and medicine, and he didn’t know how to die. This time he came out to speak and was hypocritical and kind."
When LieXiaoEr spoke, the twelve immortals in the sky also smiled and said, "Lingbao has virtue … This is true, but old people are different, and the word’ virtue’ has no real standard. Who dares to say that their virtue is more real and pure than other virtues, but old people think it is more appropriate to say that Lingbao has virtue."
"When the fate of a word comes, it’s like a flash of light. If you fail to grasp it, you can’t regret it." Twelve immortals walked over and continued, "In front of the scuffle, the immortal said that it’s hard to say that it’s a treasure … You even missed it. If you fight like this again, it’ll cost you a lot of money to repair it, and it’ll take the daylights out of you. That fate has been lost."
The "Twelve Immortals" said that everyone failed to rush into Lingzhou to explore the treasure in the first place. Now the struggle has become meaningful. They didn’t want to fight Nai for a long time, and the chaos has become a variety of magical powers. Even if they protect themselves, they can’t stop casting spells. It is impossible to get away in a short time.
The twelve immortals kept saying, "It’s not easy for you immortals to get out at once when you’re in a war situation, but it’s only good for you to really believe me if you can find a way to solve this chaotic situation!"
Chapter one thousand one hundred and twenty It’s nice to be a good man
The twelve immortals have an excellent reputation and his leader is comparable to the little ferocious king, so it’s a hegemony. The ordinary immortals are already great and powerful. When they hear him come out and talk about being caught in chaos, all the immortals are glad to say, "Thank you for the twelve immortals", "Please ask the immortals to cast spells" and "Today’s immortals will be rewarded when they come".
Twelve immortals saw and recognized the Chenghong Johnson and the leaky source a long time ago. He knew that the treasure probably didn’t have anything of his own, but it was also a good harvest if he could solve the chaos, earn a good reputation and have a lot of popularity doubts. The old man twisted his beard, raised his head and laughed, turned a pale crane into a green cloud, and followed the long rope of smoke like a tentacle, extending slowly from the cloud to the battlefield ahead. "Don’t blame me for being long-winded. I must believe in old age. This method will be put to good use. If someone doesn’t listen to my order, not only
In this melee, the immortals are even more grateful to him. At the same time, of course, there are also some gratitude and praise words. Not only the people in the chaos, but also most of the immortals who gathered around the outer layer to watch the battle think that the twelve immortals are a really good man with a soft heart.
It’s not easy to fish for fame and reputation. Twelve immortals looked solemn, and their mantra turned sharply, urging thousands of smoke to slowly and slowly explore into the battle group ahead. "Please listen carefully and wait for the old man’s meeting …"
Speaking of which, the uneasy state in front suddenly started to tremble, and Nuoda Lingzhou shook for seven times at the fingertips, followed by a strange long crow that resounded from Lingzhou in all directions!
And the strange long cry did not fall, and suddenly there was a magnificent light from the unsettled state, and immediately a colorful treasure rose into the sky.
This sudden change is better than any means. In an instant, everyone stops and feels uneasy. Before the state, the chaos stops and the state is restless. After the deep state flies out of Lingzhou, the light is just falling into the hands of the twelve immortals.
The northwest tianlingbao is beautiful several times; Uneasy state violently broke out and the surrounding Lingzhou was destroyed; Lingzhou just made a sudden earthquake, broke out strange songs, and flew out with the fairy light … What is this?
This is the birth of Lingbao!
Lingbao was born, broke ground and flew into the sky, and finally fell into the hands of twelve immortals.

Guqing, the master of airway nine-fold, has been injured. If he can take this opportunity to capture Guqing, the marquis of Wuwei, and hand it over to Princess Qingping for disposal, it will be a great contribution for the three brothers, namely, Blood Eagle Guard and Xianmen.

Princess Qingping hates Gu Qing. If he really does this, Princess Qingping will definitely sit up and take notice of him in the future!
More than …
He can also make a small request, hoping to be introduced by her sister’s dazzling Tianzong true brother!
Once the true brother of Xuanyang Tianzong can be recommended to join Xuanyang Tianzong, he will have the hope of breaking through the airway and promoting to Dandao …
Be promoted to Dan Dao …
Thinking of these four irritating words, Wang Shen didn’t care what consequences it might cause. After a thousand blood-flame fighters escorted Princess Qingping out of the city and returned to the west, he immediately counted the remaining two thousand blood-flame troops and immediately came to Wuwei Houfu, which surrounded the ancient Houfu with a hundred years of history in this king’s capital.
As he ordered two thousand blood flame soldiers finally surging rushed into the Hou Fu!
The situation of dozens of guards fighting alone at the gate is indeed worse than that of a bloody flame army soldier, but the four-handed men can’t stand the huge gap between dozens and two thousand, unless they are all seven masters of airway, there is absolutely no chance of winning.
Guqing looked at being quickly forced into the courtyard. The guards of Wuwei Hou glanced at Xu Bingning behind him. "If you want to stay here, just wait for the emperor to do justice for you. I won’t get along with it." As soon as he finished, he had been directly carrying a wall of Xu Xiaolin, and he wanted to break through.
But God Wang knows better than everyone that what Princess Qingping really wants to arrest is Gu Qing, who is more important than rival Xu Bingning.
Therefore, his eyes almost stayed in the ancient green body for 19 years.
Guqing wanted to break through, and he immediately noticed that he immediately shouted "Strong crossbow! Jin crossbow! Shoot him for me! "
With his command, three high points and twenty-six powerful crossbows aimed at the same time, trying to turn out the wall and fall into the street!
"whew! Whew! Hey! "
Harsh and broken, shocking in the dark!
Twenty-six sharp arrows with death cold light roared directly and blink of an eye has killed GuQing front!
Gu Qing’s strength in the face of four flying knives shot out by the seven masters of the airway can easily pick them up and fight back, but no matter how fast he reacts, it is impossible to catch 26 bolts that almost cover his body at the same time, especially at the moment.
After resisting part of the bolt, he had to fall from the side.
Seeing that Guqing was forced back to the court again, Wang Shendu’s eyes showed a trace of cruelty. "Archers are ready! Projectile! "
"Ejection! ?” Wang Shendu’s adjutant is slightly one leng. "The general projectile can carry out the range projectile method accurately to the exact target, but there are still many koo people in the house …"
"Are you a general or am I a general to carry out orders!"
As he commanded an army behind a phalanx of archers composed of 100 people, hundreds of cold light shining sharp arrows were instantly thrown out, and a ray of cold cold light fell violently into the area where Guqing had just stood like a dense rainstorm!
A scream suddenly came out from that area. Obviously, there are many guards or people who have been hiding from Hou Fu.
"Wang Shendu, you son of a bitch, kill us today or I will sue you to a dead body in front of the emperor!"
Angry roar immediately set in the direction since ancient times.
Wang Shen snorted, "Let’s talk about it when you can live!" Speaking right hand again a lift "archer …"
"No, I can’t! Go back to the backyard first! " Guding shouted while the crowd swept up as if looking for something.
When he noticed the Guqing Institute, he immediately strode over and shouted, "Seven brothers and seven brothers can count on you. You are a master of airway. You can immediately break out and go to the palace to tell the emperor the news here and let the emperor personally send someone to stop them! Otherwise we Wuwei Hou Fu even really finished. "
GuQing frowned "go to the palace …"
"You can’t hold on to so many bloody flame troops even if they are at the top of the airway. Seventh brother, don’t worry about so much. Go out and get help from the emperor!"
"Come or not! It takes less than 20 minutes to get here from the palace. If there is any delay in meeting the emperor, it will take half an hour to surf. Can you keep it for half an hour with such a little guard? "
"If we can’t keep it, we will keep it until you come."
Gu Qing shook his head. "Even if I go to the palace, I may not be able to move to help!"
"Go to the palace may not be able to move reinforcements! ?” Gudingzhong suddenly slightly one leng.
"This city belongs to the empire, the royal family, the king of heaven, and the gods have been rushing here from the north city. Do you think the emperor will not receive the news?"
Yet a GuDingZhong face suddenly became a little pale "you mean …"
"It’s not the way to break through."
"But …"
Although Gu Qing’s idea is overdone, it is not much different from the decision made by Emperor Ning Tian.
When he learned that Wang Shen wanted to be a soldier in Wuwei Houfu, the emperor wanted to prevent the "master of Dan Dao" in Houfu from being unhappy. At this time, Ning Tianqi’s arrival made him realize that Guqingping’s infanta did not die at the moment, and Guqing did not really reach the strength of Dan Dao.
The nine peaks of Dan Dao and Qi Dao are two completely different realms.
Although the Nine Heavenly Masters of Airway is the top strength in a dynasty, thousands of ordinary troops can kill a Nine Heavenly Masters of Airway with sufficient preparation!
It’s obviously not worth it to have an official war with an airway master and Zhenxi Wangfu.
In this way, the idea of stopping Wang Shendu naturally ran aground.
Of course, the marquis of Wuwei and General Xu are also important officials in the DPRK. Naturally, it is impossible for him not to move at all … The imperial edict to stop the king and the gods has already been reached. When will this imperial edict reach the king and the gods? Then we will know that the people who have reached the imperial edict know for themselves.
Xu Bing condensate suddenly said, "Guding Zhongge, if I remember correctly, you Hou Fu should have a secret passage to leave the mansion."
GuDingZhong look a whole "how do you know …"
"I heard from the duke, but I don’t know the details."
Before Gu Ding spoke, Gu Qing waved and said, "Since there is a secret passage from Houfu, it will be much easier. If I am not mistaken, the primary goal of Wang Shendu should be me. I will stay here to attract his attention and contain them from attacking you!"

Wang Yue transformed the body qi into water, and a protective cover as huge as a bubble appeared on the periphery of the ship to stop the huge wave attack.

That day, the leader of the Taoist God Aquarium was stunned with a shock in his heart. Just now, his blow was a blow, but I didn’t expect it to hurt Wang Yue.
Wang Yue, a seagoing vessel, traveled to Shenlong Island without being affected at all.
"This man is so strong that I am not an opponent. Is he as strong as the bodhi old zu?"
Just then an old man came to the beach with hundreds of people.
On that day, the leader of the Taoist God Aquarium hurriedly saluted the "patriarch" with fuels.
This old man is the head of the clan of Shenshui.
The heads of the clan of Shenshui clan, although not the strong ghost and ghost, are also half-step ghost and ghost. Compared with the broken waves and Pojun, they are also not bad at all.
Heads of cold way "ceremony, I didn’t think anyone dared to come to my dragon island this time, the heads of the fathers insisted that he have to go back and forth."
Heads of a clenched fist around the water reiki crazy to his body gathered qi energy is becoming more and more earth.
"All back" in a race shouted.
It’s no joke that the patriarch uses the magic water tactic. Almost everyone will be affected by the martial arts.
The patriarch roared, "Let outsiders give a hell."
The sea suddenly rose to form a huge wave, like a mountain pressing against Wang Yue.
Wang Yue’s 30-plus-foot-long seagoing ship looks very small like an ant in front of the huge waves.
Wang Yue nodded his head secretly. This magical water tactic is simply a manipulation of seawater, so that the waves can catch a rare natural disaster in a hundred years.
"Heaven practitioners may not have a chance to survive before the natural power, but it is to teach fish to swim to deal with the strong ghost."
It must be as powerful as ghosts and gods, so although the waves are strong, it is still impossible to stop the ghosts and gods.
Wang Yueshen’s golden light flashed, and the true qi hung over the whole ship’s sharp breath, like a sharp knife piercing the waves.
The huge waves were cut in half by the golden light, and Wang Yuehai’s ship was safely ill.
Wang Yue snorted and the ship suddenly accelerated and quickly reached the shore.
God water gens patriarch was livid shocked way "young man you are a ghost in the strong! What are you doing in Shenlong Island? "
Wang Yue said faintly not far away, "Long Yuan!"
Everyone was shocked that Wang Yue actually came to kill the dragon.
But even if Wang Yue is a strong ghost, he won’t kill the dragon.
The laughter of the heads of the clan of Shenshui is full of irony. "The ego admits that you are strong, and you are as strong as the bodhi old zu of Shenshui clan, but it is wishful thinking to think that you want to kill the dragon with your practice."
The dragon is powerful. No one knows the dragon better than the Shenshui clan. Although it has not yet reached the mixed yuan territory, it is not a ghost territory. Warriors can be stronger than the ghost territory, and even the dragon defense cannot be broken.
Wang Yue sneered and said, "Of course I know that the dragon is powerful. I want to kill the dragon. It is impossible, but a ghost fighter can’t do it. The ten ghost fighters should be able to do it."
God aquarium heads laughed. "You talk big and are not afraid to flash your tongue. Ten ghosts and gods are strong. Are you Chinese cabbage? The whole day may not be able to cobble together ten ghosts and gods in the strong. "
Can ten ghosts and gods join hands with the strong to kill the dragon god aquarium patriarch? I don’t know, but he knows that it is impossible to let ten ghosts and gods join hands with the strong. After all, ghosts and gods are the strongest fighters in this world, and the number is pitiful.
For thousands of years, the God Aquarium has only seen a strong supernatural being, and no matter how talented others are, they will stop at the supernatural being, just like the current patriarch.
Wang Yue laughed. "You don’t believe it, but I tell you that every word I say is true. My organization is called Tianmen. For thousands of years, the door owners have been looking for martial arts wizards in China. Now we have six ghosts and demons in Tianmen, and ten ghosts and demons will be able to get together in ten years."
"I don’t have any grudges with you, and I don’t want to fight with you. You’d better leave Shenlong Island. Our purpose is Longyuan, not Shenshui. I hope the heads of families can distinguish between them and don’t let your people die."
Before Wang Yue’s voice fell, the Shui people shouted abuse.
"Bastards really want to kill the dragon. We will never let you hurt the dragon."
"The dragon is the patron saint of our water clan. If you want to kill the dragon, you have to step over our bodies!"
"Kill this little"
"Yes, kill him."
Wang Yue shook his head and said all he had said, but these people of God and Water refused to listen. In this case, they are experts themselves.

Xu tui was very satisfied that she got a good evaluation on her finger palm ability.

After reading the assessment sheet, Chai Xiao is a little sorry.
"Almost if you refer to more than 5 kilograms, the explosion speed is more than 25 meters per second and the accuracy is 10 meters per second, which can reach ten percent.
The basis can be regarded as starting a gene ability chain to obtain the evaluation of finger explosion ability
You can be recognized as an F-level gene liberator
If you are recognized as a F-level gene liberator, your freshman evaluation will rise to a small level. "
Speaking of which, Chai Xiao suddenly stopped for a stay. "I’ll go to you. The palm force rises to a small order, which is the C-level medium evaluation."
If there is another F-level gene liberator, it will be a C-level high evaluation
You are asking for heaven!
Fortunately, it’s not
You should be able to get a C-level medium evaluation. "
Chai xiaosong breathed a sigh of relief, and my heart was still a little sour.
But it’s just a moment
In a blink of an eye, Chai Xiao came to Xu tui again. "I said, brother, how did you get this D-level limit? Tell me about it?"
"Old Chai, I have already told you that I really found a latent spy. Why don’t you believe it?"
"Is a spy that easy to find?"
"Every year, there will be several incidents of spy leaks leading to heavy losses in journals throughout the season.
Every year, the Secret Service has worked hard to get rid of all spy traitors … "Chai Xiao said.
"That’s not true. If there were no Secret Service spies and traitors, there might be more serious losses," Xu said.
"Also …"
Soon Xu retired and came to the test center of the Mystery House.
As soon as I came to the test center of Mystery House, I felt relaxed.
There are too many people in Extreme College. It’s too crowded.
Coming from Extreme College to Mystery College is like stepping into the wild from a crowded city.
It’s really spacious
There is no one waiting in line in front of teacher Huixinbian.
The teacher with half white hair is leafing through the tea while drinking Lycium barbarum.
"Teacher Bian"
"Well, why did it take so long after the test?" The teacher with half-white hair accepted the assessment form of Xu tui.
"Oh, I went to the limit and tested one with good ability."
After verifying a piece of information, the teacher quickly printed out a final evaluation form.
"Xu back to you and twenty gene basis points based on equal-order evaluation is C-class, and your induction ability evaluation is ordinary.
Can keep your C-level evaluation in place without transferring it to D-level higher level.
However, you mean that the palm ability evaluation is good and can be upgraded according to regulations, and the evaluation is a small order.
So your freshmen’s entrance evaluation is C-level. Is it okay? "Asked the teacher.
"No problem" Xu nodded back.
After confirmation, the teacher with half white hair typed another examination confirmation form and handed it to Xu tui.
"Well, this is your final evaluation confirmation sheet and your order treatment sheet. Your order treatment will maintain this standard for three months.
No problem, just sign for confirmation, "said the teacher.
Xu back took the was about to sign suddenly froze.
"Teacher Bian, are you mistaken? I should be a C-level medium evaluation. How come the treatment here is C-level high?" Xu tui said
Aside Chai Xiao hurriedly gather together to "you little and this good thing. When will the teacher give me a slip of the pen?
Is the mysterious college huixin treated so well? "
"Chai, if you have this idea, you can apply to the school to transfer to the mysterious college Huixin. If the school passes, I will definitely guide you wholeheartedly."
The white-haired teacher’s answer is very serious but also very interesting.
"and this is not a slip of the pen.
Xu tui is a C-level medium evaluation, but enjoying the rank treatment is a C-level high. "
"How did this happen?" Xu retreat and Chai Xiao are all puzzled.
"Don’t you know?"
Teacher Bian asked, "Xu tui, you are a special student of Professor An and the only special student of our Huixin this year."
Specially recruited students enjoy the rank treatment for one year and are promoted to the first grade.

Duan De dissatisfied way

Ye Fan nodded "yes" without hesitation.
The big black dog looked at Duan De. "I don’t think this goods look like good things."
"How can a dead dog with a bald tail dare to scold you?"
Duan De heard the black emperor say so and bury the way
"Wang! The emperor is the black emperor! "
The big black dog bit it directly and suddenly a big war broke out.
After ten minutes, Ye Fan held the big black dog’s neck and pulled Duan De all over his dog’s teeth.
The big black dog also shouted, "Wang don’t pull the emperor, I’ll bite this dead fat!" "
Duan De didn’t have a fight with the big black dog to see Ye Fan’s veins standing out.
It’s a serious time when every second counts. What’s the point?
Finally, Ye Fan used his unique skill to take out a small piece of big black dog from Shenyuan, and immediately got up and grabbed Shenyuan.
Yu Duan De asked Ye Fan to give the other party a deposit of 100,000 Jin, saying that he had seen him in the God Market and then paid 400,000 yuan to find Lu Chen’s remaining Duan De, which was a compromise.
And the sky is throbbing, and Ye Fan and others are worried about Liu Chen. What are Liu Chen people doing?
Liu Chen sneezed and touched his nose. "Who talks about me?"
He stirred the stone pot with a spoon in his hand. Inside it was a portable mushroom soup with instant clay pot rice, which was absolutely delicious.
Naturally, there are no animals in Shenxu, so he can eat some prepared food.
Oh, technically, it’s not for him. It’s for the little darling and the little girl.
It doesn’t really matter if he doesn’t eat, but if she doesn’t eat, she will really be hungry.
On that day, he was rushed into the god market and was ready to disappear for the dead doll when he saw the array light up.
I didn’t expect that this pattern seems to be extremely incomplete, and its power is almost gone. Of course, the great kill array "almost didn’t" kill a beheader, which is still very casual.
Liu Chen’s enemy artistic conception benefactor Wang Yin resisted and was finally shattered.
In order to prevent the old bang from taking risks and continuing to chase him, he also cooperated with bellow.
After he came to the origin, he was beaten to slag once.
Crush into a ball of meat paste
But in the end, he deliberately protected the secret and mysterious blood-immortal characteristics of the true psychic operator, and slowly came back to life. The demon emperor’s heart did not abandon him and was squeezed again in the process of Lu Chen’s recovery
After living, Lu Chen said to the demon emperor’s heart with emotion, "Loyalty will definitely make up for you in the future!"
But the problem is that he didn’t die, and he saved the doll, but he was trapped in the shrine.
He carefully tried to take a step and then looked up only to find that he was not in the same place as before, as if he had gone deeper into the God Market.
Scared that Lu Chen would never wander around again, he squatted quietly in this small basin and thought.
During the period, he released the little darling and the little girl, and the little darling was starving.
Lu Chen ran away for nine days because the little girl had nothing to eat up, and she ate two Taixuanmen little girls’ fruit.
But the little darling is very clever. She saw Lu Chen’s experience in Wang Yin and hugged Lu Chen’s leg as soon as it came out. "Is big brother okay?"
Liu Chen touched the little darling’s head and calmed the dying little stubborn son. "Nothing will get better. Let’s eat first."
Little darling was hungry, but she didn’t want to eat until Lu Chen said that she was fine.
"Eat well, big brother is good at cooking."
The little darling was full of praise when she drank mushroom soup, which made Lu Chen a little embarrassed.
It’s true that he can’t cook, but he does it himself. It tastes really average. It’s all necessary for fast food production, home travel and the world. He buys natural or high-grade goods, and eats it in a bag of 10 thousand yuan, which has special effects such as recovery