Just now, reading gives people a feeling of being gentle, kind, natural and unrestrained. The swordsman enjoys cultivating a lofty sentiment, but now all his breath has disappeared. To be exact, when he holds the hilt with one hand, all his breath has been infused into the sword. When he pulls out the sword for a moment, it will surely be a completely different and powerful attack …

"Well …"
Just want to get into thinking again. Medieval green look slightly zheng eyes fell back to the mind!
The sword is drawn!
At the moment, a dharma-shaped momentum suddenly rises from the thought of one man and one sword. At this moment, all the breath of one man and one sword has been completely combined and reached a perfect state of one man and one sword. Even if this sword has not been completely cut out, the strange power of one man and one sword has created an unspeakable strong impact on people!
"Sword potential! ?”
This is the first time that Gu Qing took the initiative to ask others about the situation.
Niansheng is just like not feeling that when the power of this sword in his hand climbs to a certain height, he suddenly moves directly to a tall rock in the courtyard!
The strength penetrated into a stream of stone chips and sputtered.
He didn’t move the true qi in this sword, relying solely on the power pointed out by this sword!
But it’s like this, carrying people and swords together, pointing out that a sword is exerting a huge destructive force that is unimaginable, and instantly shooting a hole in the courtyard that is one person tall rock as deep as a finger!
If he really moved the true qi and cut it out directly, I’m afraid the whole rock will turn his sword into powder.
After stabbing this sword, the sword potential bred and condensed by Niansheng has also dissipated. The cold light flashing sword with a crisp handle returned to the scabbard before the sword potential dissipated!
Don’t move the true qi and leave a finger deep sword seal on a rock at a distance of nearly five meters. This means has exceeded the limit that Xu Bingning, Su Fangyu and Xu Xiaolin can understand. At that time, the three of them could not help applauding at the same time.
Read life at three people a slight nod and then carefully to GuQing a hand "GuQingGe please give directions"
Gu Qing chuckled, "blade master lives up to its name."
"GuQingGe flatter me!" If others say this sentence, it will be a compliment, but Gu Qing’s suspicion is an affirmation of his sword.
After a short pause, I asked again, "When Guqingge drew his sword just now, you said the word’ sword potential’. It seems that the pavilion is also a master in this!"
"a little dabble"
As soon as I read this, it seemed as if I had discovered a new continent, and my eyes suddenly lit up. "Guqingge, let’s compete for kendo."
"Competitive kendo …"
GuQingKou meditation some kind of these four words slightly shook his head "this a requirement even to disappoint the cabinet"
"oh? I wonder if Guqingge can tell me the reason? " I didn’t realize my problems until I said it, and I took the liberty to hurriedly add, "If Guqingge has something to hide, it won’t be forced."
"Heaven" Gu Qingdan said, "The sword is dead, so it’s natural to compete!"
The first volume Meteor Sacrifice The reason for going back to the ancient times in the seventeenth time
"The sword is dead!"
Niansheng looked at his face with a cool color and a shock in his heart!
Including Xu Bingning and Su Fangyu three people at the same time from these three words heard a as heavy as if overwhelmed! Even if the legal interpretation of Gu Qing’s mentality when he said this sentence, they still feel the feeling of not being able to speak and not being depressed.
"Sword … is dead …"
Guqing shook his head and didn’t seem to want to entangle this problem.
But not everyone can understand what he means by shaking his head, such as Xu Xiaolin, who is very curious.
"The sword is made of gold and iron, and how can it die without life?"
"Little Lin …"
Xu Bing coagulation displeasure rebuked 1 for her this problem is very dissatisfied.
Xu Xiaolin seems to know that she put my foot in my mouth when she sees a few people. "I’m just asking. Seven young masters don’t want to say it."
At Xu Xiaolin, Guqing smiled and nodded slightly. "Xiaolin, how can you die when you say that you are right about the life of Jian Fan Tie?"
But with a lesson, Xiao-Lin Xu is afraid to answer the words rashly.
Niansheng made a slight ceremony with a hint of apology on his face. "I’m sorry that Guqingge reminded you of some sad memories."
"Ha ha, this is not something to hide." Say that finish, Gu Qing doesn’t seem to want to entangle this topic, but he is quite interested in Niansheng Sword. Generally, "Niansheng Pavilion, if what I have seen is good, your sword has a certain foundation, even if it can be mastered quickly."

Ding Longyun sighed, "Yeah, I didn’t know it until later. Forget it. All these fucking things have passed. This woman is now dead or alive. I want to go to Jin’ an County and see if I know what happened to Ding Han."

Su Li thought of Ding Han and Xu Xuehui in the same year, that is, he was thirteen years old. From the flood to the sixteen-year-old child now, he saw a Xu Xuehui, and there was no second one. Nine times out of ten, Ding Han could not find it. This is something he can’t say.
Or Ding Longyun himself wants to go to Jin ‘an County in vain, and he also reports his thoughts in one thousand.
"There is always a chance. How far is Jin ‘an County from Longqiu Mountain?" Su Li is unfamiliar with the name root in Jin ‘an County, and he doesn’t know the specific location.
Ding Longyun said, "I probably asked a few people before I knew it. It’s about sixty or seventy kilometers away from Longqiu Mountain."
Su Li nodded and said, "That line will come back from Nanjiang one day or the day after tomorrow. If there is nothing else, we will go and see it."
Ding Longyun said, "It’s been so many days since the flood, and I’m not in a hurry for a day or two. We can find a way to go to Qingshan City to find your parents and then go to Jin ‘an County."
Su Li said, "By the way, Gong Xiaoshui Jue and Xue Hui, do you have any relatives to look for?"
I thought I wanted to go to Qingshan City to find my parents Ding Longyun and Jin ‘an County to find my daughter. I wonder if Gong Xiao, Jiang Shuixuan and Xu Xuehui have any relatives to find them.
Xu Xuehui shook her head first and said no.
Gong Xiao said lightly, "My family is Nanjiang City."
When she said this, her face was faint, but it actually said everything.
Nanjiang city, all the lucky ones are still alive, and they have reached the ancient city, so they need to look for it again.
Although Gong Xiao behaved indifferently, Su Li could still feel the faint sadness in her tone.
After all, people’s hearts are meat. Who cares about their parents and relatives?
Well, life in the world is like dirt, and life is like a ephemera.
Today, although I am alive, I don’t know if there is still a chance to breathe. I have witnessed the disappearance of several lives. For the death, including the death of relatives, everyone’s mental endurance is far stronger than the average person.
The fact is not strong enough to bear, and it is almost impossible to live today. Just being in danger of death and countless monsters can make people collapse and go crazy.
Jiang Shuixuan’s face showed a sad look. "My family is also an urban family … I dare not think about it or it will be very uncomfortable."
She shook her head as she spoke, obviously unwilling to talk about this topic.
As soon as the atmosphere became depressed, there were alligator-toothed turtles and sea python sharks blowing head-on, and they quickly threw the giant skull to the rear. They were rushing in the direction of "Nanjiang City" as quickly as possible.
After a section of waterway, everyone didn’t speak. Xu Xuehui lay down on Gong Xiaoshen and slowly fell asleep.
Jiang Shuijue sat behind Su Li, and there were still some gaps between them. Slowly, she put the soft body on the back of Su Li.
Seeing that Su Li didn’t object, she put her head on Su Li’s shoulder.
Su Li felt a ripple in her heart, so she couldn’t help but stretch out her hand and hold Jiang Shuixuan’s arm around her waist and feel that her hand is very small and soft.
Jiang Shuijue felt Su Li hold his hand, closed his eyes slightly, but did not resist or struggle.
Su Li didn’t make any further move, but silently held her hand and looked at the water ahead, feeling the wind blowing against my face, and some warmth poured out of my heart.
Before, he always thought of Wang Lan, especially in the dead of night, but after so many days, he thought of Wang Lan less and less, and his heart has gradually accepted the reality that he will never see Wang Lan again in his life.
But now there are two girls around him, both Gong Xiao and Jiang Shuixuan. He seems to be good girls, but it happened that because of the appearance of two girls, he was somewhat difficult to choose.
He can see that Gong Xiao and Jiang Shuixuan should both like themselves.
It is Gong Xiao’s personality that is more implicit than HD, while Jiang Shuijue is more passionate.
If there was a Gong Xiao or a Jiang Shuixuan around him, maybe they would have become a couple long ago, and they wouldn’t have waited until today, and the three of them were still ambiguous.
Su Li secretly sighed, and some unspeakable troubles in his heart seemed to feel that he chose Gong Xiao and some could not bear to part with Jiang Shuixuan, and he would feel full of regret for Gong Xiao.
But you can’t have your cake and eat it.
Su Li thought about what happened with Gong Xiao last night. Later, Gong Xiao left, and he didn’t keep it. He could see the subtle reaction when Gong Xiao left. If he left again, nine times out of ten she would stay.
At that time, Su Li’s brain was more awake, so he couldn’t help thinking that Jiang Shuixuan was white. At that time, leaving Gong Xiao meant that he and Jiang Shuixuan could be ordinary friends, that is, this hesitation made him unable to retain.

According to master Zhao, Huang Xuan recounted it again. Baetge saw that he was doing a decent job and didn’t say anything sarcastic. He looked at it carefully.

Europeans are now producing soft porcelain. It seems that it is not bad porcelain for people in the 21st century. China people have always been hard-rooted, but they don’t know soft porcelain. As a result, in the mid-19th century, China developed a kind of soft porcelain-bone porcelain, which was made by grinding ox leg bones and became a best seller for a while. Europeans have completely different attitudes towards porcelain.
There are many main differences in the reasons, such as firing temperature and raw materials. China people made kaolin, such as Jingdezhen, contain a lot of iron, that is, the iron content of Jingdezhen porcelain stone before Yuan Dynasty was about 5% to 7% to 1%. When kaolin appeared in Jingdezhen, Jingdezhen became completely famous. The so-called "soil and water are suitable for pottery" is a unique one.
In this way, when firing porcelain with soil, it is naturally required that the temperature is about 1 degree lower, but Europeans can burn hard porcelain at the same temperature of 1 degree, but they are pottery. They even burn soft porcelain at 12 degrees. Europeans are not stupid, and God didn’t give them a good environment until they finally raised the temperature to 13 degrees and found the existing clay layer. However, in Jingdezhen Yuan Dynasty, that is, the Germans desperately tried to make their own porcelain, but the furnace temperature was raised to 12 degrees. As a result, kaolin burned Yuan blue and white porcelain, which was the credit of a high-temperature reducing flame calcination.
At that time, China people couldn’t imagine the miserable appearance of Europeans, but now Master Zhao keeps saying to Huang Xuan in vain, "The first thing to control is the temperature. You can ask the ceramic temperature to reach the standard …"
He babbled on about Huang Xuan’s listening to Chu and said, "You give this novel called Baetge, and I will teach him a way to raise the furnace temperature."
Chu Yi Ning told the story completely and said, "Do you want Baetge to control this king?"
"Yes," Huang Xuan smiled. "He would never take the initiative to teach the king the details. It’s a lot of money and we can easily control his life."
According to the history, Baetge got a monopoly for one year, and his earning power was soft.
Chu Yi Ning seems to like this kind of treatment or this kind of treatment is what she is used to.
After the translation, Baetge withdrew Chu Yi’s eyes and turned around. Some people couldn’t believe looking at Huang Xuandao. "What can you do?"
"Pine" Huang Xuan still said through Chu Yi Ning that "the oven temperature of sun-dried pine is higher than that of your current method, and the position of the oven door and the air supply position should be changed. It is said that there are still some tips."
It’s not like Master Zhao explained that Lorraine can find ready-made pictures for Huang Xuan to see, so he drew a low picture like a cat. Anyway, the temperature of the furnace is the only requirement, and he is not a problem, even if it burns out, it will scare the Germans to death if it is hard porcelain.
Huang Xuan said that the more Dobbert Ge believed it, the later he simply blew augustus II out.
The powerful king left with a smile on his face. He is a loyal porcelain fans, but he also spends a lot of money. If porcelain can make him a lot of money, it will be more generous to give money to his mistress. Besides, he really doesn’t like smoky scenes. It would be nice to prove that China people are not fooling around.
Huang Xuan pricked the chair and ordered it to be beautiful.
So Xiao Huang remembered the rabbit’s so-called "red tea adds fragrance to the rabbit’s life". It seems that it is not unacceptable to stay here for a few months.
Two hours later, Baetge was as clever as a rabbit. Huang Xuan asked him to wash the mud, so he rushed to play with it. Huang Xuan asked him to bake pine, so he rushed to make a fire. Except for the two closest disciples, he kicked out all the domestic workers. It seems that the secret recipe is not given.
Huang Xuan thinks so, too. Chu Yi Ning can kill Baetge at any time with a thunder of several hundred degrees. This is tantamount to controlling porcelain technology in disguise. Without professionals like Baetge, he would really have to study hard with Master Zhao for two months.
The first piece of porcelain was burned out quickly, and the furnace temperature seemed to be still a little low. The furnace was not up to the standard, but the beige color was already very light, and white appeared in some places. According to European standards, this is really the middle area of hard porcelain and soft porcelain
Baetge is an expert in the 1 ST century. At this moment, where can he doubt Huang Xuan’s technology and praise him? He probably knows that praise is not money.
Chu also translated two sentences, but he got bored. Suddenly, rubbing his fingers, Baetge’s head made a spherical flash.
Baetge is fearful that Chu is also "communicating"
Huang Xuan thought that Miss Chu might be really good at bullying and indulging. After a few minutes, she saw Baetge stuttering and said, "Mr. Huang, let me be your apprentice?"
In this era, the guild system hasn’t completely collapsed. Factories are full of masters and apprentices-masters have the most profitable workers, but in the 21st century, executives’ apprentices don’t have the freedom to finish their lives. Generally, apprentices have to work for five to one year for masters, and apprentices in some departments take two years to become masters. Previously, his income was lower than that of farmers, and Baetge, the most lowly worker, kept two apprentices instead of workers because he had the benefits for both of them. If the latter went out to disclose technology, he would be severely punished by the guild.
And apprentice Huang Xuan will be responsible for keeping secrets again.
Huang Xuan doesn’t know much about Germany, but he knows that the European guild system has experienced many people after all, so he asked, "How many years do you want to work?"
Baetge carefully held out five fingers and said "five years"
He calculated that in five years, the apprentice could get the technology that the Germans dreamed of for two years, but Huang Xuan said that it would be interesting to let him work as a rabbit for five years. Without himself, Baetge would have produced experimental white porcelain in three or two years without Baetge. He would be in trouble if he wanted to produce white porcelain. "Then ask Mr. augustus to be a witness."
Baetge looked pitifully at the witches’ hands rubbing out clusters of flowers.
Chapter five hundred and forty-six Trial plane ()
Augustus II was a little surprised at Baetge’s choice, but he still didn’t say that the Middle Ages were over. The master and apprentice were strict but no longer cruel. Baetge was equivalent to five years of labor in exchange for China technology. It seems that this has no effect on himself.
I’m even a little happy that China people seem to really know how to make porcelain without braids.
But when Huang Xuan came to him with an ugly dish, augustus II couldn’t laugh.
Huang Xuan is three tales in one bite.

Tao Yao backhand punches this person’s fists together!

Fist collision
The Dragon and Tiger Pavilion Daojun changed color with horror, and his sleeve robe was smashed into pieces, and his arm skin was shattered and blood stains emerged!
Watching many monks gasped.
Longhuge is good at refining body.
In the melee, the Dragon Tiger Pavilion Daojun was defeated by a Taoist who returned to the virtual world.
This peach tree is so terrible!
Just now, if it is replaced by Taoist Taoyao, I’m afraid I will blow off one arm of the other party!
"Still nothing"
"Yes, even if this peach tree can beat a Fa Daojun, it can’t beat a four-handed dragon and tiger pavilion with fists. There are more than a hundred Fa Daojun, and this peach tree won’t last long."
Heige Daojun and others calmed down and shook their heads.
Seeing this scene with a slight frown, the half-flying gentleman immediately said, "You don’t have to leave your hands together!"
He felt that there were more and more monks gathering near Pingyang Town.
If it is delayed, there will be no change!
"Dragon and tiger fight!"
"Seven stars chop!"
"Looking at the sun!"
More than 100 Fa Daojun also made a series of spells at the same time, which shook the world with overwhelming force!
Taoyao felt a strong crisis.
The powerful potential of his orthodoxy is limitless, but after all, his realm is limited. In the face of more than 100 Fa Daojun’s offensive, he still feels strong pressure and almost suffocates!
Don’t think much about it.
It’s a direct manifestation of consciousness!
Outside Pingyang Town, a huge peach tree soars into the sky, and its branches and leaves are flourishing. Several peach trees bloom instantly, and generate has a series of mana fluctuations!
Boom Boom Boom
Many spells peach blossoms collide with each other and burst into earth-shattering noise!
Tao Yao was shocked all over!
More than a hundred Fa Daojun are too powerful!
Even he can’t resist it!
He was injured just after the fight.
It’s Tao Yao who refuses to take a step back.

Huang Xuanyi solemnly said, "Saddam is dead and he is not good at terrorist attacks. Well, I suddenly had a good idea."

Four people silly looking at Huang Xuan.
Xiao Huang said with great pride, "I think there are two East Turkistan Tigers-I’m sorry, but there should always be a lot of them. Because Americans are so busy and then I have ideas and ideals, they should have a lot of plans. Maybe they can’t implement them. Maybe they failed. Anyway, I have the resources to support them, and then we will succeed. It’s very simple. I can’t even fake professional videos and maybe even bring the newspaper the next day …"
Zhang Si felt that he should just faint. He blinked and said, "Huang Xuan will kill many people."
"I still feel a little touched by the death of American civilians. Although they are Americans, you know that they all immigrated to the past." Huang Xuan nagged, "But we can choose so many terrorist points. There must be more plans. We choose the least casualties, the least impact, and the least attempt. We can try several. Finally, we can choose the target. How about the least civilian casualties?"
Zhang Si’s face is a little unbearable. "Huang Xuan’s little brother, although I am a soldier or an intelligence officer, you have to know that this will really kill many people. From a practical point of view, we still have many problems, don’t we? Can take a long-term view, for example, how can those horrible points give you their ideas? Hehe, right … "
Zhao Tu and Gao Zihao have been listening to silly, and Li Shenggang is not much better.
Huang Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said solemnly and seriously, "Little brother, I’m not really concerned about the casualties you said. I think you should know that if I can’t dig up this terrorist organization, everyone will die, or if you know the earth and we don’t know it, maybe alien life will die."
Zhang Si was speechless for a moment before Nuo Nuo said, "So are you going to let your base catch those terrorist points?"
"They will like my plan." Huang Xuan quickly changed his mood and pointed to himself. "Little brother, do you know? My company is going into the top five in the world, and I haven’t interviewed the first-hand employees yet. I think maybe we can have an interview. "
"Yes, I’m the examiner for the big interview of terrorist attacks. You are all vice examiners. We interview my little brother in one day. You take charge of the bureau. One or several terrorist organizations that have passed the exam will do what we want to do. Think about it. This is a way for us to get what we need. It’s even a way for us to help them. I think they like this way."
Zhao Tu stammered, "How can you catch those horrors? Americans and British people catch what Tanamo is every day …"
"I have a way to believe that my brother-in-law is always there?"
Zhang Si kept drinking and seemed to be completely speechless.
Chapter four hundred and sixteen Horror big interview (1)
Probably no one knows how horrible the world is.
Since the Americans turned the state machine to terrorism, people suddenly found that there are more than one terrorist organization in the world, and dozens of them are prosperous.
Modern international terrorism became prosperous about two years after the end of World War II. Americans will show it to the world and let terrorism have a second spring-both government and non-government businesses are obviously hit and their attention has increased.
When Huang Xuan hit the list of American terrorist organizations and saw that several 2-inch screen lists could be filled, he laughed and said, "That’s quite a lot. What’s the scale of our meeting? Where do you say? "
Zhang Siyan said to Li Shenggang, "Boss, aren’t we building an office building with the letter group?" The west side has just been digging, or will it be profitable? "
"We can’t," Huang Xuan shook his head. "After that, we have to sell them. Let’s go to the Xiaohe base to facilitate the natural prison."
Huang Xuan a beat Zhang Sidao "little brother, you pick out dozens of organizations? Find creative ones and list their leaders. I’ll invite them. "
Zhang Sinai nodded. He didn’t want to know how Huang Xuan invited the leaders of these terrorist organizations.
Huang Xuan gave Zhang Si a review limit. It was also Nick’s base that smiled and entered the plane channel. Now it is not discussed about resignation. Director Zhang has no choice.
Li Shenggang went back to the company. Gao Zihao and Zhao Tuze were asked to stay in the base with Zhang Si. They need to know more about the plane world instead of going out of the base and being suspicious and hesitating.
Huang Xuan went straight back to his room and took out a bottle of hidden champagne from the cupboard. He called himself to celebrate and poured a full glass. He pointed at the middle road "heers! (cheers) "
It’s a pity for Huang Xuan to take a swig without cigars, but it’s very difficult to drink and smoke at home. Huang Qunsheng won’t agree with him to drink, let alone cigars, just by the word 17 years old.
Nick said jealously, "Great Yellow Master, how can you celebrate such a low-level base as Lorraine?"
Huang Xuan was putting a glass of champagne strangely and said, "Lorraine?"
"He just upgraded …" Nick just finished "Ah" and added "You don’t know"
"Nonsense," Huang Xuan said, wiping the edge of the cold cup with his finger. "I have a way to deal with the spies. How high did Lorraine celebrate?"
"A very low-level 16-level base is one level lower than your most loyal Nick," Nick reluctantly said.
Lorraine said faintly, "The actual energy consumption is 3.4 billion, and the daily consumption of the thermosphere is 350,000. It is estimated that the upgrading of the thermosphere to the 15th grade base will consume 7.5 billion."
If it’s a manual application, Huang Xuan will probably arrange this fellow from the finance department to the sanitation department, but Lorraine is the keeper, and the keeper pavilion is most likely to be upgraded to a senior base. Traveler Huang Xuan hesitated and agreed, "Xiaohe, please inform Lu Min to exchange him for 7.5 billion energy circles."
"got it"
Nick chirped and cried, "Oh, great yellow wise master, you can’t be fooled by Lorraine. He is an uneducated junk base."
Huang Xuan flipped his eyelids and said, "Nick, which base has a cultural base?"
Nick was silent for a moment and shyly replied, "Of course, it’s your most loyal base, Nick. He also wrote a poem recently. I’ll read it to you. Since ancient times, who doesn’t rub hemp every year? Even if we are short of three places, the great and wise master Nick made this poem. What do you think?"
Huang Xuan was so excited that he almost hit the glass before watching champagne, and he was not in the mood to drink again. He said, "That’s a good reading. Take me to Hongda. I’d better mix nutrients first and then take part in the peak matchup. That’s it."
Nick, who was praised, instantly hit the plane passage and said, "Great yellow master, you can rest assured that Nick will make persistent efforts to become a cultural base."
By the time Huang Xuan finished the peak matchup, six hours had passed. Facing the situation that 35% of the players were left, Huang Xuan brought back 21 wins and 2 losses. He can still fail five times, so it is very likely that he will strive to enter the knockout stage, and 1% is the prize-winning stage.
When he walked into the base, he saw Zhang Slai sitting in the base chair like a dog, and his eyes were dull. It was much more difficult to read the resume of the horror score than it was before he participated in the recruitment activities.
Zhao Tu and Gao Zihao sat sorting out files and plans. They came to help Zhang Si, but they didn’t think that there were not only written descriptions, but also photos and videos in the files of the OSCE. Some of them were so disgusting that they couldn’t watch them any more.
"It seems to be fruitful?" Huang Xuan’s inquiring tone went to the three people and glanced at the energy screen horse. He turned his head with a frown and shouted, "Oh, that’s disgusting. What is this?"
"The Sri Lankan Tigers’ hostage demands are not met, and the result is torture, being played with, strangling or hanging." Zhang Si rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "Do you know that hanging is cruel? It is more cruel than shooting and beheading. "
"Do you have feelings to express?"
Zhang Si pinched the bridge of his nose and said, "It’s very cruel because the victim died slowly. He struggled for up to 2 minutes to face his own death. Now the doctor can take some compounds from their brains to prove their fear and … Do you know how many photos and videos I saw of hanged bodies today?"
"A lot?"
"It’s very cruel," Zhang Si said slowly. "You are also cruel to me."
"I’m sorry, little brother," said Huang Xuan, spreading his hand. "Say something constructive. Maybe I’ll get you some memory-erasing medicine in a few years, and then you can marry several aunts with a lot of money …"
Zhang Si glanced at Huang Xuan and leaned back slowly. "Forget it. Although it’s hard to believe, I still feel very good that you make yourself look like an alien. Let’s join you temporarily."
"I’m glad you made the right decision," Huang Xuan said with a smile. "Look at the interview list you selected."

Su Mo, if Xiaoxiang Goddess lives!

"What did you say!"
Xiaoxiang Goddess was shocked, her qi and blood floated, but her arms almost collapsed!
Xiaoxiang Goddess screamed and stared at Su Mo and said, "God, he can’t die! No one in the same class can suppress him! "
Xiaoxiang Goddess suddenly thought of one thing: the Emperor God still has a great magical charm, and she sank, "Even the Mahayana bodhi old zu can’t kill the Emperor God!"
"What’s more, I really don’t believe that anyone dares to be bold enough to kill God at this point!"
Xiaoxiang Goddess condensed her arms and quickly calmed down and sneered, "It’s an idiotic dream for you to make up such a big lie to attack my will!"
"Your words seem to me to be full of loopholes!"
The more Xiaoxiang Goddess thinks about it, the more she feels that there is nothing wrong with her speculation.
First of all, it is a secret for the emperor and god to go to the barbarians, and he doesn’t know anything about it.
The second emperor’s god is powerful and has a great avatar to protect him. There are three ancestors around him to protect him. Who can kill him? Barbarians?
Finally, barbarians do have this strength.
But there is no reason and no need for barbarians to finish
Even if you don’t join hands with barbarians, you won’t kill the Emperor God Town completely.
Thought of here, Xiaoxiang Goddess is more determined to speculate in her heart.
Su Mo looked more confident than Xiaoxiang Goddess Root, unwilling to argue, and said simply, "You think too much."
"I need to blow your mind will? I want your life! "
After saying his word, Su Mo shot again!
Su Mo’s body flickered towards Xiaoxiang Goddess, and the blink of an eye quickly came to the crowd!
A layer of golden light in Xiaoxiang Goddess’s eyes burst into two divine lights!
The pupil of god!
The distance between the two people is too close, and the pupil technique is almost instantaneous. It will come to Su Mo’s eyes!
However, something strange is that Xiaoxiang Goddess broke out in trance and Su Mo flew out of the eyebrows with a green light.
Nature lotus!
This statue of the lotus is going round and round and flying out of the sea of knowledge, just as these two divine lights collide!
The divine light is broken and scattered in shape!
No matter how strong the pupil is, it is impossible to penetrate the lotus platform of nature.
And this short-term encounter with the vast majority of all the creatures in the eyes can’t see anything, as if it were an ordinary fight.
However, all the fierce families are secretly stunned, and there is a shock in their eyes!
Because each fierce clan can see clearly the game that happened in this short fight.
It was not Xiaoxiang Goddess who released the pupillary technique that sacrificed the natural violet.
Then it will be too late!
The real situation is that Huangwu seems to have made a prediction before Xiaoxiang Goddess counterattacked, and sacrificed the violet in front of her eyes first.
Then the god pupil was released and the violet crashed together!
Just a scene will appear.
Abandoned martial arts sacrifice the lotus platform of nature, which is almost perfect to resist the pupil of Xiaoxiang goddess.
Even after several life-and-death wars, this kind of predictive ability may not be able to hone a talent and spiritual sense!
And it takes great courage and courage!
Because if the prediction is wrong, it is very likely that the wilderness will be hit hard and fall into the wind.
Now, it is predicted that Xiaoxiang Goddess may use the pupil technique to dissolve the pupil, and Xiaoxiang Goddess suddenly loses the opportunity!
Su Mo’s eyes were full and he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out six Sanskrit sounds in a row!
"Hum! Well! What about it! Oh! Mi! Hey! "
At the same time, Su Mo’s hands are changing rapidly, which in turn condenses six great French seals to suppress Xiaoxiang Goddess!
Su Mo’s gods made a move, and violet also smashed down toward the top of Xiaoxiang Goddess!
At this moment, Su Mo broke out in a terrible offensive and almost drowned Xiaoxiang Goddess!
Xiaoxiang Goddess turned pale.
Don’t say that she is now weak in qi and blood and her fighting power has dropped sharply.
Even if she is at her peak, she may not be able to walk away!
She was shocked by the six great spells, and her ears buzzed, and she barely pulled out a golden sword to resist the past toward the lotus platform.
But the collapse of power has been condensed and shaped!
What’s more, there are six great laws and seals that are overwhelmingly suppressed!
Xiaoxiang Goddess felt a suffocation.
I don’t think much about it. She just took out the golden sword from the ring and also touched out an ofuda.
This is a protective symbol left by her mother.

Origin: What kind of monster is this?

If I behead him, I’m afraid heaven will also give me a lot of benefits, right?
The Heavenly Demon King regrouped and looked gloomy. "Let’s make a move together. If you don’t kill him today, you will be in great trouble!"
After living for so many years, he naturally won’t be so angry and defeated by the holy soldiers, but he is even more frightened by Lu Chen’s age and physical strength
A few months ago, it was one of their successors in Ghost Ridge who took a picture of Lu Chen’s bone age. This young talent is only twenty-four years old!
Even if the ancient emperor was reincarnated, this is the age, right?
The ravens no longer go to the theatre to urge the sun to feather their feathers. This is the extraordinary power of an old holy king of the sun clan who refined his own magic weapon before his death.
Seeing the golden light across the sky is like a statue of the sun passing by, leaving a blackened avenue around it. It seems that it can shatter everything, which is beyond the reach of the broken man Wang Yin.
Liu Chenzhong fought and retreated, turned around and put away the regicide. Wang Yin’s fist was running forward and smashed like a mountain.
The feather feather of the sun god was blown out, and Lu Chen also vomited one mouthful blood and was knocked back a lot.
At this time, the celestial demon king killed Liu Chenqiang and endured the floating regicide of qi and blood, and cut out the life and death with a knife. The blessings were shattered and the visions of Hades Palace behind the celestial demon king faded away.
Lu Chen’s pursuit of victory spilled blood from her mouth, but her face didn’t change color. In her eyes, she was crazy and fighting like a bloodthirsty fiend.
His ordinary clothes have already shattered his gray robe and disappeared. Only the cloud-like magic tattoo flows through his skin.
Long Liu Chen’s muscles are like angry dragons, and his blood rushes to the sky and clouds, and his armor is covered with blue lines, which makes him look like a wizard.
"Ah …"
The heavenly demon king was beheaded by a knife, and later generations Wang Yin patted him on the shoulder and almost broke his whole body.
At this time, he realized that the young man didn’t want to escape, but he wanted to put those weak people away for fear that they might take hostages.
There is no fear in a teenager’s latosolic red eyes. He is a martial madman. Even if he is at a disadvantage, he wants to fight to the last drop of blood!
"Li Daoyou still doesn’t shoot!"
The demon king is furious. He’s dying. I’m afraid Wang Yin will break his crown again.
At this time, Li Jinghong finally moved out of the ancient times, and a lion with a burning ghost flame pounced on Liu Chen. The lion was also small, but if it could be swallowed up, it bit Liu Chen’s bust.
Li Jinghong’s every shot is very cloudy. Liu Chen’s hand, Wang Yinlai, doesn’t take it back. He deserves to cut out Wu Shen’s extreme intentions with one hand again. It seems that he will be beheaded.
But the green flame lion was cut in half, and his power still crossed the left side of Lu Chen’s body. His internal organs, including his left arm, instantly burnt coke.
Liu Chen stuffy hum a person Wang Yinxian income is afraid of falling to his right arm and then cut a knife to the lich king at the same time borrow back.
Small and medium-sized children in Wang Yin saw Master’s bloody body being burnt to charcoal through the semi-transparent magic material, and tears were shining in his big eyes, but Lu Chen could not hear him.
Lu Chen is really caught in an unprecedented crisis. He believes in the power of the holy army too much, and he didn’t expect an explorer like Li Jinghong to get involved in this matter.
It can be said that the heavenly demon king and the land crow holy soldiers add up to be less threatening than Li Jinghong.
This sixth-order explorer can be described as crushing himself, not only in terms of physical strength, but also several times stronger than himself. It is even more difficult to prevent the ancient Chinese from casting all kinds of strange laws.
He has tried his best to defuse the green flame, but he was almost directly burned to ashes.
The mysterious blood-immortal characteristics of his three men in a bloody battle in the barren hills were activated by the quilt, and new muscles were regenerated to replace the old body. After almost two breaths, Lu Chen fell off a black scab and was reborn
"hermetic? No, it seems that his body heals itself! "
Lu crow was surprised to see the change of Liu Chen’s body. What exactly is this constitution? The healing occult technique has amazing resilience.
But his hand didn’t stop fighting. The outer end of the bureau manipulated the Sun God’s feather feather to attack Lu Chen constantly, forcing him to be resisted by Wang Yin.
It’s hard to beat Lu Chen with fists and four hands. Except for Lu crow, the other two people’s real attributes must be pressed. Li Jinghong is more than one step ahead of Lu Chen.
Lu Chen’s anger surged in his heart, not to the enemy, but to himself. He miscalculated that it would have been the old man when he killed the leader of the lunar calendar, but he didn’t expect to be an explorer.

Lin Xuanji turned his eyes and didn’t want to say more.

"Then why are you sighing?"
"can you hear this?"
Lin Xuanji stared at his eyes thoughtfully and smacked his lips a little. "I can’t tell what it is, but it must be a good thing that is not weaker than the innate instrument!"
Su Mo took a deep breath of air conditioning.
This evaluation is a bit high!
Lin Xuanji explained, "There are too many sacred objects, treasures and treasures in this world. What weapons can be built the day after tomorrow?"
Su Mo understood.
For example, there is no tattoo on the bone surface of his right hand, which is better than the congenital instrument!
Monkey just find a rag and carry this iron bar on his back.
Linghu walked along the stone frame and was blinded.
There are too many baby noodles, dazzling.
Linghu picked up a long cold knife.
Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the edge of this long Dao is still very sharp, sending out a cold chill. The blade is almost completely carved with lines.
This is a perfect instrument.
Linghu fondle admiringly played with it for a long time or reluctantly put it back.
In a short time, Linghu picked up a pike again, and it was really awesome.
After a little, Linghu put the pike back.
Linghu sighed.
If only I could take all these treasures away.
Walking, Linghu seems to feel something, turning his eyes in a corner of the falling stone frame.
Where are the four hooks?
Before Linghu, pick up these four hooks and wipe off the dust, revealing that the hooks are as white as jade and almost transparent.
There are no lines on the surface.
It doesn’t look like any metal ore.
I don’t know Linghu picked up this hook, and the blood in the blink of an eye was agitated, and a strange feeling came up in his heart.
It’s like what he has in these four hooks!
Linghu heart movement conjured up Tiger Claw running Dan leaned out his sharp claws.
"Hey, it’s a bit like it."
Linghu grinned.
He found himself Tiger Claw unexpectedly these four hooks are somewhat similar.
Linghu stretched out his hook in Tiger Claw’s hand.
This touch doesn’t matter.
Ling Tiger Claw was directly cut off by the hook in his hand!
"How sharp!"
Seeing this, Su Mo’s pupil contracted slightly.
Linghu’s blood is good after practicing Taixulei tactic.
His claws are sharp and hard, even a blood quenching knife can hardly cut them off!
"Nima … what the hell is bad for your tiger paw!"
Linghu leng swearing flustered to throw these four glittering and translucent jade hooks back.
Linghu accidentally touched her fingertip with a hook.
In a flash, blood will dye the hook red!
A moment more terrible things happened!
This hook actually went in bit by bit along the fingertip of Linghu, out of his control!
the ten fingers are linked to the heart―what happens to children is of great concern to their parents
Linghu screamed in pain and screamed, and the palm of his hand grasped his strength.
Don’t worry about this grip. Only three hooks will pierce his palm.
When you meet Linghu’s blood, the remaining three hooks are also integrated into Linghu’s palm!
The whole process happened very quickly, and when Su Mo reacted, all the four hooks had disappeared and rolled around in pain, almost convulsing Linghu.
"ah! Ah! Ah! "
Linghu’s throat gave out a low roar.

"I just arranged the production line for you, and the first batch will be driven out in 24 hours, and it will be faster and faster." Before coming here, I have inquired about this blue consulting company. I know that this company has recently had business contacts with several factories, and it has been lavish-the deposit is high, and it works overtime … All these make the sales director who came here smell a lot of profits.

"No.2? Can your factory do it? "
No.2 is the "Blue No.2 Pool Group" as mentioned in the data before Wu Xiaoqing. Compared with No.1, which has just been put into production, which is similar to the brick line, the cost performance is undoubtedly much better. However, the technical requirements for charging and discharging the car pool are more stringent-but the energy density is correspondingly improved. The amount of No.2 pool group with the same volume is about four or five times that of No.1.
It sounds great, but it is actually … four or five degrees-two dollars.
However, another indicator, the production price, is much better-there is one third of the existing price of No.1 pool.
"Yes, of course, but this pool has a lot of restrictions. You should pay more attention to safety when you ask for this quantity … did you just do this design? Generally, this new product can’t be seen without running for a few months … By the way, what are you doing here? Train? "
Judging from the size of the pool designed by Cyanland Company, the most likely scenario is obviously the bullet train. If the car is obviously too small, it is too expensive for the project …
If it’s a bullet train, there are still a lot of specifications-the sales director wants to pry out more details while talking about these specifications, including whether this batch of products may be used to test the water or prepare the output in the future-Qinglan Company should be a consulting company. If we can find out which company behind them really needs it …
However, the director’s innuendo didn’t play a little role in Wu Xiaoqing’s completion. At this time, Wu Xiaoqing looks more like the technical director of the purchaser than a person in a consulting company. He is more concerned about the expansibility of the pool assembly when charging and discharging the pool. The power problem of the filling line is due to him, and he seems to be completely dissatisfied.
"… if you adopt this scheme and the pool price"
"I said that the price is not your consideration," Wu Xiaoqing said. "First of all, it is necessary to be technically reliable … Do you have any other solutions that you can consider making another reinforcement and asking for 10,000 Wh …"
"What do you want to do so much?" The sales director still has some doubts about the big customer’s psychology. "If you are doing a bullet train, the weight is too heavy and it will be greatly stretched when you charge it once."
"It will take more than ten hours to calculate the existing main charging power without professional fast charging technology." The sales director couldn’t help but scratch his hair. "This time will obviously not be welcomed by the market."
"I didn’t tell you if you could do it."
Charging time is a trouble for ordinary consumers of the earth, but it is not a big problem for the search and rescue team. Anyway, every time the pool is finished in the plan, it will be directly transported back to the search and rescue team of the earth. The total amount of the pool will be charged at one time-the time is not just to buy more pools. It is not a problem to consult the existing financial situation and maintain the level of thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of dollars.
The key is always quantity.
The No.2 pool scheme barely meets the daily needs of the flying people, even if a bowl of gruel is drunk in famine, but it is absolutely impossible to expect these flying people to beat the nine factions who eat and drink enough every day by drinking porridge.
In this interview, Wu Xiaoqing prepared the No.3 pool according to the technology of the pool factory. Although this pool volume is still a lot worse than the real Lingshi, at least a few words can make the flying sword run normally for a long time. The pool envisaged by the search and rescue team will undoubtedly become the "food supply" for most flying people in the future.
The meeting lasted almost more than 20 minutes, but the results were still objective. The sales director was smiling like a spring breeze, and almost all the way backwards from the blue consultation.
Mr. Director would like to make more friends with Wu Xiaoqing, and make an appointment for dinner as usual-stuffing a red envelope or something, by the way, but now Wu Xiaoqing has no time to send this director away, and he will immediately hand it over to the former production * manufacturer-* and also need to make a little technical adjustment and then increase the output by an order of magnitude.
When Wu Xiaoqing finally came out of the meeting room, it was nearly noon. He went straight back to his office to get a nap-Wu Xiaoqing spent nearly 10 million yuan in the company in just a few hours … It was really a rather tiring labor to spend money.
Burn all monks
Crystal clear liquid is squeezed out from the transparent packaging bag like pearls and arranged into crystal clear strings of water drops.
Yevgeny carefully controlled himself to manually reunite these gradually dispersed liquids. Finally, these small balls gradually converged until they gradually became bigger and condensed into an eyeball-sized yevgeny, which leaned over and swallowed the whole liquid with an open mouth.
Glycol vodka slowly ignited yevgeny’s body like a fire as he swallowed. This long-lost comfort made yevgeny narrow his eyes.
The search and rescue team translated the sound from the headset of "humble mortal"
According to different speakers, search and rescue teams choose different voices. Although yevgeny has heard this voice once or twice, he can instantly recognize that this is the only guest in the room.
The translation of his name into Russian is a bit confusing. yevgeny can probably understand this name as "burning all monks". The name sounds similar to *.
In fact, he seems to be a *
From a Russian point of view, the other side can barely be regarded as a Stalinist dictator-Stalin would certainly be treated as * if he were still alive.
The China people’s team has left them and can go back to the earth to rest and celebrate the holidays-they also sent themselves a special food for this festival-a kind of cake wrapped in some plant leaves, which China people call-well, the food mixed with red beans is still somewhat similar to that in pronucleus.
It tastes good, too. Wu told him to dip in sugar-but this exercise in Tai Li is too difficult. He can take a bite of sugar and let them gather in his mouth.
The only regret is that this middle period is really a bit unpalatable. China people can make dumplings and wonton so delicious, but I don’t know why it’s such a failure.
Yevgeny slightly turned to look behind him-just scold yourself that * was inside the room now he is his prisoner and he is his jailer.
The * face doesn’t look good, just like a person has been hungry for several days, and there is not much sharpness and spirits in his eyes.
Yevgeny reached into the wall and tried to turn this wall from opaque to transparent-this is easy to do. After the completion, the activities in the other room will be unobstructed. yevgeny smiled and looked at him with a mouthful of vodka.
Obviously, the other party’s baby yevgeny’s teasing expression angered him. He kept patting the wall and repeating strange syllables in his mouth. These syllables were played from yevgeny’s headphones almost at the same time
"Now let me go and I can give you a chance to live!"
"Nine factions will call you soon, and you are finished!"
"You are enemies with the whole ascension!"
These threats to yevgeny are just like a performance at dinner. They just make yevgeny laugh a few more times, so they curse and persuade the * to surrender after Wu and them leave-maybe he thinks that the only supervisor left is his best chance to get out of trouble.
This kind of lust after losing freedom is all too familiar to yevgeny
Yevgeny knew that for those who lost their freedom, this apparent toughness might be the best way to cover up their inferiority and despair. After all, what can a creature who is caged like an animal have but to vent their anger?
Yevgeny shouted for more than an hour at lunch and the * fell silent again.
Through the glass window, yevgeny looked at this person who is said to have been over 700 years old and had some regrets.
At his age, he is already a creature who is much more successful than himself.
An earthman’s physical function has been irrepressible since he lived to be more than 60 years old. Before leaving, the doctor warned himself that his body could not drink any more. But here, the alien doctor said that drinking nothing did harm to his body, but it was beneficial to his spirit. This made yevgeny feel sad. His spiritual world was so fragile that he needed to rely on bottles to support it.
And this 700-year-old alien is no different from an ordinary middle-aged person in terms of physiological function.
No rickets, no baldness or gray hair, no age spots, no common depression and depression in the elderly, and even a few deep wrinkles can’t be seen on the face.
Even when he lost his temper, his grumpy mood fully said that the other person was rich in hormones-if it was yevgeny, his temper would be unbearable for his heart and brain.
Now he is quiet, but the strength in his eyes is enough for yevgeny to envy, but he is stronger than Duff in this respect. Duff is 28 years old this year, and he is very young, but his long-term intake of poison has made him appear some old people.

Su Mo’s look changed slightly.

Bronze Fang Ding didn’t move!
Although the bronze Fang Ding is extremely heavy, the former Soviet ink will pick up its strength!
And now …
Suddenly Su Mo realized one thing.
His elixir has been destroyed and his elixir has been shattered!
His Dan Dao was abruptly broken!
Su Mo’s consciousness runs Dan’s chest center, but it hurts like a tear!
Sue ink stuffy hum a body shaking the forehead emerge a fine layer of sweat.
Dan’s dull face is covered with shocking cracks!
Su Mo carefully felt that his face was even uglier.
Dan can’t save it
Then the situation is worse!
The abdomen in the abdomen swings like a virtual black hole without a trace of spiritual force.
Su Mo took a deep breath and slowly condensed the surrounding aura.
He can still feel the aura and breathe it into his body.
However, after the aura enters the abdomen, it will disappear, and the root will not be in stop for a minute in the abdomen!
Now his abdomen is like a leaking airbag.
Water can go in but it won’t stay.
That is to say, even if Su Mo wants to practice again step by step from the condensate gas environment, it is wishful thinking!
That is to say, abolishing the elixir is the cruelest punishment for monks.
Because you don’t even have a chance to practice again!
Su Mo clenched his teeth and his eyes were filled with unyielding color. He tried his best to pick up the bronze Fang Ding.
At the same time, he absorbed the aura, and when the gas circulation was short, he hit the bag and sent the bronze Fang Ding in.
This is a very simple move.
But Su Mo spent a lot of effort, sweating, pale and panting.
Su Mo gave a miserable smile.
Practicing today, his powerful posture has pushed almost all monks of the same rank across the great realm to slay their opponents!
He is called the first Uber in all ages by major forces!
I didn’t expect to be reduced to this one day.
Although Su Mo still has a strong blood force, it is impossible to really strive for the glory of the world.
Let alone seek revenge from Taoist Xuanyu one day.
"is this my destiny?"
Su Mo clenched his fists too hard on his phalanges and looked pale!
"I don’t want to I am unwilling! I don’t! "
"I want to fight for my life even if I give everything!"
Sharp nails pierced the palm of your hand and oozed blood. Su Mo was unaware that there was a strange lotus flower in her eyes!
Fox crouched in Su Mo’s footsteps and looked up at him with a worried face.
Although she can’t speak, she can feel Su Mo’s pain and unyielding heart at this time.
Nothing is more desperate than losing hope.
Just then there was a sudden chanting outside the door.
"If I smell kindness, cultivate one’s morality, be good at Buddhism, wisdom and wisdom, I will know that there are tens of billions of beings in the world …"
As pure as Sanskrit, the free time reverberates endlessly and moistens the dust heart.
But someone is chanting scriptures outside.
Chapter five hundred and eleven The ancient temple in ten thousand
This sound interrupted Su Mo’s thoughts.
There are really living people in the valley where dragons are buried!
Su Mo pushed the door and saw a young novice monk sitting cross-legged on a futon with an ancient book on his chest.
Su Mo Zheng slightly.