"You go with me. I can’t protect you."

North ghost snow smiled and patted the egg gently.
This Kunpeng egg still doesn’t want to be very clingy if Lai Sumo and Beimingxue rub around.
After a little while, this Kunpeng egg seems to have thought of something and suddenly rolled to Su Mo, leaning forward one by one like a salute.
Su Mo’s heart shook his head slightly. "What are you doing?"
This sentence is what he casually said. How did he expect this Kunpeng egg to jump up from its original place? It was as if Su Mo had hit on his mind!
"How clever!"
North ghost snow can’t help but praise one
This Kunpeng can have such intelligence as an egg before it hatches.
"Master, why don’t you take him?"
North ghost snow also laughed. "Taigu taboo talent must be stronger than me and should be qualified to be your brother."
Take a brother who is too taboo?
If this thing goes out, it will even cause an uproar!
What is the taboo of Taigu?
Who is qualified to dare to avoid the teacher!
What’s more, no one will take the initiative to get involved in anything for fear of being avoided by others who are too taboo in Taikoo.
But Su Mo has no scruples about such a thing!
If you calculate the three taboos of Kunpeng Taigu, he is more or less connected!
And collecting Kun Peng’s younger brother is not necessarily a disaster.
"Master, you can accept him."
North Ghost Snow really loves this Kunpeng, and it is rare to show her daughter’s state. She said in a coquetry way, "I am a big brother, a number of little younger brothers or Younger."
Su Mo didn’t answer. Looking at Kun Peng’s egg not far away, he said, "It’s serious to learn from the teacher. Are you serious?"
Kun Peng’s egg quickly jumped in place for two times to show that it was very serious.
North ghost snow looked over your mouth and laughed.
Sumo said, "In that case, I will accept your brother Beiming Snow as your senior sister, and my name is Sumo Road, and you remember it."
Kunpeng egg looks quite excited and salutes frequently.
"Master, he doesn’t have a name yet."
North ghost snow wakes up
Su Mo thoughtfully said a little, "In this case, the teacher will give you a name-Xiaoyao hopes that you can be free and unrestrained in the future!"
Xiaoyao not only has Su Mo’s hope for Kun Peng, but also reflects Kun Peng’s own ability.
"Free and unfettered"
North Ghost Snow gently patted Kunpeng’s egg and said with a smile, "You will have a name in the future. Your name is Xiaoyao."
Hearing this name, Kun Peng’s egg is also very excited, jumping and rubbing up in front of Su Mo.
"Don’t give me that."
Su Mo smiled and pushed Kun Peng’s egg. "If you worship my teacher, I’ll have to send you to Beijiao."
Bei Ying is the best place for Xiaoyao.
Former Su Mo still hesitates.
But now that Xiaoyao has become his brother, no matter what Xiaoyao will become in the future, he must send Xiaoyao to the past.
Only when Bei Ying is free and unfettered can he grow up safely!
When I heard Su Mo’s words, Kunpeng Egg was a little lost.
According to the master, if he goes to that place called Bei Ying, he will have to leave the master and the elder sister.
The first thing he saw when he woke up was Su Mo and Bei Mingxue.
And because of his blood, he has an indescribable affinity for them.
And now the three are forced to separate.
"When are you going to leave?" North ghost snow asked
"I have other things to do and I won’t go back to the North for the time being."
Sumo said, "I’ll take Xiaoyao to Beibei for the other one!"
"Another me?"
North ghost snow leng is not white.
Just then a man came in outside the hall.
This man is wearing a purple robe, a black hair shawl, and his face looks exactly the same as that of Su Mo!
Chapter one thousand three hundred and ninety Free and unfettered fear
"This is …"
North Ghost Snow was dumbfounded. The purple friar and Su Mo turned around and looked surprised.
Apart from the difference in Taoist robes, this monk in purple robes looks exactly like the master!
But North Ghost Snow faintly felt that this purple monk was a little different.
This feeling can’t be said.
"Everyone knows that I have two real bodies, but I am not."
Su Mo pointed to the monk who came in and said simply, "This is my third body."

Wei Qingqing was puzzled in her heart, but she didn’t think much. When she was sent to the bridal chamber, the handmaids locked the door and lay on the bed. A man in a red wedding robe, Wei Qingqing, was still very nervous, sitting on the bed waiting for her husband to wake up. She uncovered the red veil.

I waited for a long time, but I didn’t wait until he woke up. I didn’t feel flustered. I stretched out my hand to shake the world’s arm through the gap at the bottom of the hijab and whispered, "World."
The impatient Yang Yang hand way "don’t disturb me sleep"
Wei Qingqing felt slightly wrong. Seeing that man yesterday was not the same sound. Wei Qingqing also lifted the hijab himself and looked at the male fat like a pig. It was really disgusting that his mouth was still bold.
Wei Qingqing couldn’t help but "Ah …" When she screamed out, she immediately ran out of the door. Unexpectedly, the door was locked. Wei Qingqing shouted, "Somebody … Somebody, this is not the groom’s mistake."
I don’t know how long it took, but no one came to the door. It’s only for nothing. This is a game where the groom made a mistake. How can no one know about such a big thing? But … Is this man really real? ….. looks a little unusual.
The world was finally awakened by Wei Qingqing’s sound. He sat up from the bed and saw a girl as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade at present. He immediately rushed forward and said, "Niang … I want to drink grandma. I want to drink grandma."
As Good as Dead
Wei Qingqing was scared by this sudden change and immediately ran in the room and shouted, "Don’t come over, don’t come over."
Where the world cares? I ran over to catch her and threw my eyes into the bed. I laughed in a line and tore at Wei Qingqing’s body and said, "I want to drink grandma … drink grandma."
The world’s obese strength is naturally quite large, like Wei Qingqing. How can such a charming and weak woman resist him? When he hears the "hiss" of a dress, Wei Qingqing’s eyes are full of tears, and her eyes dare not look at her husband.
If she knew that Wangfu Shi turned out to be a fool, she wouldn’t marry into this Wangfu. No wonder … No wonder Wei Shiqing said that to her last night. She must have known that the world was a fool. Yes, it must be so original … The original princess chose her, or she deliberately dressed herself up like a country aunt that day, and she was polite in front of the princess because she knew that the world was a fool.
And she was fooled. Yeah! The world is a fool, whose darling daughter is willing to marry Princess Luo and pretend to be a well-designed bureau, only to let her jump in
Shi Hao’s pity mercilessly ravaged her body, causing a heart-rending pain. She could hear the sadness of the new house in Wangfu all night, telling her that she had always been unable to figure out what Wei Yunuo would end up in the riverside Houfu. Now she finally realized that Bai Sanjie Wei Yunuo was going to destroy the riverside Houfu, and that she was tortured and painful.
It’s better to die than to marry such a fool and endure such pain every day. She has no ability to kill the Linluo Wangfu family and have her own end.
When the world is tired, Wei Qingqing gets up from the bright red bed. How dazzling the red color is. She has never hated the red three-foot white twill hanging in the room like today. Liang Weiqing murmured with tears, "Mother and daughter will come to accompany you."
Just as Wei Qingqing put her head on the white silk, a flying knife came and cut her off. Wei Qingqing fell to the ground and cried, "Who is it? Who the hell is it? What don’t let me die what don’t let me die forget it. "
Suddenly there was a sound outside the door, "Shifei, you have no idea of death!" The princess told her daughter-in-law to drink morning tea early in the morning. "This person is the princess’s personal maid. Some kung fu is specially sent to watch the new princess who is married. She can’t let her die. Her kung fu is more than enough to deal with Wei Qingqing.
Wei Qingqing fell to the ground and didn’t mean to get up at all. Now she wants to die and won’t let her die. Why didn’t she think of that when Wei Shiqing said that? It’s so stupid. If the world were a normal person, how could such a good thing happen to her? What’s Princess Luo like? How can you look at just an ordinary girl with your eyes above the top?
It’s her own stupidity, stupidity, stupidity. She’s the stupidest egg in the world. No wonder Wei Shiqing said she’d never see her again. What? What, she knows everything and still watches her jump in? She wants her to marry the world. How can she put up with her fifth aunt’s daughter staying in Xiangfu?
What a great event she is! Clean up the people who have harmed her in Xiangfu, and leave them all with one heart for her.
Wei Qingqing lay on the cold floor and slept for a night. She would rather freeze to death than go back to that disgusting world. She thinks that Wei Qingqing is a symbol in Longxiaoguo. Now think about it. Even if you marry an imperial concubine, it’s better than being a princess … Emperors are normal. Besides, Wen Taowu is handsome and extraordinary. In case she becomes an emperor in the future, she is also a concubine in the harem. But now?
It’s all broken. She will stay with a fool forever! You can’t live without asking for death.
Wei Qingqing kept his eyes open all night until early in the morning, when a maid pushed the door and pushed in the water to wash the princess … Of course, the world was served by the wet nurse, who loved the smell of milk.
Nanny knows that Wei Qingqing is not in a good place together, and that this world is not ordinary people who can serve the sidewalk. "Princess Shi has been waiting for you in the lobby to serve tea."
Wei Qingqing doesn’t say a word or look at people. She doesn’t want to talk, so she doesn’t know what to say. Can she beg to let her go? Let her leave? You can’t all be handmaiden. Where can there be such a profit? Where can she go even if she is released? Now it’s such a broken flower that Liu Xiangfu can’t go back, and his mother is dead. I heard that my sister’s light light light blue is not good, but there is no place for her.
Wei Qingqing’s eyes are angry, and she looks like a living dead person. What is the feeling of crying? She is like this now, and her tears have all dried up.
Wei Qingqing was helped by her handmaid until Princess Luo sat in a high position in the lobby like a victorious lion, and said slowly, "Did Princess Shi rest last night?"
Wei Qingqing looks up at the high-ranking woman, okay? Doesn’t she know? Do you still want to ask her to expose her scar? But she didn’t have the guts to disobey Princess Luo and nodded lightly.
Princess Luo gave me a smile. "That’s right. I think the princess should be able to adapt to the palace here. You can walk around at will, but … you can’t go out of the palace without permission. If you want to go back to your mother’s house, I will accompany you back."
Princess Luo’s meaning is already very obvious. Isn’t she afraid that she will run away? Where can she go and where can she run? She doesn’t want to say anything now, and she doesn’t want to do anything. She wants to sleep. It was a nightmare at that time. Wouldn’t it be great?
Handing morning tea to Wei Qingqing, the handmaid around indicated that Wei Qingqing should serve tea to the princess. Wei Qingqing was numb and took the morning tea for a long time. She said, "Please have a cup of tea for the princess." Her voice was hoarse and not as feminine as yesterday.
Princess Luo doesn’t care about people living and serving the world well. Everything else is called.
Princess Luo nodded with satisfaction and took the teacup, then put a red agate bracelet on the plate and said, "You have to eat, drink and wear in this palace."
Wei Qingqing couldn’t help sneering in her heart that she couldn’t wear luxury anywhere except in this palace. Show it to that idiot?
"Princess Xie"
Wei Qingqing doesn’t know how she left the lobby. She feels as if she can’t see any hope in this huge palace, which can make her live.
Chapter 191 Ordinary sentient beings
I don’t know where to go, or I can go back to that new house.
Suddenly a man pulled her into a cave after the rockery, Wei Qingqing looked up at him and suddenly laughed. "What? Did you come to see my jokes? "
This justice is the princess’s talent and strategy, but it is the concubine’s talent and strategy. No matter how hard you try, you can’t fight a fool.
Leng Qing Ran fell in love with Wei Qingqing after seeing her yesterday. Seeing her like this today, she couldn’t help but feel distressed. "It’s my fault that I went out of my way to save you from hot water."
Wei Qingqing stared at Leng Qingqing and said, "If you can save me from this hot place, I will be grateful to you. Unfortunately, you don’t have the ability, so don’t say these words that make me see hope and no hope."
Leng Qingran hugged Wei Qingqing and said, "There is hope, how can there be no hope? The world is a fool. If he suddenly dies unexpectedly, I will have a chance. Then I will ask the princess to give you to me."
"Don’t you dislike me?" Wei Qingqing is not half distracted and asks
"Don’t abandon if it weren’t for my fake identity you marry now is not me? I did this to you, but I can’t help it. We can wait! Waiting for a good opportunity, "Leng Qing Ran said, promising that Wei Qingqing’s original heart was like dying embers, sparking a glimmer of hope.

Guqing, the master of airway nine-fold, has been injured. If he can take this opportunity to capture Guqing, the marquis of Wuwei, and hand it over to Princess Qingping for disposal, it will be a great contribution for the three brothers, namely, Blood Eagle Guard and Xianmen.

Princess Qingping hates Gu Qing. If he really does this, Princess Qingping will definitely sit up and take notice of him in the future!
More than …
He can also make a small request, hoping to be introduced by her sister’s dazzling Tianzong true brother!
Once the true brother of Xuanyang Tianzong can be recommended to join Xuanyang Tianzong, he will have the hope of breaking through the airway and promoting to Dandao …
Be promoted to Dan Dao …
Thinking of these four irritating words, Wang Shen didn’t care what consequences it might cause. After a thousand blood-flame fighters escorted Princess Qingping out of the city and returned to the west, he immediately counted the remaining two thousand blood-flame troops and immediately came to Wuwei Houfu, which surrounded the ancient Houfu with a hundred years of history in this king’s capital.
As he ordered two thousand blood flame soldiers finally surging rushed into the Hou Fu!
The situation of dozens of guards fighting alone at the gate is indeed worse than that of a bloody flame army soldier, but the four-handed men can’t stand the huge gap between dozens and two thousand, unless they are all seven masters of airway, there is absolutely no chance of winning.
Guqing looked at being quickly forced into the courtyard. The guards of Wuwei Hou glanced at Xu Bingning behind him. "If you want to stay here, just wait for the emperor to do justice for you. I won’t get along with it." As soon as he finished, he had been directly carrying a wall of Xu Xiaolin, and he wanted to break through.
But God Wang knows better than everyone that what Princess Qingping really wants to arrest is Gu Qing, who is more important than rival Xu Bingning.
Therefore, his eyes almost stayed in the ancient green body for 19 years.
Guqing wanted to break through, and he immediately noticed that he immediately shouted "Strong crossbow! Jin crossbow! Shoot him for me! "
With his command, three high points and twenty-six powerful crossbows aimed at the same time, trying to turn out the wall and fall into the street!
"whew! Whew! Hey! "
Harsh and broken, shocking in the dark!
Twenty-six sharp arrows with death cold light roared directly and blink of an eye has killed GuQing front!
Gu Qing’s strength in the face of four flying knives shot out by the seven masters of the airway can easily pick them up and fight back, but no matter how fast he reacts, it is impossible to catch 26 bolts that almost cover his body at the same time, especially at the moment.
After resisting part of the bolt, he had to fall from the side.
Seeing that Guqing was forced back to the court again, Wang Shendu’s eyes showed a trace of cruelty. "Archers are ready! Projectile! "
"Ejection! ?” Wang Shendu’s adjutant is slightly one leng. "The general projectile can carry out the range projectile method accurately to the exact target, but there are still many koo people in the house …"
"Are you a general or am I a general to carry out orders!"
As he commanded an army behind a phalanx of archers composed of 100 people, hundreds of cold light shining sharp arrows were instantly thrown out, and a ray of cold cold light fell violently into the area where Guqing had just stood like a dense rainstorm!
A scream suddenly came out from that area. Obviously, there are many guards or people who have been hiding from Hou Fu.
"Wang Shendu, you son of a bitch, kill us today or I will sue you to a dead body in front of the emperor!"
Angry roar immediately set in the direction since ancient times.
Wang Shen snorted, "Let’s talk about it when you can live!" Speaking right hand again a lift "archer …"
"No, I can’t! Go back to the backyard first! " Guding shouted while the crowd swept up as if looking for something.
When he noticed the Guqing Institute, he immediately strode over and shouted, "Seven brothers and seven brothers can count on you. You are a master of airway. You can immediately break out and go to the palace to tell the emperor the news here and let the emperor personally send someone to stop them! Otherwise we Wuwei Hou Fu even really finished. "
GuQing frowned "go to the palace …"
"You can’t hold on to so many bloody flame troops even if they are at the top of the airway. Seventh brother, don’t worry about so much. Go out and get help from the emperor!"
"Come or not! It takes less than 20 minutes to get here from the palace. If there is any delay in meeting the emperor, it will take half an hour to surf. Can you keep it for half an hour with such a little guard? "
"If we can’t keep it, we will keep it until you come."
Gu Qing shook his head. "Even if I go to the palace, I may not be able to move to help!"
"Go to the palace may not be able to move reinforcements! ?” Gudingzhong suddenly slightly one leng.
"This city belongs to the empire, the royal family, the king of heaven, and the gods have been rushing here from the north city. Do you think the emperor will not receive the news?"
Yet a GuDingZhong face suddenly became a little pale "you mean …"
"It’s not the way to break through."
"But …"
Although Gu Qing’s idea is overdone, it is not much different from the decision made by Emperor Ning Tian.
When he learned that Wang Shen wanted to be a soldier in Wuwei Houfu, the emperor wanted to prevent the "master of Dan Dao" in Houfu from being unhappy. At this time, Ning Tianqi’s arrival made him realize that Guqingping’s infanta did not die at the moment, and Guqing did not really reach the strength of Dan Dao.
The nine peaks of Dan Dao and Qi Dao are two completely different realms.
Although the Nine Heavenly Masters of Airway is the top strength in a dynasty, thousands of ordinary troops can kill a Nine Heavenly Masters of Airway with sufficient preparation!
It’s obviously not worth it to have an official war with an airway master and Zhenxi Wangfu.
In this way, the idea of stopping Wang Shendu naturally ran aground.
Of course, the marquis of Wuwei and General Xu are also important officials in the DPRK. Naturally, it is impossible for him not to move at all … The imperial edict to stop the king and the gods has already been reached. When will this imperial edict reach the king and the gods? Then we will know that the people who have reached the imperial edict know for themselves.
Xu Bing condensate suddenly said, "Guding Zhongge, if I remember correctly, you Hou Fu should have a secret passage to leave the mansion."
GuDingZhong look a whole "how do you know …"
"I heard from the duke, but I don’t know the details."
Before Gu Ding spoke, Gu Qing waved and said, "Since there is a secret passage from Houfu, it will be much easier. If I am not mistaken, the primary goal of Wang Shendu should be me. I will stay here to attract his attention and contain them from attacking you!"

Wang Yue transformed the body qi into water, and a protective cover as huge as a bubble appeared on the periphery of the ship to stop the huge wave attack.

That day, the leader of the Taoist God Aquarium was stunned with a shock in his heart. Just now, his blow was a blow, but I didn’t expect it to hurt Wang Yue.
Wang Yue, a seagoing vessel, traveled to Shenlong Island without being affected at all.
"This man is so strong that I am not an opponent. Is he as strong as the bodhi old zu?"
Just then an old man came to the beach with hundreds of people.
On that day, the leader of the Taoist God Aquarium hurriedly saluted the "patriarch" with fuels.
This old man is the head of the clan of Shenshui.
The heads of the clan of Shenshui clan, although not the strong ghost and ghost, are also half-step ghost and ghost. Compared with the broken waves and Pojun, they are also not bad at all.
Heads of cold way "ceremony, I didn’t think anyone dared to come to my dragon island this time, the heads of the fathers insisted that he have to go back and forth."
Heads of a clenched fist around the water reiki crazy to his body gathered qi energy is becoming more and more earth.
"All back" in a race shouted.
It’s no joke that the patriarch uses the magic water tactic. Almost everyone will be affected by the martial arts.
The patriarch roared, "Let outsiders give a hell."
The sea suddenly rose to form a huge wave, like a mountain pressing against Wang Yue.
Wang Yue’s 30-plus-foot-long seagoing ship looks very small like an ant in front of the huge waves.
Wang Yue nodded his head secretly. This magical water tactic is simply a manipulation of seawater, so that the waves can catch a rare natural disaster in a hundred years.
"Heaven practitioners may not have a chance to survive before the natural power, but it is to teach fish to swim to deal with the strong ghost."
It must be as powerful as ghosts and gods, so although the waves are strong, it is still impossible to stop the ghosts and gods.
Wang Yueshen’s golden light flashed, and the true qi hung over the whole ship’s sharp breath, like a sharp knife piercing the waves.
The huge waves were cut in half by the golden light, and Wang Yuehai’s ship was safely ill.
Wang Yue snorted and the ship suddenly accelerated and quickly reached the shore.
God water gens patriarch was livid shocked way "young man you are a ghost in the strong! What are you doing in Shenlong Island? "
Wang Yue said faintly not far away, "Long Yuan!"
Everyone was shocked that Wang Yue actually came to kill the dragon.
But even if Wang Yue is a strong ghost, he won’t kill the dragon.
The laughter of the heads of the clan of Shenshui is full of irony. "The ego admits that you are strong, and you are as strong as the bodhi old zu of Shenshui clan, but it is wishful thinking to think that you want to kill the dragon with your practice."
The dragon is powerful. No one knows the dragon better than the Shenshui clan. Although it has not yet reached the mixed yuan territory, it is not a ghost territory. Warriors can be stronger than the ghost territory, and even the dragon defense cannot be broken.
Wang Yue sneered and said, "Of course I know that the dragon is powerful. I want to kill the dragon. It is impossible, but a ghost fighter can’t do it. The ten ghost fighters should be able to do it."
God aquarium heads laughed. "You talk big and are not afraid to flash your tongue. Ten ghosts and gods are strong. Are you Chinese cabbage? The whole day may not be able to cobble together ten ghosts and gods in the strong. "
Can ten ghosts and gods join hands with the strong to kill the dragon god aquarium patriarch? I don’t know, but he knows that it is impossible to let ten ghosts and gods join hands with the strong. After all, ghosts and gods are the strongest fighters in this world, and the number is pitiful.
For thousands of years, the God Aquarium has only seen a strong supernatural being, and no matter how talented others are, they will stop at the supernatural being, just like the current patriarch.
Wang Yue laughed. "You don’t believe it, but I tell you that every word I say is true. My organization is called Tianmen. For thousands of years, the door owners have been looking for martial arts wizards in China. Now we have six ghosts and demons in Tianmen, and ten ghosts and demons will be able to get together in ten years."
"I don’t have any grudges with you, and I don’t want to fight with you. You’d better leave Shenlong Island. Our purpose is Longyuan, not Shenshui. I hope the heads of families can distinguish between them and don’t let your people die."
Before Wang Yue’s voice fell, the Shui people shouted abuse.
"Bastards really want to kill the dragon. We will never let you hurt the dragon."
"The dragon is the patron saint of our water clan. If you want to kill the dragon, you have to step over our bodies!"
"Kill this little"
"Yes, kill him."
Wang Yue shook his head and said all he had said, but these people of God and Water refused to listen. In this case, they are experts themselves.

Xu tui was very satisfied that she got a good evaluation on her finger palm ability.

After reading the assessment sheet, Chai Xiao is a little sorry.
"Almost if you refer to more than 5 kilograms, the explosion speed is more than 25 meters per second and the accuracy is 10 meters per second, which can reach ten percent.
The basis can be regarded as starting a gene ability chain to obtain the evaluation of finger explosion ability
You can be recognized as an F-level gene liberator
If you are recognized as a F-level gene liberator, your freshman evaluation will rise to a small level. "
Speaking of which, Chai Xiao suddenly stopped for a stay. "I’ll go to you. The palm force rises to a small order, which is the C-level medium evaluation."
If there is another F-level gene liberator, it will be a C-level high evaluation
You are asking for heaven!
Fortunately, it’s not
You should be able to get a C-level medium evaluation. "
Chai xiaosong breathed a sigh of relief, and my heart was still a little sour.
But it’s just a moment
In a blink of an eye, Chai Xiao came to Xu tui again. "I said, brother, how did you get this D-level limit? Tell me about it?"
"Old Chai, I have already told you that I really found a latent spy. Why don’t you believe it?"
"Is a spy that easy to find?"
"Every year, there will be several incidents of spy leaks leading to heavy losses in journals throughout the season.
Every year, the Secret Service has worked hard to get rid of all spy traitors … "Chai Xiao said.
"That’s not true. If there were no Secret Service spies and traitors, there might be more serious losses," Xu said.
"Also …"
Soon Xu retired and came to the test center of the Mystery House.
As soon as I came to the test center of Mystery House, I felt relaxed.
There are too many people in Extreme College. It’s too crowded.
Coming from Extreme College to Mystery College is like stepping into the wild from a crowded city.
It’s really spacious
There is no one waiting in line in front of teacher Huixinbian.
The teacher with half white hair is leafing through the tea while drinking Lycium barbarum.
"Teacher Bian"
"Well, why did it take so long after the test?" The teacher with half-white hair accepted the assessment form of Xu tui.
"Oh, I went to the limit and tested one with good ability."
After verifying a piece of information, the teacher quickly printed out a final evaluation form.
"Xu back to you and twenty gene basis points based on equal-order evaluation is C-class, and your induction ability evaluation is ordinary.
Can keep your C-level evaluation in place without transferring it to D-level higher level.
However, you mean that the palm ability evaluation is good and can be upgraded according to regulations, and the evaluation is a small order.
So your freshmen’s entrance evaluation is C-level. Is it okay? "Asked the teacher.
"No problem" Xu nodded back.
After confirmation, the teacher with half white hair typed another examination confirmation form and handed it to Xu tui.
"Well, this is your final evaluation confirmation sheet and your order treatment sheet. Your order treatment will maintain this standard for three months.
No problem, just sign for confirmation, "said the teacher.
Xu back took the was about to sign suddenly froze.
"Teacher Bian, are you mistaken? I should be a C-level medium evaluation. How come the treatment here is C-level high?" Xu tui said
Aside Chai Xiao hurriedly gather together to "you little and this good thing. When will the teacher give me a slip of the pen?
Is the mysterious college huixin treated so well? "
"Chai, if you have this idea, you can apply to the school to transfer to the mysterious college Huixin. If the school passes, I will definitely guide you wholeheartedly."
The white-haired teacher’s answer is very serious but also very interesting.
"and this is not a slip of the pen.
Xu tui is a C-level medium evaluation, but enjoying the rank treatment is a C-level high. "
"How did this happen?" Xu retreat and Chai Xiao are all puzzled.
"Don’t you know?"
Teacher Bian asked, "Xu tui, you are a special student of Professor An and the only special student of our Huixin this year."
Specially recruited students enjoy the rank treatment for one year and are promoted to the first grade.

If the dragon is the real person, the returning Taoist will not faint, but will be directly smashed into Yuan Shen’s corpse on the spot!

Even so, this skill is shocking enough!
The original some restless crowd instantly quieted down.
Who dares to despise the ability to stun the Taoist priest who returns to emptiness with a loud roar?
"Who are you?"
Yuwenshuang narrowed his eyes and asked slowly
"It’s a waste of time to stand on the road!"
At this time, a monk slowly got up and stared at Su Mo slowly. "You are finally out of the mountain, Taoist Wilderness!"
Road flyover Huang Wu!
These four words seem to have a magic power to make the whole dry city become very quiet!
You LAN opened his mouth and felt a blank look in his mind.
How come?
Su Mo … He is Arakawa?
Zheng Bo is also stunned for a while, but he can’t turn around.
"It’s him!"
The Great Xia Emperor was crazy and looked frightened and shouted, "I knew he must have killed the Buddhist!" "
Chapter one thousand one hundred and fifty-one Shock everything!
Many things seem to have an explanation when Youlan learns that this blue monk who is traveling with her along the way is a Taoist priest in the wilderness.
Road flyover Huang Wu!
That once suppressed Tianjiao for several days in the north and south, won the top spot of vision, and personally buried the title brother peerless Tianjiao!
That makes many super clansmen afraid and attracts the strong half-ancestors to take the initiative to be a Uber for ages!
That upright mind will lead to the vibration of heaven and earth, and the first person who wants to go against the sky and change his life!
Although everyone in the place knows that Su Mo was hit hard by the strong half-ancestors, his fighting power was greatly reduced, and he may have already fallen into the light of the altar.
But at this moment, when he appeared, many monks still recalled many miracles in the wild.
No one can ignore his past!
It is this road sign that has a suffocating and irresistible deterrent!
You LAN looked around.
Some people are stunned, some people are afraid, some people are frightened, some people are excited …
Taoist monks look different, but everyone is silent, and there is no sound in heaven and earth.
It seems that even the wind has stopped

Duan De dissatisfied way

Ye Fan nodded "yes" without hesitation.
The big black dog looked at Duan De. "I don’t think this goods look like good things."
"How can a dead dog with a bald tail dare to scold you?"
Duan De heard the black emperor say so and bury the way
"Wang! The emperor is the black emperor! "
The big black dog bit it directly and suddenly a big war broke out.
After ten minutes, Ye Fan held the big black dog’s neck and pulled Duan De all over his dog’s teeth.
The big black dog also shouted, "Wang don’t pull the emperor, I’ll bite this dead fat!" "
Duan De didn’t have a fight with the big black dog to see Ye Fan’s veins standing out.
It’s a serious time when every second counts. What’s the point?
Finally, Ye Fan used his unique skill to take out a small piece of big black dog from Shenyuan, and immediately got up and grabbed Shenyuan.
Yu Duan De asked Ye Fan to give the other party a deposit of 100,000 Jin, saying that he had seen him in the God Market and then paid 400,000 yuan to find Lu Chen’s remaining Duan De, which was a compromise.
And the sky is throbbing, and Ye Fan and others are worried about Liu Chen. What are Liu Chen people doing?
Liu Chen sneezed and touched his nose. "Who talks about me?"
He stirred the stone pot with a spoon in his hand. Inside it was a portable mushroom soup with instant clay pot rice, which was absolutely delicious.
Naturally, there are no animals in Shenxu, so he can eat some prepared food.
Oh, technically, it’s not for him. It’s for the little darling and the little girl.
It doesn’t really matter if he doesn’t eat, but if she doesn’t eat, she will really be hungry.
On that day, he was rushed into the god market and was ready to disappear for the dead doll when he saw the array light up.
I didn’t expect that this pattern seems to be extremely incomplete, and its power is almost gone. Of course, the great kill array "almost didn’t" kill a beheader, which is still very casual.
Liu Chen’s enemy artistic conception benefactor Wang Yin resisted and was finally shattered.
In order to prevent the old bang from taking risks and continuing to chase him, he also cooperated with bellow.
After he came to the origin, he was beaten to slag once.
Crush into a ball of meat paste
But in the end, he deliberately protected the secret and mysterious blood-immortal characteristics of the true psychic operator, and slowly came back to life. The demon emperor’s heart did not abandon him and was squeezed again in the process of Lu Chen’s recovery
After living, Lu Chen said to the demon emperor’s heart with emotion, "Loyalty will definitely make up for you in the future!"
But the problem is that he didn’t die, and he saved the doll, but he was trapped in the shrine.
He carefully tried to take a step and then looked up only to find that he was not in the same place as before, as if he had gone deeper into the God Market.
Scared that Lu Chen would never wander around again, he squatted quietly in this small basin and thought.
During the period, he released the little darling and the little girl, and the little darling was starving.
Lu Chen ran away for nine days because the little girl had nothing to eat up, and she ate two Taixuanmen little girls’ fruit.
But the little darling is very clever. She saw Lu Chen’s experience in Wang Yin and hugged Lu Chen’s leg as soon as it came out. "Is big brother okay?"
Liu Chen touched the little darling’s head and calmed the dying little stubborn son. "Nothing will get better. Let’s eat first."
Little darling was hungry, but she didn’t want to eat until Lu Chen said that she was fine.
"Eat well, big brother is good at cooking."
The little darling was full of praise when she drank mushroom soup, which made Lu Chen a little embarrassed.
It’s true that he can’t cook, but he does it himself. It tastes really average. It’s all necessary for fast food production, home travel and the world. He buys natural or high-grade goods, and eats it in a bag of 10 thousand yuan, which has special effects such as recovery


The wolf king jumped into the air.
It’s too fast!
It’s completely beyond Su Mo’s perception.
Su Mo consciously closed his eyes and judged the dangerous place with keen spiritual awareness, thus inferring the general position of the Wolf King.
The middle finger and thumb of the left hand are locked to form a handprint, and a hidden magic elephant appears in my mind. I press it forward and shout "Kill!"
Python eclipses the sun and cooperates with Lei Yin to kill, and then adds the magic seal to explode instantly!
In the process of fighting wolves, Su Mo didn’t move these three cards and there was no wave. This is the moment!
And these three cards are confusing and blocking the Wolf King for a moment.
Even for a moment!
Su Mo really killed his right hand.
Su Mo rubbed his right hand into a knife and thrust it forward!
Four cards are offered by the department!
The first arrival was the Python eclipse and Lei Yin’s killing.
Huge roar instantaneous generate thunderous force almost roar down the stars shattered heaven and earth!
Many Cang Lang around showed a little bit of painful consciousness and retreated to the back.
But Lei Yin killed the wolf king head-on without any pause!
Wolf king chest suddenly generate out of a crimson airflow around the body with blood running around the Wolf king breath suddenly climbed to a level!
The sudden arrival of Dan Dao’s coercion is breathtaking!
The wolf king leaned out his paws and grabbed them forward, easily breaking the golden handprint that fell in the middle.
The wolf king castrated and kept showing his fierce face and bit Su Mo’s neck hard.
Just then Sue ink right hand beheaded.
The Wolf King bites the neck of Sino-Soviet ink and Su ink’s right hand will also poke the Wolf King!
This palm looks like nothing ordinary. It’s a counterattack, but I don’t know that the Wolf King suddenly smells a little dangerous.
If it were him, the demon might not choose to dodge, but he would definitely bite Su Mo’s throat first.
But the wolf king is suspicious and cunning, and will never take risks.
In the face of Su Mo poking at his right hand, the Wolf King suddenly stopped his figure, and with a touch of Su Mo’s chest, his figure flashed back.
Su Mo, like being struck by lightning, fell back uncontrollably and turned pale.
The attack fell!
The wolf king was too fast and too cautious, not only avoiding Su Mo’s right hand, but also taking the opportunity to hit him hard.
This claw is rushing to break Su Mo’s belly, but it was blocked by Xuan Jinsijia.
Xuanjinsijia is, after all, a broken innate spirit. Even if it can block the edge of a wolf’s claw, it can’t stop the power contained in this claw.
It’s like this. With one stroke, Su Mo’s chest bones have been broken!
Even the insides were violently shaken, and cracks appeared on the surface.

"shoot!" Wu Xiaoqing walked forward without an extra actor beside him, but his gestures seemed to be surrounded by soldiers who were always listening to his command. He was able to turn around and stare at the air-the position of the soldiers in the play continued to read the line "Don’t panic, slow down and be consistent!"

As far as reading lines is concerned, Wu Xiaoqing’s basic skills can be said to be seconds kill. These so-called professional actors are performing because they are studying acting theory again, whether it is experiential or methodological, but Wu Xiaoqing is different. His acting skills can be finished and he has stepped out of his own genre-he is a realist.
For Wu Xiaoqing, his "work" belongs to reading lines in front of the camera of the current crew or in front of all the aborigines, but it is different from pure performance. He faces those situations almost completely, and the real actor completes the performance by reading lines. He needs to rely on reading lines to complete the real command or conversation effect-in the war, no director can always shout to him, wear a pair of glasses, and always accept the temporary guidance of the "director" of the search and rescue team, and always remember his performance status and responsibilities, whether he is a knight, a general, a god stick or a god …
No, it can’t be said that Wu Xiaoqing personally experienced all the details of each identity in the simulation, such as a knight riding a horse, a general commanding a magic stick, persuading an angel to accept worship … His actor tried to move closer to the role after accepting the role setting, and Wu Xiaoqing here has perfectly integrated with the role.
Just like now, even though Wu Xiaoqing is completely different from the real rescue Wu Xiaoqing, the director has to admit that Wu Xiaoqing’s interpretation made him see the real charm of this role. When Wu Xiaoqing went back to his small bench and continued to "think" about the play, everyone in the crew applauded heartily.
"Brother Wu," Chen patted Wu Xiaoqing’s thigh and said, "If you had told me earlier that you would play this role, I would have let you play it … What a pity!"
If it weren’t for the fact that the film had already taken a third, Chen Dao would have a new idea now.
Qin Feng, the actor who has received "guidance", has said 10,000 MMP in his heart at the moment. He asked Wu Xiaoqing to give guidance, which means that Wu Xiaoqing can help him-including saying that the director accepts his current performance or teaches him some small movements or some small details-and Wu Xiaoqing can naturally do it through these small details. For example, Qin Feng is like a blind date with a flawed face. Facing the picky blind date (director), he wants to borrow some makeup from Wu Xiaoqing in the hope of covering up the defects.
But Wu Xiaoqing’s skill is different from suddenly tearing off his face mask and telling the opposite blind date that she is as beautiful as she is, and then the director can’t see how the original beauty looks and how awkward it looks now.
But it’s nothing with Wu Xiaoqing. Even after the scene was cut for more than 20 times in a row, Wu Xiaoqing didn’t say a word to help the poor Qin Feng. By the end of the day, Qin Feng had been wronged and almost cried-Wu Xiaoqing’s performance was equivalent to erecting an insurmountable obstacle for him.
114 new address of the company
"elder brother! Here here! "
The sound is very familiar with Wu Xiaoqing. I knew it must be Xu Yan who bought a commercial car or picked him up before wearing that suit. It looks far away, but it always feels like a coal boss.
The rescue is close to the end, and Xu Yan and Wang Yougong are all finished, except that Wu Xiaoqing has to go back to see the situation every two or three days, and the whole work has been almost completed.
A secret contest between the search and rescue team and Shen Changwen also changed the fate of Xu Yan and Wang You slightly. If it was according to Shen Changwen’s original plan, he was going to give them a part of their salary, and then if they needed to pay for them to come back later, it would not be long before people like Xu Yan and Wang You returned to their original life track, and they would become just like they had just seen them.
Shen Changwen seems that it is also the most suitable to control the state and change the trajectory of their lives-he is not a philanthropist.
But the search and rescue team seems to have different ideas.
"Is Angkor back to Ningzhou? Lao Wang and I invite you to dinner." Wu Xiaoqing looked at the car and saw Wang You in the back seat.
This car was just sent to the company for registration yesterday. Xu Yan and Shen Changwen have now become employees of the company. Their official positions are drivers and porters. There is nothing specific to do-their main job now is fitness exercise, so they can play a greater role in the post-implementation process.
Now the company has specially rented a suite in Ningzhou to do the dormitory for them, but Wu Xiaoqing just moved his things because he was too cold and lonely to live alone. Now they and Wu Xiaoqing can be said to be both class and comrades-in-arms
Strictly speaking, it’s already "class time", but after all, it’s the first day of their "class". According to their understanding of work, they still have to pick up Wu Xiaoqing, the boss, to please him.
"Then you choose a place … no drinking." This is the explanation of the search and rescue team. He knows that both of them drink and it is still white, but Wu Xiaoqing can’t drink Elis now. He is always on standby before the stall is completely over.
"Of course we don’t drink when we return the car late," Xu Yan said.
The place to eat is not a restaurant, but when Wang Youjia walked into the house, Wu Xiaoqing also saw the big word "It is only natural to pay back debts" at the door of the house.
"Money is not to help you pay off? Why don’t you get rid of this word? "Wu Xiaoqing frowned and looked at this line, but she realized that she had been forced to go the same way because of debts like them.
"I haven’t come yet … I’ll do it later!"
Wang You’s wife looked at Xu Yan and Wu Xiaoqing in surprise, and soon guessed his identity. She looked at him twice and then went to the kitchen to get busy.
Wang has a daughter who is still doing business in the living room. After the guests came, she was rushed back to her room. Wu Xiaoqing walked around the living room until Wang brought him a cup of tea. Four or five home-cooked dishes were soon finished. After that, his wife took her daughter out to eat KFC and left them in their room to say that Wang had told her that the company was confidential.
"Angkor, let me propose a toast to you first!" Xu Yan took the lead in picking up a cup of coconut juice and said to Wu Xiaoqing, "This time, you relied on Angkor to carry everything … Now I think that I am afraid a lot of times."
Wang You also said, "When we walked into the palace together, I was scared to death … that is, General Wu told the king in a few words."
Wu Xiaoqing smiled and didn’t explain the actual participation. Everyone knew that their actions were ordered by the search and rescue team. Everyone was the executor. Wu Xiaoqing had a pair of special glasses and was appointed to wear his head. He became this Wu Zong.
"We are going to invite Professor Shen in the future. Unfortunately, Shen Hai is very busy and I don’t know where he lives."
Speaking of it, since the company said goodbye to Shen Changwen, Shen Changwen hasn’t appeared again, and the search and rescue team hasn’t remembered him-Wu Xiaoqing wondered if he would give him a message later to ask about the situation.
"This man is really strange." Wang Youping is a man with few words at ordinary times. Today, it is probably because of his family that he is a little relaxed. "When I was living there, I had to stay up late to eat, and I couldn’t eat well. I just thought about coming back all day, but when I came back, I felt so idle that I was so busy that my two companies stayed for a day today … It was really someone’s life that we couldn’t live such a good life."
Wu Xiaoqing smiled and didn’t take this seriously.
The search and rescue team has company surveillance video. These two people stayed in the company today, but they were quite happy. They were all bragging about the company’s brain all over the world. B said that he had found a good job now, and the boss thought highly of it. He also participated in the national secret project … Wang You kept a low profile. Although he didn’t gamble, he was also very happy to play. It was impossible to see that they didn’t even bother to buy lunch, and they even ordered takeout food from the white-collar workers in the company next door.
Xu Yan poked Wang You probably meant to complain that he pulled the topic a little, and Wang You realized that the theme of this treat was "Well, Mr. Wu … we just feel that it’s not a problem to be so idle all the time, just to ask when the next execution will be assured that we will keep it a secret."
Strictly speaking, what Wang You just said is not a complete lie-although they had a good time, they were a little empty after playing, which was different from that there. At that time, although they were tired of dogs every day, they waved their hands, and dozens of people listened to their commands and orders to walk. Some people rode horses, some people chatted with ropes, some people flattered to eat, and some people didn’t bring their own paper even if they went to the toilet. Compared with this life, it was really uncomfortable for them to return to modern times in many ways.
Of course, some of the more important reasons are that they subconsciously feel that it is definitely not a good thing to be idle in the company until they implement their own importance-they can’t believe that pies are still falling from their lives.
Wu Xiaoqing swallowed his food and said, "Why are you in a hurry to go again just one day after you come back?" Don’t want to take a break? "
"It’s not that the horse is leaving … just want to know when … is there a preparation?" Xu Yan said, "If we knew something before, we could do more aiming at it, just like this time. If we knew that we were going to fight before, at least I would watch the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Sun Yat-sen’s Art of War first, so I wouldn’t just toss those old-fashioned hats around."
Wu Xiaoqing ha ha a smile. "It’s not up to us to think about it … it’s good to have this idea. Just exercise more every day. The search and rescue team didn’t tell me about it at the specific time, but it will definitely be until you or the search and rescue team won’t let you stay in the company. You are quite reluctant to let you learn to ride and learn to shoot."
"Riding a horse feels good," Xu Yan said. "It’s just that riding too many thighs hurts … The second thing is to go to ancient times. I’ll find someone to make a sedan chair and carry me away."
Wang You laughed. "You really think of yourself as a county grandfather …"
"This time, we are not as big as the county grandfather. According to China, I was at least a nine-door supervisor in Elis. All Yugoslav capital troops belong to me and they have to do whatever they say …"
"You have to do whatever the search and rescue team says."
"That’s the search and rescue team, that’s my head officer, and that’s the prime minister, General Wu."

Su Mo looked dignified.

Although he didn’t find any danger nearby, he didn’t even warn him, but he always felt that something was wrong.
Su Mo repeatedly probed around for several times and still found nothing.
"what kind of environment can give birth to such treasures as Qixia Xianshen?"
Sue ink suddenly asked
Tang Ziyi said, "I don’t know about Chinese medicine, but it takes energy to conceive such a treasure."
"This island is not surprising, and I don’t see anything. I don’t know how such a fairy medicine was bred."
Sue ink thoughtfully for a long time didn’t come up with a reason.
Tang Ziyi said, "Why don’t I go and get it? If I can pick it, I will give it back to you."
Sue ink slightly raised eyebrows move in my heart.
Tang Ziyi didn’t say it, but she didn’t want to return his favor.
"I’ll go."
Su Mo smiled. He has some treasures and many cards. Even if he encounters any danger, he has a chance to escape.
Su Mo took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the bushes in front of him.
Five zhangs …
Su Mo is getting closer and closer to Qixia Xianshen, and her spirit is getting more and more tense, but there is nothing around her. It’s quiet and scary!
In a blink of an eye, Su Mo is three feet away from Qi Xia Xian Shen.
There is still no danger.
Su Mo dare not be careless, remain vigilant and continue to approach slowly.
Ten feet!
If you want to take two more steps, Qixia Xianshen will be at your fingertips!
Sue ink mood also became a little excited again toward the front line.
At this time, the change suddenly occurred!
Seems to be shaking around a!
Followed by seven chardonnay fairy ginseng surrounded by a very pure cold force.
Su Mo’s imaginary sight is like a piece of white paper with a little black ink on it.
Then this ink dizzy spread continuously.
Su Mo stare big eyes.
The darkness spread and devoured everything around.
The shrubs around Qixia Xianshen were swept away by the darkness and disappeared into a part of the darkness!
Many eye fish in the lake, including the cuttlefish, seem to feel something, and they go into the depths of the lake one by one and disappear.
Even the lake seems to be unable to bear some kind of pressure.
Just now, the waves surged and then subsided!
Someone pointed to the lake and exclaimed.
Seeing that the whole lake seems to have been splashed with thick ink, it becomes dark and smells cold and weird!
isolated island
Su Mo’s feet seemed to be stuck in the mire and could not move.
Seeing the darkness surging ahead, the spirit kept warning, and Su Mo directly offered the extremely fast avatar to condense Dapeng wings.
But even so, he still managed to escape.
His body seemed to fall into a bottomless dark abyss, and he struggled to get out!
He made a move to sacrifice the prison tripod.
But his god knowledge seems to be swallowed up by darkness, and the prison tripod has lost its connection!
The real dragon, the nine flashes and many other occult techniques are released by law.
Su Mo can watch the darkness surge ahead, but he has the ability.
Tang Ziyi exclaimed behind him.
"Don’t come over!"
Su Mo shouted at me.
In this situation, everyone has to sink in!
The darkness came and swept Su Mo’s right leg first.
Su Mo lowered his head and his pupils contracted. Incredible colors surged in his eyes.
His right foot was swept by darkness and disappeared first.
No pain
No blood
But Sumo clearly knew that his right foot was gone!
Because he can’t feel his right foot!
The flesh and bones are gone, completely swallowed up by the darkness and become a part of this darkness!