"What are you two talking about?" Just then Bai Fangmin came out of the kitchen again with two plates in his hand.

Put the plate on the dining table Bai Fangmin just came up and said, "Xiao Qin, did you Xu Shu blow you about his war again?" Don’t listen to his nonsense about that story. I’ve listened to it for more than 20 years. No one has heard it a thousand times, but it’s different every time. Come and wash your hands and get ready for dinner. There are only two dishes left. "
"Great aunt, let me help you," said Qin Shaojie. This Bai Fangmin is a lifesaver. He is really afraid to stay with Xu Hui again.
I’m afraid if I stay any longer, I won’t be dating, but I’ll be engaged directly.
"No, no, no," Bai Fangmin repeatedly waved his hand and said, "There is a small party to help me. You can eat it by horse."
Then he looked at Xu Hui and said, "Old Xu, if you want nothing, go and change your clothes. By the way, call the sunset. She said she would come back. It’s after seven o’clock. Why hasn’t she come back yet? This child is really anxious."
"Ok, I’ll make a phone call." Xu Hui answered and took out his mobile phone.
"Sweet honey, you smile sweetly as if flowers are in the spring breeze ~ in the spring breeze" Xu Huigang put his mobile phone at the door of his ear, but for a while the bell turned out to be Teresa Teng’s "Sweet Honey"
Bell wanted to stop the door and was beaten from the outside, followed by a figure wearing a green military uniform and carrying the rank of literary and art soldiers on his shoulders appeared at the door.
Chapter 446 Xu Sunset
There are many words to make a woman beautiful, for example, people are prettier than flowers, such as closing the moon and feeling ashamed of flowers.
It was a woman who came in. Qin Shaojie thought this was Xu Hui’s daughter Xu Sunset, right?
It is true that the sunset is a beautiful woman with a delicate melon face, but it doesn’t look thin at all. The hair is not long, but it is also tied into a ponytail. Whether it is eyes, nose or mouth, it seems to be particularly beautiful after being carved by an artist. Wearing a military uniform makes her more dashing.
However, people are better than flowers and skin, but Qin Shaojie is a little puzzled. Did Comrade Xu not only fail to study hard in math class, but also escape from Chinese class?
If not, where is his innocence? Why didn’t you see it at all?
According to Xu Hui, his daughter should be a fallen fish and a wild goose, and she will be truly beautiful when she closes her eyes and smiles.
However, the fish sank and the flowers were ashamed, but the city did not fall.
Because Qin Shaojie didn’t see a trace of innocence and warmth in her face at all, it was more like just digging a whole piece of ice from the North Pole.
"Who is he?" Xu sunset looked at Qin Shaojie and asked.
Sure enough, Qin Shaojie thought that this woman’s expression was not like ice. Even the voice and tone of her voice made people feel as if she was naked in the Arctic and then washed with ice water to blow air at the tuyere.
Cold is even colder than Lingfang.
Fortunately, Qin Shaojie has no idea about her, so let it be cold. He’s not going to get into bed, but Qin Shaojie secretly despised Xu Hui.
Or the commander of the Beijing Military Region? Even bragging.
You’re the only girl you blew like a piece of charcoal, but it turned out to be a piece of ice. I finally understand why you worked so hard to fix it. It turned out to be a root that no one dared to take.
Qin Shaojie thinks it’s true that Xu Sunset is beautiful, but his personality is too cold, just like a pot of prickly and poisonous cactus with a card standing next to it. This flower is poisonous let the right one in.
"You can come back at sunset." Xu Hui seems to have long been accustomed to her daughter’s tone of voice. She laughed and said, "Let me introduce you to Xiao Qin, Qin Shaojie and the army."
"I don’t know" Xu Sunset walked to the building with the door behind him and then "pattered" on high heels that were not high.
"How can the sunset be so rude?" Xu Hui said. "At least say hello to others. You have to call him a chief."
Sure enough, Xu Sunset stopped when he walked to the stairs, then turned around and raised his right hand to Qin Shaojie and made a ceremony. He continued to walk to the building without saying a word.
"Xiao Qin is embarrassed," said Xu Sunset, embarrassed. "That’s how many times Sunset has said that, no matter what I do, there is nothing I can do."
"No, ha ha, that’s what women should do to strangers, or they will be easily abducted when walking in the street." Qin Shaojie laughed.
Qin Shaojie said this, but I can’t understand in my heart. Isn’t this woman a dancer of the art troupe? I don’t know what will happen when she dances with such an ice face.
Qin Shaojie has no doubt that if the song is "Spring Back to the Earth", she can definitely jump into "Snowy Night Rose". What is a snowy night rose? It is simple, cold and thorny.
"Was the sunset back just now?" Bai Fangmin and set out two plates from the kitchen.
"Yes," said Xu Hui. "This girl is still coming home with a straight face. How can a girl be cold and get married after that? But now she and Xiao Qin seem to be looking at each other."
On my day, Qin Shaojie couldn’t help cursing my eldest brother, uncle and ancestor. Where did you see that I could see her right? It seems that people didn’t care about themselves just now, okay?
No wonder you want to be a matchmaker. I’m really afraid your daughter won’t get married.
"Where is the sunset?" Bai Fangmin asked.
"Maybe the building changed clothes," Xu Hui said.
The words sound just fell and I saw Xu Sunset walking in a sports suit and taking off his shoes.
"You want to die of the sunset," Bai Fangmin said, and went over to hold Xu Sunset’s hand and said, "Today, it’s a coincidence that the guests just came home and you came back."
Treating his mother Xu Sunset’s cold face was also slightly eased and said, "Mom, let’s eat. I’m hungry."
"Have a good dinner. Sit down quickly." Bai Fangmin said, and put her apron on the side cabinet.
"When we come to Xiaoqin for a drink, we will feel that your little extraordinary speech is also good for your temper. Now it seems really good. Haha," said Xu Hui, and he picked up his front glass and killed it in one bite.
"Xu Shu praised me for being just lucky." Qin Shaojie said modestly and took the glass and drank it clean.
"Good capacity for liquor! Haha!" Xu Hui saw Qin Shaojie kill him in one bite and immediately laughed and said, "It’s really boring to drink alone at ordinary times. I didn’t think that your capacity for liquor is so good. Come and have a good drink with me tonight." Xu Hui personally poured Qin Shaojie another glass.
I don’t blame Xu Hui for being so happy. This wine is a special wine. Yes, but these soldiers drink with a high degree of spirits. The spirit is not lower than that of the grassland white donkey. Although this cup is dissatisfied, there are two or two. How can Qin Shaojie not make Xu Hui happy when he drinks facial discoloration and his heart doesn’t jump?
It is for this reason that Xu Hui is generous and takes out two bottles to get drunk with Qin Shaojie.
"Come to Xiaoqin to eat a la carte and don’t care about drinking. Lao Xu is an old drunkard. Seeing wine is more intimate than seeing his mother." Bai Fangmin said with a smile and conveniently brought Qin Shaojie a lot of food.
"Ha ha, Xiaomin, I’m not bragging." Xu Hui laughed. "It’s no problem for me to drink this wine for a catty and a half. Today, I’m so happy that the troops will pour out after such a small drink. How can I enjoy it with them?"
"Then you can’t bully Xiao Qin, who is your old alcoholic opponent at a young age." Bai Fangmin lightly chastised.
"Nothing aunts" Qin Shaojie smiled and said, "I don’t brag. I’ll drink as much as Xu Shu drinks today. I’m sure I’ll put him down and let him never say that he can drink too much again."
"Ha ha you little" Xu Hui pointed to Qin Shaojie. "
"Idiot" at this time a dissonant sound came out.
Chapter 447 Should you be responsible for me?
I don’t know who the word idiot comes from, but it means people with mental retardation, that is to say, talking and doing things usually don’t go through the brain, and it’s incredible.
Obviously, Xu Sunset was very disdainful of Qin Shaojie’s speech, so she gave Qin Shaojie this glorious title.